Monday, October 28, 2024

Integrity Commission Head Resigns Over Bribery Charges After Accused Judge Of Covering Up Theft Of The Century

Integrity Comm head Judge Hanoun's Irbil press conference where he attacked another judge for covering up corruption and was later forced to resign in retaliation (Al Aalem)

On October 23 Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani named Mohammed Ali al-Lami the new head of the anti-corruption Integrity Commission. This was after the former head Judge Haidar Hanoun resigned in a cloud of controversy after attacking another judge and having bribery charges leveled against him.

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 28 Iraqi Forces massacred protesters in Karbala Over 800 casualties


1913 Secret Al-Ahd Association of Ottoman officers formed Included many Iraqis that would

become leaders and prime ministers under monarchy such as Nuri al-Said Yasin Hashemi Jamil Midfai and others Called for Arab autonomy

Saturday, October 26, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 26 UK High Commissioner for Iraq Sir Cox created provisional Iraqi govt in response to 1920 Revolt


1920 UK High Commissioner Sir Cox formed Iraqi provisional govt after 1920 Revolt led

British to give up direct rule Abd Naqib of Baghdad was premier Had 21 ministers 12 with no portfolios Naqib opposed giving any ministries to Shiites

(Musings On Iraq review Dictatorship, Imperialism & Chaos, Iraq since 1989)

(Musings On Iraq review Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State)

(Musings On Iraq review The Shi’is Of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

Friday, October 25, 2024

Review A Quest in the Middle East, Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq

Lukitz, Liora, A Quest in the Middle East, Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq, I.B. Tauris, 2006


In A Quest in the Middle East, Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq Liora Lukitz attempts to paint the personal and professional life of Gertrude Bell. The story constantly switches back and forth between those two aspects using her correspondence as a uniting factor. The author portrays Bell as a woman who fled the constraints of her upper class family in England for the adventure of the Middle East where she helped create the country of Iraq.

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 25 Jaafar Askari made Defense Min Began creation of Iraqi army


1920 Jaafar al-Askari former Ottoman officer Faisal’s military commander during Arab Revolt

and officer in Arab Kingdom of Syria made Defense Minister Used 10 officers including brother in law Col Nuri al-Said to begin creation of new Royal Iraqi Army

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Between the Two World Wars, The Militarist Origins of Tyranny)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Elections Maintain Status Quo In Iraq’s Kurdistan

Kurdistan held parliamentary elections on October 20 which had been delayed for two years. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) came in first as expected but lost seats.

Integrity Commission Head Resigns Over Bribery Charges After Accused Judge Of Covering Up Theft Of The Century

Integrity Comm head Judge Hanoun's Irbil press conference where he attacked another judge for covering up corruption and was later force...