Monday, January 13, 2025

What Happened With Iraq’s Axis of Resistance And The Fall Of The Syrian Regime?

The fall of the Assad government in December 2024 has sent shockwaves through Iraq. It was a major loss for the pro-Iran Hashd known as the Islamic Resistance who’d gone there in 2011 at the direction of Iran to support Damascus and used the country to launch attacks upon American forces stationed there and Israel. That raises the question of why the Resistance didn’t put up a major fight to try to preserve the regime.

This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 13 Sec State Powell told Bush if he invaded Iraq would have to run the country


1843 Baghdad Gov Najib attacked Karbala to take it from gangs that ran town aligned with merchants and

clerics Slaughtered large number of inhabitants

Friday, January 10, 2025

Review Imad Khadduri, Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage, Memoirs And Delusions, Springhead Publishers, 2003

Khadduri, Imad, Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage, Memoirs And Delusions, Springhead Publishers, 2003


Imad Khadduri worked on Iraq’s nuclear program amongst other government duties. His Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage is a memoir of his life in Iraq and eventual escape to Canada.

This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 10 3 Iraqi exiles told Bush US forces would be greeted with sweets and flowers if they invaded Iraq


1917 British failed at 2nd attack upon Ottomans at Khadairi Bend outside Kut

Thursday, January 9, 2025

5 Month Decline In Iraq's Oil Exports

Iraq saw the paradox of declining oil exports but an increase in revenue in December.

What Happened With Iraq’s Axis of Resistance And The Fall Of The Syrian Regime?

The fall of the Assad government in December 2024 has sent shockwaves through Iraq. It was a major loss for the pro-Iran Hashd known as the ...