Arif Brothers Govt (1963-68)

Musings On Iraq review An Analysis of Hanna Batatu’s The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq

Musings On Iraq review Hawker Hunters At War, Iraq and Jordan, 1958-1967

Musings On Iraq review Iraq & the Kurdish Question, 1958-70

Musings On Iraq review Iraq Between the Two World Wars, The Militarist Origins of Tyranny

Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship

Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Burdens, Oil, Sanctions and Underdevelopment

Musings On Iraq review The Iraqi Revolution Of 1958, The Old Social Classes Revisited

Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Women, Untold Stories from 1948 to the Present

Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan

Musings On Iraq review Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970

Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology

Musings On Iraq review People Without A Country, The Kurds and Kurdistan

Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004

Musings On Iraq review Pride And Power, A Modern History Of Iraq

Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam

Musings On Iraq review Republican ‘Iraq, A Study in ‘Iraqi Politics since the Revolution of 1958

Musings On Iraq review The Role Of Government In The Industrialization Of Iraq 1950-1965

Musings On Iraq review Socialist Iraq, A Study in Iraqi Politics Since 1968

Musings On Iraq review State and Society in Iraq

Musings On Iraq interview with Western Kentucky’s Prof Romero on the Qasim govt



Jul 4 Gen Qasim met with 7 of the 14 members of the Central Organization of Free Officers and

approved for he and Col Arif to move on Baghdad and overthrow monarchy


Jul 13 Col Arif gained control of 20th Brigade and began march towards Baghdad from

            Diyala to start 1958 coup

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Between the Two World Wars, The Militarist Origins of Tyranny)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Women, Untold Stories from 1948 to the Present)

(Musings On Iraq review Republican ‘Iraq, A Study in ‘Iraqi Politics since the Revolution of 1958)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Jul 14 Free Officers led 1958 coup overthrowing King Faisal II and Iraq’s monarchy Gen Qasim

became head of state King Faisal II and family were killed

(Musings On Iraq review An Analysis of Hanna Batatu’s The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Between the Two World Wars, The Militarist Origins of Tyranny)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Women, Untold Stories from 1948 to the Present)

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Republican ‘Iraq, A Study in ‘Iraqi Politics since the Revolution of 1958)

(Musings On Iraq review Three Kings In Baghdad, The Tragedy Of Iraq’s Monarchy)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jul 14 Communists had been in contact with Free Officers Called out its followers to demonstrate in

streets of Baghdad to support coup

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

Jul 14 Pro-coup crowds destroyed statue of UK Gen Maude who took Baghdad during WWI Set fire

to UK embassy Tore down statue of King Faisal I Sacked royal palace Dug up body of King Faisal II

Jul 14 Some Free Officers went to Qasim demanding Revolutionary Command Council be created to

run govt but Qasim refused

Jul 14 In response to 1958 coup Pres Eisenhower said Iraq was a country US was counting on to be

stable and progress in Mideast

Jul 14 Gen Qasim declared state of emergency to stop mobs

Jul 14 Revolutionary court set up to try members of monarchy


Jul 15 Deposed PM Nuri al-Said executed by Free Officers Regent’s body taken from royal

            palace Mutilated Dragged through Baghdad streets

(Musings On Iraq review Three Kings In Baghdad, The Tragedy Of Iraq’s Monarchy)

(Musings On Iraq Is Iraq’s Prime Minister Maliki More Like Premier Nuri al-Sa’id Than Saddam? An Interview With Historian Phebe Marr)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jul 15 Egypt sent 2 squadrons of MiGs to Syria to protect Iraqi coup if necessary

Jul 15 Eisenhower admin sent troops to Lebanon to prevent coup there after Iraq’s coup

(Musings On Iraq review Pride And Power, A Modern History Of Iraq)


Jul 16 PM Said’s body dug up and dragged through streets of Baghdad and then burned in front of

Egyptian embassy

(Musings On Iraq review Three Kings In Baghdad, The Tragedy Of Iraq’s Monarchy)

