In June 2005, Zalmay Khalilzad returned to Iraq as the new
U.S. Ambassador replacing John Negroponte. Khalilzad originally worked on Iraq
in 2003 as the special presidential envoy to the Iraqi opposition. When he came
back to the country things were not going well. The opposition to the United
States had turned into a full-blown insurgency, and America’s policy seemed
adrift. The reconstruction effort was focused upon large infrastructure
projects, which had not improved the lives of average Iraqis, while the
military strategy was to get out as quickly as possible. The political rhetoric
was about victory, but there was no actual ideas on how to achieve it, and was
contradicted by the withdrawal plans. Khalilzad, like his predecessor ordered
an immediate review of the situation, and came up with a new strategy.
Unfortunately, because of in fighting back in Washington the ambassador’s ideas
were not fully implemented until two years later. This pointed to the
dysfunction and disconnect between the White House and those in the field in
Iraq, which undermined what the U.S. was hoping to accomplish.
Ambassador Khalilzad entered Iraq during a time of
transition for American policy. Both the State and Defense Departments were carrying out their own separate reviews. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld sent retired General Gary Luck to Iraq to go over the training program
for the Iraqi security forces. He said the program needed to be greatly
expanded. As a result, the Iraq Security Forces Fund was given $5.7 billion.
New Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice dispatched Ambassador Richard Jones,
who worked for the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to Baghdad as well. He
characterized Iraq as a failed state. The U.S. was not helping, because its
staff had little interaction with Iraqis. After the CPA closed shop it shut
down its regional offices, and withdrew its advisers from Iraq’s ministries. By
2005, most of the American civilian staff was holed up in the Green Zone with
smaller contingents in four regional bases. Jones recommended that the
reconstruction effort be shifted from the CPA’s emphasis upon large capital
projects like power plants to capacity building within the Iraqi government.
Those projects were not having an affect upon the daily lives of Iraqis either
in terms of services, security or employment. Not only that, but also many facilities
the U.S. was building were too large and advanced for the Iraqis to maintain.
As a result, many were failing apart, because the locals did not have the
skills, management, spare parts or supplies to run them. Jones also noted that
the American embassy staff had to get out into the field, and work hand in hand
with their Iraqi counterparts. These reviews pointed to the two separate
policies that the United States was simultaneously following in Iraq. The
Pentagon wanted to build up Iraqi forces, so that it could withdraw as soon as
possible. The State Department on the other hand, was trying to finish the
rebuilding job that the CPA had started; while at the same time was attempting
to transform the American presence to a regular diplomatic one despite the
on-going insurgency. The two agencies were also rivals dating back to the
beginning of the Bush Administration, partially based upon the personal dislike between Rumsfeld and former Secretary of State Colin Powell. The Defense Secretary had even less respect for Rice, making him even more unwilling to
cooperate with the diplomatic wing of the American government when she took
over. Khalilzad walked into the middle of this bureaucratic turf war, and
tried to find a middle ground that would help stabilize Iraq.
Khalilzad ordered his own review upon his return to Iraq in
the summer of 2005. His major concern was defeating the insurgency. He thought
that the Sunni community had been shut out of the new Iraq, because they were
associated with the old regime. Instead of being excluded, he thought they
needed to be involved in the political process as a way to reconcile with them,
and help end the fighting. All of the political, economic, and reconstruction
policies needed to be focused upon this sole priority. Khalilzad created the
Civil Military Strategic Planning group to go over what was already in place in
Iraq. It found that Gen. Casey’s plans to turn over security to the Iraqis and
withdraw would fail. It also criticized the lack of cooperation between the
American civilians and military, and the exclusion of Iraqis from much of their
work. It advocated for a coordinated counterinsurgency strategy that would use
all of the U.S. resources in the country, along with the Iraqi government. This
became known as the oil spot approach, which was extrapolated upon by Andrew Krepinevich in a winter 2005 issue of Foreign Affairs. Krepinevich was a
former Army officer who went on to become a defense analyst and Executive
Director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and professor at
George Mason University. One of his specialties was the Vietnam War. Based upon
that history, he advocated a counterinsurgency plan for Iraq that would focus
upon securing and rebuilding specific strategic locations in Iraq such as
Baghdad to defeat local militants, and win over the support of the population.
Once one area was secured, the oil spot would spread to the next, until
eventually the whole country could be covered. Unfortunately for Khalilzad, he
didn’t have the authority to remake Iraq policy, especially on the military
side, but he could change the reconstruction plans. As a result of his new
ideas, the ambassador ordered a freeze on all rebuilding work, and another
review of each project to make sure that it would support his counterinsurgency
plan. Parts of these ideas would be later taken up by the Surge in 2007. The
problem as ever was the lack of coordination between the various U.S. agencies,
and the inter-office rivalries, which made that so difficult to
Khalilzad moved ahead with his ideas anyway, and created two
new organizations in Iraq to try to put them in action. The first was the
Provincial Reconstruction Development Councils. These were started in the
spring of 2005 and were Iraq-American working groups to build capacity in the
country’s provincial governments. They were set up in 15 of Iraq’s 18
provinces, excluding the three in Kurdistan. They came up with lists of
projects, which were meant to empower Iraqis, improve their living standards,
and help turn local support to the government. The other group was the
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs). This was a concept that Khalilzad had
helped implement when he was ambassador in Afghanistan from 2003-2005. These
were joint American civilian-military organizations meant to help implement and
support the plans created by the Councils. Immediately the PRTs ran into
problems, because of the disputes between the State and Defense Departments.
