Sunday, October 20, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 20 Iraqi forces and Peshmerga fought in Kirkuk in aftermath of Kurdish independence referendum


1922 Interior Min Sadoun told governors to start preparing for parliamentary elections and to

            urge voters to only elect candidates who would back Anglo-Iraq Treat


1973 Iraqi 5th Inf Brigade arrived in Syria Deployed to Qatana sector in northern Golan

Heights Attacked by Israeli heliborne force Yom Kippur War

1980 US said Iraq invasion of Iran threatened security in Gulf and land should not be seized by


1983 Iranian Op Wa al-Fajr 4 seized 15 villages in Sulaymaniya  

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1984 Iraq held elections to prove legitimacy of Saddam during Iran-Iraq War Was 40% quota for

            Shiite deputies

1984 Iran launched 2nd attack into Maysan Iraqi counterattack pushed Iranians back

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1991 Report Saddam was arming PKK to fight Turkey

1991 Iraqi govt forces withdrew from Dohuk Irbil and Sulaymaniya Imposed economic boycott

            on provinces

1994 US and UK sent warnings they would use military force if Iraq tried to build up military again

in south to threaten Kuwait

2000 UK Foreign Office said wanted to offer end of sanctions to return inspectors but didn’t

            think US would agree

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Report Section 1.2 UK Iraq strategy September 2000 To September 2001)

2002 Czech Intel told US no evidence 9/11 hijacker Atta met with Iraq intelligence in Prague

(Musings On Iraq Overview of America’s Policy Towards Iraq: From The Clinton Years To The

Sectarian War of 2006)

2004 Report Jan 03 Natl Intel Council warned building democracy in Iraq would be long

difficult and turbulent Council warned that overthrowing Saddam could lead to ethnosectarian rivalries and power grabs in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Dysfunctional Democracy)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Future The aftermath of regime change)

(Musings On Iraq review Overreach, Delusions of Regime Change In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq)

2004 Transparency International ranked Iraq one of most corrupt countries in world

(Musings On Iraq review The Occupation of Iraq, Winning The War, Losing The Peace)

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2005 One of Saddam’s lawyers kidnapped and killed

2006 Mahdi Army Badr and officials from PM Maliki’s office worked out ceasefire to end

            fighting in Amara 10 police 15 militiamen killed 160 wounded

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

2007 US Special Forces raid into Sadr City looking to arrest Mahdi Army cmdr Abu Dura

turned into large gun battle Special Groups claimed US killed civilian

2008 3 Iranian Rev Guard members arrested in Wasit 4 arrested in Diyala In Oct 18 Special

            Groups and Kataib Hezbollah members also arrested in Oct 

(Musings On Iraq Iranians And Special Groups Forces Returning To Iraq)

2008 Georgia and Kazakhstan withdrew its last troops from Iraq Both had deployed troops in


2009 Report Japanese consortium of Nippon Oil Inpex JGC Corporation signed contract for

Nasiriya oil field 2nd oil deal since 03

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Continued Attempts To Develop its Oil Industry)

(Musings On Iraq Was The Iraq War About Oil?)

2010 Oil Min auction for 3 natural gas fields TPAO Kuwait Energy Kogas won Mansuriya field

Kuwait Energy and TPAO won Siba field KoGas and KazMunai Gas won auction for Akkas gas field in Anbar

(Musings On Iraq Iraq To Hold Natural Gas Auction Today)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq Successfully Auctions Off Three Gas Fields)

(Musings On Iraq First International Energy Company Pulls Out Of Iraq)