(Musings On Iraq Is Iraq’s Prime Minister Maliki More Like Premier Nuri al-Sa’id Than Saddam? An Interview With Historian Phebe Marr)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jul 16 Egyptian army officer arrived in Baghdad to set up communications between Iraq and Egypt

Jul 16 Egypt’s Gen Nasser gave speech Said Iraq’s coup message to servants of US and British

            imperialism Led Iraqi army units uncertain about coup to support it

Jul 16 KDP declaration said it supported liberation of Iraq formation of republic withdrawal from

Baghdad Pact


Jul 17 New govt made announcement on radio Said Iraq was now a republic and the people would

elect the govt Said there would be a president who would be elected later Called for Iraqi unity

Jul 17 Qasim called cabinet Passed resolutions including ending union with Jordan Overturned

decrees dismissing teachers and students for strikes

Jul 17 Gen Qasim sent delegation to meet with Gen Nasser of Egypt to talk about

            uniting 2 countries

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jul 17 Delegation from United Democratic Party of Kurdistan met with Gen Qasim asking for

autonomy for Kurds Was turned down

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

Jul 17 US and UK met over 1958 coup Agreed they wouldn’t intervene militarily Sec State John

Foster Dulles said that if coup swept into Kuwait or Saudi Arabia there would be an intervention Thought Iraqi coup controlled by Nasser Didn’t want him to control oil

(Musings On Iraq review Pride And Power, A Modern History Of Iraq)

Jul 17 People’s Resistance Force created Was to train people to fight counterrevolutionaries or

foreign intervention Was taken over by Communists and used to go after its opponents


Jul 18 Report Eisenhower met with Sec State Dulles and British Foreign Sec Lloyd and they decided

the US and England would not intervene in Iraq to stop the 1958 coup US said Iraq had to respect western oil interests

(Musings On Iraq review Pride And Power, A Modern History Of Iraq)

Jul 18 Gen Qasim withdrew Iraq from Arab Union with Jordan

Jul 18 Gen Qasim gave 1st press conference Said after security established would be elections

Never happened

Jul 18 Nasser said any move against Iraq would be against United Arab Republic Was fear US

would intervene after US sent forces to Lebanon Jul 15 UK sent forces to Jordan Jul 17


Jul 19 Iraq sent delegation to Syria to meet with Nasser Signed cooperation agreement with United

Arab Republic Statement said UAR would defend Iraq Egypt sent military aid to Iraq afterward Col Arif took matters into own hands Talked about Iraq UAR union Arif claimed he was real leader of coup and Qasim would be sidelined If not he would be shot

Jul 19 UK Foreign Sec MacMillan wrote that 1958 coup govt should be accepted


Jul 20 Qasim agreed to aid from USSR Was meant to distance Iraq from West

Jul 20 UK Amb to Iraq Wright said Qasim govt was opening relations with USSR but London

shouldn’t do anything provocative that might move Iraq into Communist hands


Jul 21 Gen Qasim set up court to try “enemies of the people” meaning officials from

            monarchy Headed by Col Mahadawi Qasim’s cousin


Jul 22 UK Amb to Iraq Wright met with Qasim and other Iraqi officials Assured him new govt

wanted good relations with all countries Said UK was an ally

Jul 22 UK Amb to Iraq Wright told London that UK should recognize new Qasim govt Said new

regime more interested in reform than aligning with Nasser


Jul 27 Provisional constitution gave Kurds recognition as equal to Arabs

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

Jul 27 Qasim govt abolished Tribal Disputes Regulation created by UK Created separate tribal

justice system


Jul 28 Baghdad Pact members met Discussed Iraqi coup Decided to recognize Qasim govt


Jul 29 UK decided to recognize new Qasim govt


Aug 1 Gen Qasim announced Popular Resistance Force as popular militia to support govt

Communists took over organization and went after pan-Arabists

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Aug 4 Govt passed two laws to purge judiciary and bureaucracy of monarchists


