Sunday, September 9, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 9

1940 Mufti of Jerusalem who was living in Baghdad sent proposal to Italy In
return for supporting Arab nationalism Iraq would block British and give concessions Proposal was also sent to German ambassador in Rome Amb said Germany willing to give money and weapons if Italy agreed Italians had given money to Mufti before and gotten little in return so didn’t believe he could deliver on anything but agreed to give small amount of money
1944 Iraq and Soviet Union established diplomatic relations
1980 Iranian F-5 Tiger II jet shot down by an Iraqi MiG-21
1989 Elections held for 50 member Legislative Council in Kurdistan   
1990 Joint US-Soviet statement said that Iraq’s aggression in Kuwait would not stand
1991 UN reported clashes between Kurds and Iraqi army in Kurdistan 16 dead
1996 KDP captured Sulaymaniya from PUK
1998 UN Resolution 1194 condemned Iraq’s halting of cooperation with weapons
1998 PUK sent delegation to Turkey to try to improve relations Ankara backed KDP
            in civil war
2002 UK intel report Iraq probably wouldn’t use WMD without being attacked beforehand
2002 State Dept spokesman mentioned that Iraq tried to buy aluminum tubes for
            centrifuges for nuke program to reporters
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2002 Chirac told press needed to be 2 UN resolutions 1 on inspectors 2nd if Iraq didn’t
2002 Iran’s SupNatlSecCouncil met over impending US invasion of Iraq Decided on
            short and long term policy to protect Tehran’s interests  
2002 Iraqi-American doctor from Cleveland went to Iraq for CIA to talk to her brother who
worked on Iraq’s nuke program Brother said program ended in 1991Doctor one of dozens that talked with relatives in Iraq working on WMD-nuclear programs Info never used in any major reports CIA thought it was part of Iraqi disinformation campaign
2003 Zarqawi hit US intel base in Irbil with suicide car bomb killing 3 wounding 54
2003 UnderSecDefforPolicy Feith said Pentagon prepared for all kinds of
            contingencies for postwar Iraq but they never happened
2004 DepNatlSedAdv Hadley said White House had to come up with measurements
            to determine success in Iraq Ended with 140
2004 Army inquiry found CIA hid up to 100 ghost detainees in Iraqi prisons in
2004 Major fighting broke out between US forces and insurgents in Tal Afar 57
            insurgents killed along with 27 civilians and another 70 wounded
2004 Turkmen claimed 50,000 fled Tal Afar due to fighting Turksh media claimed Kurds
were replacing Turkmen in town Turkmen politicians claimed Iraqi National Guard were mostly Kurdish and carrying out ethnic cleansing in Tal Afar
2004 US made deal with local leaders in Samarra to start reconstruction projects and
            return city council to office
2006 Sheikh Abu Risha and 50 other sheikhs announced formation of Anbar Awakening
(Musings On Iraq article on Anbar Awakening)
(Musings On Iraq book review Confronting Al Qaeda, The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy In Al Anbar)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Marines Take Anbar, the Four-Year Fight Against Al Qaeda)
2008 Maliki govt denied deal with Kurds to withdraw army and Peshmerga from
            Khanaqin dist Diyala leaving Kurds still in political control of district
(Musings On Iraq article on Maliki’s pressuring Kurds in Diyala)
2012 ISI carried out 21 car bombs along with ten other attacks across 18 cities killing
            more than 100
2012 Court sentenced former VP Hashemi to death for alleged killing of two people in
            terrorist attacks
2014 Peshmerga found 14 Yazidi bodies in a mass grave in Ninewa
2015 Abadi removed 123 dep ministers and director generals to cut costs as part of
            his reforms

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 21 Saddam paid Carlos the Jackal and PFLP to kill Saudi and Iranian oil ministers at OPEC meeting for supporting Kurdish revolt Ministers were taken prisoners but then released

  1956 Communist uprising in Al-Hay put down and leaders executed ( Musings On Iraq review The Modern History of Iraq )...