2012 Protest in Basra over better services

2012 Electricity Min said by 2013 4 power stations would open and Iraq would be self-sufficient

            in electricity Didn’t happen

2013 Electricity Min claimed Iraq was receiving 24 hrs of power Untrue

2014 Report Shootout between Federal Police and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq in Baghdad Police raided

            hotel where kidnapped female relative of Dep PM Shaways held No one arrested

2014 IS attacked Qara Tapa Diyala Dressed as Peshmerga Half population fled IS executed 9

            civilians and kidnapped 6 others IS attacked Mount Sinjar

2014 Report Spanish intel said IS smuggling drugs into Europe to finance itself Started with Al

            Qaeda in Iraq 

2014 Mass grave found outside Fallujah with 19 civilians killed by IS

2015 Baiji town finally cleared of IS

2015 Genel Energy said it was cutting investment in KRG until it was paid regularly

(Musings On Iraq Iraqi Kurdistan’s Failed Independent Oil Strategy)

2015 Govt workers went on strike in 6 parts of Sulaymaniya over KRG not paying them

2015 Hashd leader Abu Muhandis leaked letter that attacked PM Abadi for blocking funds for

            Hashd Abadi cut appropriation for Hashd by $1 bil

2016 PM Abadi announced govt would not allow human rights violations during Mosul

            campaign and investigative committee created to look into any Didn’t do anything

(Musings On Iraq Review Impossible Victory, How Iraq Defeated ISIS)

2017 Fighting broke out between Iraqi forces and Peshmerga in Altun Kupri Kirkuk Aide to Pres Barzani claimed it was a govt offensive vs Peshmerga

(Musings On Iraq Kurds Fall Back to 2014 Borders)

(Musings On Iraq review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)

2017 Report Baghdad occupied disputed areas KRG took after fall of Mosul Pres Barzani’s decision to hold KRG independence referendum backfired He was humiliated Regional countries and US all told Barzani not to hold vote Kurdish parties were divided over vote Barzani had no plan other than to hold vote PUK claimed Barzani threatened to hold referendum without it KDP and PUK met after vote on how to deal with Baghdad PUK already made deal with PM Abadi to withdraw from southern Kirkuk

2018 Official results of KRG election announced KDP won 45 seats PUK 21 seats Gorran 12

            New Generation 8 Kurdistan Islamic Group 7 Towards Reform 5

(Musings On Iraq Official Results Announced for Iraq’s Kurdistan, Big Win For KDP)

2018 Oil Ministry reversed its order to transfer 9 state oil companies to new Iraq National Oil

            Company after PM Designate Abdul Mahdi warned against it

(Musings On Iraq Oil Minister Reverses Transfer Of 9 Companies To National Oil Company He Will Head)

2019 Sadr told his followers to re-start protests and take part in national demonstrations planned

for Oct 25 Activist on coordination committee for protests rejected Sadr’s involvement Said Sadr member of Iraqi political establishment

(Musings On Iraq Sadr Joins Protests While Govt Continues With Promises And Crackdown)

2019 Economist said 50,000 projects stopped due to lack of money Govt running $60-$70 bil

deficit Govt workers drain on budget

2019 PM Abdul Mahdi promised govt jobs to appease protests

2019 Tapes leaked of Babil Gov Abadi saying force should be used to stop protests Dhi Qar

Gov Dukhili said investigation found ISF killed protesters Human Rights Comm said some ISF shot at demonstrators without orders

2020 Report Integrity Comm arrested ex-Ninewa Gov Aqoub Accused of stealing $64 mil US

sanctioned Aqoub for corruption

2020 Dep Displacement Min said 5 displaced camps in Baghdad and Diyala would be closed

Said would offer money to those that returned home Part of PM Kazemi’s attempt to solve displacement by closing camps

(Musings On Iraq Kazemi Latest Iraqi PM To Order The Close Of All Displaced Camps)

2020 Gunmen set fire to protest camps in Babil

2020 Fatah members protested outside Green Zone rejecting election results Sit ins outside Basra

            and Dhi Qar Election Comm HQs

2022 Report Man in Baghdad said Defense Min soldiers confiscated his house Soldiers

working for political parties confiscated real estate in 3 areas of Baghdad More than one investigation launched into matter but blocked by parties Officers also extorted money from alcohol stores and nightclubs

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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