Aug 5 Communists organized huge protest in Baghdad for federal union with United Arab Republic

and Yemen and against immediate union which was pushed by pan-Arab officers, Nasserists and Baathists

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Aug 7 Gen Qasim supported march by Communists against federation of United Arab Republic

of Syria and Egypt Qasim opposed United Arab Republic because rival of Egypt’s Nasser

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Aug 19 Ibrahim Ahmed asked Deputy PM Arif if United Democratic Party of Kurdistan could

publish a newspaper Was turned down


Sep 3 Qasim govt gave amnesty to Kurdish rebels Asked Mullah Mustafa Barzani to return to Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 10 Col Arif was dismissed as Deputy Commander in Chief of Armed forces because

            of his opposition to Gen Qasim


Sep 11 KDP statement to govt Supported Iraq-Egypt union but it should not be pressed because

Kurds would become smaller minority Said national rights should be first and that would lead to Kurdish rights being recognized


Sep 30 Agrarian Reform Law issued by Gen Qasim in attempt to redistribute land from large

            landowners to peasants Broke power of landlords

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Burdens, Oil, Sanctions and Underdevelopment)

Sep 30 Gen Qasim removed Col Arif as Dep PM and Interior Minister because he was a rival Arif

called for Revolutionary Command Council as means to maintain govt office but Qasim refused


Oct 3 Pan-Arabists held protest in front of Arif’s house Said they pledged allegiance to him Some

were hoping Arif to lead revolt vs Qasim


Oct 6 Mustafa Barzani returned to Iraq from exile in Soviet Union for talks with new

            Qasim govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq & the Kurdish Question, 1958-70)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Oct 11 Col Arif called to Defense Min by Qasim Got into heated argument that included Arif

drawing his pistol At end agreed to become ambassador to Germany


Oct 12 Gen Qasim sent Col Arif to Germany as Iraq’s ambassador to eliminate him as opponent Arif

went to Vienna not Germany and began plotting his return to Iraq


Oct 19 Gen Bakr forced to retire after Col Arif lost power struggle with Gen Qasim within govt


Nov 4 When rumors spread of a coup against Qasim Col Arif returned to Iraq from Germany


Nov 5 Col Arif arrested on charges of attempting to assassinate Gen Qasim in coup

Nov 5 Jumhuriya paper run by Col Arif and staffed by Baathists accused of taking part in Arif’s

plot against govt and closed

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

Nov 5 Huge protests organized by Communists to support Qasim against Col Arif

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)


Nov 10 Iraqi Communist Party issued plan for Kurdistan saying it supported Kurdish self-

government within Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Nov 20 Iraqi Communist Party and United Democratic Party of Kurdistan issued joint statement

            on cooperation Communists wanted to take over Kurdish party

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Nov 23 National Front reformed with National Democratic Party Istaqlal Party Communists Called

for Iraqi independence and Arab solidarity

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)


Nov 28 Shah criticized Iraq for refusing to settle navigation down Shatt al-Arab Qasim

            responded by claiming all of waterway


Dec 4 Arif returned to Iraq Qasim begged him to leave Iraq again to be ambassador to Germany Arif



Dec 5 Qasim had Arif arrested and held for a month in prison


Dec 7 Plot against Gen Qasim by fmr PM Rashid Ali al-Gailani announced as foiled


Dec 9 Former PM Rashid Ali al-Gaylani arrested by Gen Qasim for plotting a coup Secret trial held

for those involved Gaylani acquitted for lack of evidence Others got death


Dec 10 3 accused of taking part in fmr PM Gaylani coup hanged 15 police and army officers also



Dec 15 Fmr PM Gaylani brought back to court with new evidence against him for plotting coup

Dec 15 US Assist Sec of State Rountree visited Iraq His car was attacked by mob


Dec 17 Fmr PM Gaylani sentenced to death for plotting coup


Dec 23 Were street clashes between Communists and Nasserites in Baghdad


Dec 27 Col Arif put on public trial for plotting coup against Qasim



Jan 14 Qasim said Popular Resistance Force and Student Unions could not do any law enforcement

without direct orders Both controlled by Communists and Barzani in Kurdistan who used it against rival sheikhs

