1950 Tawfiq Suwaidi became
premier 3rd time
1977 Dawa party turned pilgrimage to Karbala into anti-Baath
protests Army called out
Pres Bakr
blamed Syria
1981 UK rejected requests by both Iraq and Iran for military
2001 Rice chaired meeting to go over Iraq policy Agreed
Saddam had won PR war
most that sanctions hurting Iraqi public
2001 NSC meeting also agreed sanctions were not forcing
Saddam from power
2001 At NSC meeting Powell argued for smart sanctions that
would just focus upon
imports to Iraq
2001 NSC meeting discussed returning UN inspectors to Iraq
and how to deal with
2001 Rice wanted review of No Fly Zone Led to less flights
to try to avoid plane getting
shot down
2001 Rice told US agencies to increase intelligence
gathering on WMD
2002 CIA report on Iraq-Niger uranium deal Said it received
text of deal from foreign
service CIA and DIA thought text important State Dept skeptical
On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2002 CIA report said Iraq had 7 mobile WMD labs
2003 Before Powell’s UN speech Bush met with 20
Congressional leaders to lobby them
on Iraq
2003 Rice told Congressional leaders US tried everything
with Iraq and now war only
option Said
WMD would be found afterward
2003 Powell and UK ForSec Straw met before UN speech Both
skeptical about Iraq intel
thought most was circumstantial
2003 Sec of State Powell gave UN speech laying out US case
against Iraq’s WMD
and ties to Al Qaeda using Zarqawi
2003 Powell claimed Iraq hidings its WMD from inspectors
Said Qusay Hussein ordered
removal of
banned material from sites
2003 Powell claimed WMD missiles had been distributed to unit
in western Iraq
2003 Powell said human sources claimed Iraq had mobile WMD
labs Said some disputes
within US
intel but most agreed Iraq tried to buy aluminum tubes for centrifuges
2003 Powell claimed Iraq had UAVs that could be used to
deliver WMD
2003 Powell claimed Iraq gave safehaven to Zarqawi in
Kurdistan Said Iraq-Al Qaeda
had 8
meetings since 1990s
2003 Powell claimed Iraq gave Al Qaeda training in WMD
2003 Chief UN inspector Blix told press never found any
evidence of Iraq having
mobile WMD
2003 3rd meeting of US UK Australia on postwar
Iraq planning US rejected any role
for UN
2003 WashPost editorial said Iraq violating UN resolutions
and supported war
2004 Ayatollah Sistani survived assassination attempt in
2004 CIA Dir Tenet gave speech at Georgetown refuting Iraq
Survey Group’s Kay claim
was wrong about Iraq’s WMD
2004 CIA Dir Tenet said CIA might’ve over estimated nuke
program Were differences
over mobile
WMD labs Natl Intel Est never said Iraq imminent threat
2004 CIA Dir Tenet said Saddam dictator intent to build WMD
2004 CIA Dir Tenet referenced Iraq For Min Sabri who told
CIA Iraq had nuke program
of chemical weapons small biological weapons program
2004 CIA Dir Tenet said US still needed time to find out
about Iraq’s WMD
2004 CIA Dir Tent said in the end CIA would be proven not
entirely right or wrong
on pre-war
Iraq intel
2006 Report MP Mishan Jabouri charged with stealing millions
of dollars for contract
to protect
Iraqi pipeline from Baiji refinery and Kirkuk Fled to Syria
2007 Baghdad Operations Command created
2011 Maliki spokesperson said he would not run for a 3rd
term in 2014 but he did
2014 IS attacked Mukhisa, Diyala forcing out families
Afterward ISF and miltias
killed civilians
and burned homes
View the Iraq History
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