1914 Lord Hardinge visited Basra Assured locals that British would protect their interests
Met by anti-UK protests in Qurna and Shaiba
Iraq News, Politics, Economics, Society
1914 Lord Hardinge visited Basra Assured locals that British would protect their interests
Met by anti-UK protests in Qurna and Shaiba
1916 Sykes-Picot agreement approved by UK Foreign Office Gave Baghdad and Basra
vilayets to UK Mosul to France Included independent Arab state for Sharif Hussein
(Musings On Iraq review Empires of the Sand, The Struggle For Mastery In The Middle East 1789-1923)
(Musings On Iraq review U.S. Policy In Post-Saddam Iraq)
The Insurgency for all intense and purposes has died in Iraq. At the start of the year there were no attacks by the Islamic State in the country.
1915 India Viceroy Lord Hardinge said UK should take Basra to control Persian Gulf and
make it second Egypt
1920 General Haldane made commander in Iraq Told to draw down troops to save money for
(Musings On Iraq review U.S. Policy In Post-Saddam Iraq)
1914 Lord Hardinge visited Basra Assured locals that British would protect their interests Met by anti-UK protests in ...