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Jan 25 Gen Qasim legalized trade unions


Feb 5 Col Arif sentenced to death for plotting coup against Qasim Later turned into life in prison


Feb 7 Former Dep PM Arif sentenced to death after being sent away as Ambassador to

            Germany and secretly returned to Iraq Led Arab nationalists to resign from cabinet

Feb 7 National Democratic Party minister Hadid and Hammud offered resignations over Gen Qasim

failing to implement democratic reforms Qasim refused resignations

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)

Feb 7 Qasim formed new cabinet Gave 3 ministerships to officers and 8 to civilians Was meant to

counter Arab nationalists


Feb 12 National Democratic Party minister Hadid and Hammud offered resignations for 2nd time

over Gen Qasim failing to implement democratic reforms Qasim refused resignations

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)


Feb 13 Communists said it stood for Arab unity but not in a quick and simple manner Was

taking shot at pan-Arabists and Nasser who called for immediate unity

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Feb 14 National Democratic Party minister Hammud resigned after his order to ban newspaper

overruled by Qasim


Feb 23 Communists called for march in Mosul to counter rumors of military revolt against Gen

Qasim there

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Mar 1 Mosul cmdr Col Shawaf joined Head of Military Intel Sirri and Cmdr 2nd Div Col Taqbachali

in plot vs Qasim Disagreed on leadership and plans


Mar 4 Communists held large protests in Mosul trying to deter military revolt there against Gen


(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Mar 6 Communist Partisans for Peace held rally in Mosul to counter rumors of possible military

coup starting there Up to 250,000 attended

Mar 6 Officer in Baghdad sent to Kirkuk to talk with Col Sirri to tell Col Tabaqchali cmdr 2nd Div to

start revolt vs Qasim


Mar 7 Marches for and against Qasim in Mosul led to fighting between Communists and pan-

Arabists Army arrested 60 Communists and sympathizers

Mar 7 Officer from Baghdad Durra met Mosul cmdr Col Shawaf Said coup moving forward but

didn’t tell other plotters Col Sirri and Col Tabaqchali the date

Mar 7 Mosul cmdr Col Shawaf along with members of the Shammar tribe led military coup

against Gen Qasim Shawaf declared himself coup leader which led other plotters Col Sirri and Col Tabqchali not to join Made address over Mosul radio Shawaf felt ignored by Qasim Shawaf’s forces began attacking Communists

Mar 7 Army commander in Baghdad didn’t join Mosul Revolt because angry Col Shawaf declared

himself leader


Mar 8 Fighting continued in Mosul between Communist backers of Gen Qasim and his opponents

            Rival army units joined fight

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Mar 8 Coup leader Col Shawaf sent two planes to bomb Baghdad radio station but failed

Mar 8 Gen Qasim bombed Col Shawaf’s HQ in Mosul Kurdish soldier loyal to Qasim killed Shawaf

Ended Mosul Revolt

Mar 8 Govt arrested 60 Communists and sympathizers for Mosul fighting


Mar 9 Iraqi air force attacked coup plotters in Mosul Ended revolt Kurds and Communists attacked

Arabs and looted city backed by army brigade until Mar 13

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 11 Nasser gave speech in Damascus attacking Communists as being against freedom not

supporting Arab nationalism and taking orders from a foreign country meaning USSR

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 12 Nasser gave 2nd speech attacking Communists saying that it would never be able to stop

Arab nationalism Said that Communists relied upon Shiites for support who opposed Arab nationalism Denied that he supported Col Arif against Qasim govt

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 13 Nasser gave 3rd speech attacking Communists Said Communists wanted to spread their ideas

            across the Arab world

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 14 Nasser gave 4th speech against Communists Said that he would stand against the communist


(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 15 Nasser gave 5th speech against Communists Said party was anti-religious