There were arguments over who would fund them, who would lead them, and how
security would be provided. As a result, the first PRTs were put out in the
field before they had the necessary budget, transportation, protection, and
staff. The PRT in Ninewa for example, had no protection, housing or way to get
around the province. It had to move into Forward Operating Base Marez, and rely
upon the U.S. military unit there for almost everything. It took one year for
lawyers from the Pentagon and State Department to work out an agreement about
how the two departments would cooperate in Iraq. In the meantime, the PRTs
would have to trudge ahead despite their limitations. Here was the first
specific example of the difficulties Khalilzad would find trying to transform
Iraq policy. He and his staff had come up with some good ideas, but
implementing them would be another issue all together. Washington was divided,
and the ambassador all the way in Baghdad would be a victim of their
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The differences between Sec of Def Rumsfeld (left) and Sec of State Rice (right) helped retard changing Iraq policy (AP) |
Those differences over Iraq strategy within the White House
immediately became apparent. Rumsfeld and General Casey were opposed to
Khalilzad’s new ideas. Their top priority remained to get out of Iraq as
quickly as possible. Secretary Rice on the other hand, became an advocate for
her ambassador’s approach. On October 19, 2005, she testified to a Senate committee advocating for a Clear Hold Build plan, which was another name for
the oil spot approach. Rumsfeld immediately contradicted and criticized her
statements. He said, “Anyone who takes those three words and thinks it means
the United States should clear and the United Sates should hold and the United
should build doesn’t understand the situation. It is the Iraqis country.
They’ve got 28 million people there. They are clearing, they are holding, they
are building. They’re going to be the ones doing the reconstruction in that
country.” Despite those objections, President Bush backed his Secretary of
State as Clear Hold Build was included in the White House’s National Strategy
for Victory in Iraq in November. That didn’t stop the bickering however, as
Rice and Rumsfeld still battled over planning, and refused to cooperate in
Iraq. It wouldn’t be until the Pentagon chief was pushed out at the end of 2006
that things would begin to change. Khalilzad’s new ideas would suffer as a
On the ground in Iraq there were small movements in a new
direction. First, reconstruction funds began to be shifted away from the large
capital projects once pushed by the CPA to smaller ones that would be more
visible to Iraqis, and hopefully have an immediate impact upon their lives.
This was to be accomplished by pushing for the employment of Iraqis, using
Iraqi contractors wherever possible, and including local Iraqi officials and
government in the planning and implementation. There were still major hurdles
to overcome. Iraqis for example did not understand American contracting
procedures, and much of the bidding was supposed to be done on line, which was
difficult for many Iraqi businesses. There were still disputes in Washington
over the PRTs as well, so they had to trudge ahead often lacking the right
personnel and funding to carry out their tasks.
From 2003-2007 the United States followed an ad hoc and
dysfunctional policy in Iraq. There was a lack of planning and innovative ideas
in Washington, and a disconnect between what was said publicly by the Bush
Administration, and what was actually happening on the ground. The President’s
constant statements about victory in Iraq were not supported by the strategy
being implemented on the ground. Rather then defeating the insurgency, the
Pentagon was set on withdrawing, and the State Department was trying to pull
back to the embassy in Baghdad. Ambassador Khalilzad immediately noted how
things were failing in Iraq, and tried to right the ship. Unfortunately for
him, his ideas were only supported by his superior Secretary Rice, who was
unable to convince Secretary Rumsfeld to change course. The results were small
changes on the ground like in the types of projects started, and the creation
of two new organizations to work with the Iraqis more closely, but there was
still not the full support, funding, nor coordination necessary from Washington
to make it a success. Iraq would descend into further chaos and become a failed
state for another year and a half before the Americans course would change.
Kakutani, Michiko, “Rumsfeld’s Defense of Known Decisions,”
New York Times, 2/3/11
Krepinevich, Andrew, “How to Win in Iraq,” Foreign Affairs,
September/October 2005
PBS Frontline, “INTERVIEWS Elisabeth Bumiller,” Bush’s War,
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Hard Lessons, 1/22/09
Weisman, Steven, “The Struggle For Iraq: Diplomacy; Rice,
Testy Hearing, Cites Progress in Iraq,” New York Times, 10/20/05
Great photo.
My impression is that the Iraq war was from the start primarily a war between Defense and State, Saddam being almost incidental.
Beautiful work. 100% on the mark. Khalilizad is the one who fought (and caught the arrows) for proposing Sunni engagement (the military always takes credit for this), eliminating the big wasteful projects, and pushing Iraqification by broader engagement, demilitarization, PRT's, etc... the only way our departure could work.
I have his card if you want to do an interview?
Former Senior Adviser, PRT
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