Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Year Anniversary Of Musings!

June 17 was the one-year anniversary of Musings On Iraq. I obviously got into the blogging game late. I’d been reading and writing about Iraq since 2002, but I only posted on message boards and comment sections. I never knew how easy it was to start a blog until last year.

This is obviously a labor of love, which takes up a lot of my free time after teaching and taking care of the family. You don’t know how many complaints I hear from them about working on Musings. I guess it’s all worth it. I’d especially like to thank all the loyal readers. I hope more will check out the site, but this is a bad time, since Iraq is becoming the “forgotten war.” The U.S. is likely to be heavily involved there for the next decade so I should have enough to write about in the future. Thanks to everyone that stops by. - Joel


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with you all the time but I can deny that you are doing a very good, documented, sourced job.

M and M said...

Happy anniversary and thanks for what you do. I don't think I've ever left a comment on a post but I've read everyone since first discovering you via vetvoice a few months ago. Thanks again and please keep up the good work. This undoubtedly will become the forgotten war if not for independent outlets like "Musings".

Anonymous said...

Your blog really is invaluable. There are so few places on the internet that analyse problems and developments of Iraq, especially with neutrality, which is surprising considering it's importance. Please keep this blog going!

Anonymous said...

Mabrouk. This is a great site!

nadia said...

Congrats. Looking forward to the next year(and hopefully more,) but please take care not to burn yourself out.

Alex Bratt said...

Keep up the great work! Your work is even more useful now, when all the media-hype is gone...

Unknown said...

As we would say here in Iraq habibi, Barrak Allah Bik, Mashallah. Your work is indispensable and a must read for getting a grip on whats going on here. Thank you for doing what you do. Your analysis on the provincial councils is particularly helpful. Your insight and news judgment is top notch.

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 20 Bush talked with Blair about seizing Iraq’s southern oil fields

  1917 Sir Percy Cox made civil commissioner in Iraq