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Mar 16 Gen Qasim signed economic agreement with Soviet Union to move away from England and


Mar 16 Nasser organized 50,000 anti-Iraq protest in Cairo

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Mar 24 Gen Qasim withdrew Iraq from anti-Communist Baghdad Pact


Mar 27 Communists protested demanding death sentences be applied for opponents of Qasim

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Apr 4 Qasim govt approved United Democratic Party of Kurdistan publishing a newspaper


Apr 11 Egyptian press claimed Qasim made secret deal with USSR to protect his regime


Apr 13 Gen Qasim made cover of Time magazine


Apr 15 Congress for Federation of Peasant Societies founded Communist organization meant to

organize peasants to back party’s demand for role in Qasim govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Apr 16 850 Mustafa Barzani supporters returned from USSR Arrived in Basra

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)

Apr 16 Peace day saw thousands of Communists march Demanded role in govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Apr 22 100,000 Communists marched Demanded role in govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Apr 28 Communist paper editorial demanded positions in Qasim govt Turned down National

Democratic Party also demanded role in govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Apr 29 Gen Qasim refused to recognize Communists as a political party

Apr 29 Communist central committee demanded power sharing within Qasim govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Apr 30 Qasim banned political organizing within army Refused to give Communists or National

Democratic Party positions in govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Western Kentucky’s Prof Romero on the Qasim govt)


May 1 Communists organized 1 mil in May Day parade to pressure Gen Qasim to give it role in govt

Led to crackdown

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


May 10 General Federation of Peasant Societies Law passed legalizing peasant groups Big victory

for Communists who were organizing peasants to push Gen Qasim to give it role in govt

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


May 14 Gen Qasim withdrew Iraq from anti-Communist Eisenhower Doctrine

May 14 Qasim rejected idea of political parties Said partisanship would come later


May 20 National Democratic Party said it would cease working on politics and focus on unions and

professional organizations


May 22 National Democratic Party Economic Min said that party suspended its activities and called

on others to do same Aimed at reducing power of Communists

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


May 23 Egyptian press claimed British intel planning pro-UK coup in Iraq Afterward Iraq

            would sign peace treaty with Israel Part of anti-Iraq propaganda by Nasser

May 23 Communists gave up demands for positions in Qasim govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


May 28 Communists marched Demanded appointments to Qasim’s cabinet He refused


May 29 Communists marched for 2nd day Demanded appointments to Qasim’s cabinet He refused


May 30 Last British soldier departed Habaniya base in Iraq as English military withdrew from



Jun 15 National Democratic Party organized protest in Baghdad against Communists Was attacked

by Communists leading to riot

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 5 Popular Resistance Force put under army control to curtail Communist influence within


(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jul 5 Communists plotted a coup to overthrow Qasim Abandoned at last minute

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 9 Communists announced they would no longer call Qasim “Sole leader” as gap between two



Jul 13 Gen Qasim formed 3rd cabinet Appointed several Leftists to his cabinet

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 14 Kurdish Communists and KDP held joint anniversary for 58 coup in Kirkuk city Turkmen

held separate celebration Two sides clashed leading to 2 days of fighting in city 79 killed and 100 injured Army was ordered to put down fighting but many were Kurds and joined in fight Qasim used event to crack down on Communists

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

Jul 14 Anniversary of 58 coup Qasim said by Jan 1960 he would license political parties


Jul 17 After three days of fighting with Turkmen Kurdish Communists and KDP took control of

Kirkuk city

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 18 Army unit sent from Baghdad to take back control of Kirkuk city from Kurdish Communists

            and KDP Afterward Gen Qasim moved to limit Communist Party

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 19 Qasim condemned Communist attacks upon opponents Started govt crackdown arresting

hundreds of Communists Led to armed attacks on Communist offices unions peasant groups Govt came to see Communists as threat after they organized huge protests demanding role in govt

