Monday, December 9, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 7 Saddam said Iraq going on defensive in Iran-Iraq War 3 months into war


1914 UK made 2nd attack on Qurna, Basra forcing Ottomans to retreat Lost around 200 killed

130 taken prisoner UK lost 10 killed 118 wounded

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

Friday, December 6, 2024

Review Williamson Murray Kevin Woods, The Iran-Iraq War, A Military and Strategic History, Cambridge University Press, 2014

Murray, Williamson, Woods, Kevin, The Iran-Iraq War, A Military and Strategic History, Cambridge University Press, 2014


The Iran-Iraq War, A Military and Strategic History was the third in the Iraqi Perspectives Project that used captured Baathist documents to try to explain major events in recent Iraqi history. The book portrays the Iran-Iraq War as one between two leaders with expansionist visions who had no idea about military affairs. The result was an eight year bloody war of attrition that ended in a tie. That was only possible because Iraq was able to acquire far more weapons on the international market than the numerically superior Iran that had burned its bridges with most of the world. The Iraqi military also improved at the tactical level and relied upon its armor and artillery against lightly armed Iranian infantry.

This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 6 Kataib Hezbollah fired into Baghdad protesters Killed 85 Wounded 130

1915 UK cmdr Gen Townsend sent his cavalry and transport south from Kut so would have fewer mouths

to feed Believed relief coming from Basra

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Money Laundering and Dollar Smuggling Continues In Iraq

Iraq’s Central Bank is expected to auction around $75 billion in U.S. dollars by the end of the year. That is above previous years leading observers to believe that the government has failed once again to stop the Bank’s auctions being used for criminal activity.

Security In Iraq Dec 1-7, 2024

Iraq experienced one of those rare weeks at the start of December when there was no violence by either the insurgency or the Iraqi Resistanc...