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Jul 20 Gen Qasim put several Communists on trial for taking part in July 14 fighting

            between Kurds and Turkmen in Kirkuk

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Jul 27 Gen Qasim passed deal promising Arab-Kurdish partnership after talks

            with Mullah Mustafa Barzani

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Jul 28 Qasim govt disbanded communist led Federation of Trade Unions, arrested members Part of

            push back against communist influence

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Jul 29 Qasim condemned cruelty and fanaticism of Communists during his crackdown on party

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Sep 2 Govt re-instated Martial Law Ordinance of 1959 Shut down freedom of speech newspapers

and peasant groups Aimed at Communists

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Sep 16 Military court gave death sentences to leaders of Mosul revolt


Sep 19 Pan-Arabists protested in Baghdad against death sentences for Mosul Revolt leaders


Sep 20 Mosul Revolt leaders executed

Sep 20 Kamil Chadirchi resigned as leader of National Democratic Party over member Hadid not

resigning from Qasim’s cabinet for refusing to implement democratic reforms

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)


Oct 7 Baathists made failed assassination attempt on Pres. Qasim wounding him Saddam fled to

            Syria and then Egypt

(Musings On Iraq review Socialist Iraq, A Study in Iraqi Politics Since 1968)

Oct 7 Free Officers asked chief of staff and Baghdad military governor Gen Abdi to join coup and

            overthrow Qasim he said no Made broadcast saying Qasim alive and called for calm


Nov 13 Baath leader Fuad al-Rikabi fled Iraq to Syria then Egypt where he stayed for 4 years

after failed assassination attempt on Qasim


Dec 4 Communists marched in Baghdad to celebrate Qasim’s release from hospital after Baath

assassination attempt Also push to get positions in govt

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq A History Of The Iraqi Communist Party Interview With Univ of East Anglia’s Johan Franzen)


Dec 18 Gen Qasim called Ahwaz and Mohammareh in Iran Arab Started supporting Arabs in

Khuzestan province against Iranian govt


Dec 25 Trial began for 78 Baathists involved in failed assassination attempt Most admitted guilt

Leaders given death sentences but not carried out


Dec 30 Qasim govt passed Law of Personal Status Equalized inheritance for men and womn

Restricted polygamy Set legal marriage age at 18



Jan 1 Gen Qasim issued new law of association promising parties would be legalized and more

political freedom Banned any student organizing and activism on campuses to control student protests


Jan 6 Gen Qasim refused to recognize Communists as a political party again

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

Jan 6 United Democratic Party of Kurdistan recognized as a political party by Qasim govt Had to

change name to Kurdistan Democratic Party Made up of urban Kurdish intellectuals

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)


Jan 9 Communists applied for govt recognition Qasim accepted party with exact same name to shut

Communists out Communists didn’t know Qasim behind move and blamed other party

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

(Musings On Iraq review A People’s History Of Iraq, The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers’ Movements, and the Left 1924-2004)

Jan 9 National Democratic Party and KDP applied to register as political parties


Feb 2 Islamic Party and Liberation Party applied to register as political parties


Feb 12 Cleric Muhsin al-Hakim issued fatwa against joining the Communist Party Clergy feared

growing secularism and Shiite youth joining party

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

Feb 12 Republican Party made up of Leftist supporters of Qasim had license rejected on



Apr 26 Islamic Party founded as branch of Muslim Brotherhood


May 31 Islamic Party called for banning Communist Party and Islamicizing laws in Iraq


Jul 5 Islamic Party issued statement warning against Communist activities in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Jul 13 Qasim appointed Dr Dulaim head of Women’s League as Municipalities Minister Was a    Leftist Communists held demonstrations supporting her

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Aug 15 Qasim began talks with Iraq Petroleum Company to increase govt share of profits


Sep 10 Gen Qasim convened meeting in Baghdad of Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia Venezuela

            to raise oil prices


Sep 14 Iraq Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia Venezuela meeting in Baghdad created OPEC


Sep 30 Communists banned for 9 months by Military Tribunal after a sympathizer was killed in



Oct 15 Islamic Party petitioned Qasim criticizing his govt for neglecting religion while

accepting Communists Called for govt to ban Communist Party and its papers, while releasing any clerics arrested since 1958 coup

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)


Oct 23 Hamza Abdullah kicked out of KDP for ties to Communists while Ibrahim Ahmed re-elected

secretary general


Nov 3 Mullah Mustafa Barzani visited USSR to lobby Moscow to push Gen Qasim to make

concessions towards Kurds Got nothing

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)



Mar 9 Ibrahim Ahmed head of KDP accused of killing Shaklawa tribal sheikh Warrant issued for

arrest Forced Ahmed into hiding


Mar 21 Jalal Talabani gave Kurdish nationalist speech Khabat paper published it leading it to be

closed by govt


Mar 22 Qasim govt closed KDP newspaper Last Kurdish paper still publishing


Apr 6 After talks with Iraq Petroleum Company failed Qasim banned new oil exploration


Jun 8 KDP sent note to Qasim Complained govt not moving on Kurdish issues or demands


Jun 19 Kuwait signed new defense deal with England angering Qasim


Jun 20 Qasim sent telegram to Kuwait emir claiming his country as part of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)

Jun 20 Qasim said that all agreement between Kuwait and England were illegitimate because

Kuwait was part of Iraq


Jun 23 Qasim said Kuwait was a district of Basra province

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Jun 25 Qasim said Kuwait part of Iraq and he would protect it from imperialists and deploy troops

to liberate it Egypt said it was opposed because Nasser against Qasim

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)

Jun 25 Qasim ordered military to come up with Kuwait invasion plan Was going to stage coup in

            Kuwait that would call in Iraqi forces

Jun 25 London believed that Qasim’s comments about Kuwait being part of Iraq could lead to an



Jun 28 Kuwait brought up Iraq claims to Kuwait with UN Security Council

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)

Jun 28 British intel concluded that Iraq was going to invade Kuwait after Qasim claimed Kuwait

part of Iraq


Jun 30 Kuwait asked British for military aid to protect it from Iraq after Qasim claimed Kuwait part

of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Jul 1 UK and Saudi Arabia sent troops to Kuwait after Qasim claimed country as part of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Jul 13 Gen Qasim released Mohammed Jamali Rashid al-Ghalani and Tawfiq al-Suwaidi from prison

Were all former PMs All had been sentenced to life in prison by revolutionary govt


Jul 20 Kuwait accepted into Arab League Iraq stopped working with League in retaliation Qasim

claimed Kuwait as part of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Jul 25 Gen Qasim again claimed Kuwait was part of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Aug 12 Kuwait made agreement with Arab League to send troops to protect it from Iraqi claims to


(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Sep 6 General strike by Kurds in Sulaymaniya and parts of Baghdad over Qasim govt not moving on

Kurdish demands


Sep 9 Gen Qasim sent army brigade from Darbendikhan to Sulaymaniya to provoke Barzani Air

force started bombing Kurdistan

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 10 Mustafa Barzani forces ambushed army brigade starting Kurdish revolt against Gen Qasim


(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 11 Kurdish Arkou tribe attacked army column near Bazyan Qasim ordered bombing of Kurdish

areas in response


Sep 13 Gen Qasim ordered airstrikes to put down Mustafa Barzani revolt

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 16 Iraqi military began offensive to put down Barzani revolt

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)

Sep 16 Iraqi Air Force bombed Barzan base of Barzani clan for Arkou tribe attacking army


Sep 18 Iraqi Air Force bombed Barzan again while Zebari tribe attacked Mustafa Barzani

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 19 KDP decided to join Barzani’s revolt against Gen Qasim Barzani criticized KDP for not


(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 22 After Barzani’s forces overran army and police outposts and pushed back pro-govt Kurdish

tribes Qasim ordered counterattack Iraqi air force bombed 500 villages destroying 270 of them

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 23 KDP was banned by Gen Qasim Several leaders arrested due to Barzani revolt

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Sep 24 Gen Qasim publicly admitted there was a Kurdish revolt but claimed it was put down

Banned KDP

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)


Oct 10 Qasim govt ended military operations against Mullah Mustafa Barzani claiming revolt ended

Caused dissent within military

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Oct 11 Qasim said he would give up demands on Iraq Petroleum Company if it gave up 90%

of the territory it was not developing and gave Iraq larger share of profits Iraq Petroleum Company said no

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Nov 4 Mustafa Barzani destroyed 2 Iraqi police battalions in Zakho

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Nov 16 Mullah Mustafa Barzani asked for UN aid Accused Iraqi army of genocide against Kurds

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Dec 3 Qasim said unless UK stopped meddling in Kuwait there would be a war in the Persian Gulf

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Dec 11 Law 80 Govt took land not used for oil production Was 99.5% of Iraq Petroleum Company’s

concession Created Iraq National Oil Company IPC demanded arbitration Led to talks

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)


Dec 26 Iraq announced it would reconsider diplomatic relations with any country that recognized

Kuwait as independent country Iraq ended up withdrawing diplomats from US Jordan Tunisia Lebanon and others as a result

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Dec 31 Gen Qasim admitted Mustafa Barzani revolt restarted

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)



Feb 8 Ibrahim Ahmed of KDP met with Kurdish Major Karani Passed message from General Yahyia

asking KDP to join with army to overthrow Gen Qasim


Apr 1 Mustafa Barzani ambushed govt forces disrupting Baghdad’s spring offensive

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Apr 18 KDP’s Ibrahim Ahmed sent letter to Kurdish Major Karani saying Kurds wanted to live with

Arabs and ready to work with army to overthrow Gen Qasim if got democracy and autonomy for Kurds


Apr 20 Mullah Mustafa Barzani said he would agree to ceasefire if Kurds given autonomy in

constitution Political and cultural rights and Gen Qasim replaced Barzani’s demands supported by Iraqi Communist Party

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq review People Without A Country, The Kurds and Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Apr 25 Mustafa Barzani expelled police from Fish Khabour near Syrian border

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Apr 29 Govt started spring offensive against Mustafa Barzani

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


May 12 Mustafa Barzani cut off police battalion in Dohuk area

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Jul 1 National Democratic Party suspended activities to protest govt repression of Communists and

            political freedoms Had originally been behind crackdown on Communists


Jul 9 Iraqi planes bombed Turkish border post during operation against Mustafa Barzani rebels

            killing 2 Turkish soldiers

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Aug 9 Iraqi air force conducting raids into Turkey to attack Barzani’s force bombed Turkish

military outpost by mistake

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Aug 16 Iraqi air force entered Turkey to attack Barzani’s forces Intercepted by Turkish air force

that show down 1 Iraqi plane

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Aug 23 Govt census in Jazeera listed 120,000 Kurds as aliens during Mustafa Barzani revolt


Aug 30 Mustafa Barzani forces bombed Iraq Petroleum Company pipeline

(Musings On Iraq review of The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Dec 16 43 day long student strike started in secondary schools that spread to colleges demanding

political rights


Dec 17 Student union members at secondary school in Baghdad that started strike attacked by Pan-

Arab students leading to riot


Dec 27 Secondary student beaten in Baghdad for passing out Communist leaflets Called his father

whose bodyguards beat up offending students Led to protests and student strike with 1 pan-Arab student killed Were more marches and clashes with police that killed 3 more students Protests taken over by Baath and spread to Mosul Ramadi Fallujah



Jan 3 Communists warned Gen Qasim to purge military to stop Baathist coup but were ignored

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

(Musings On Iraq review Socialist Iraq, A Study in Iraqi Politics Since 1968)


Jan 4 Qasim govt announced it recognized the independence of Kuwait

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)


Jan 10 Gen Qasim offered amnesty to Kurds if Barzani laid down his weapons

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)


Jan 19 Was supposed to be 2nd coup plot but discovered by Qasim 80 officers resigned or



Feb 3 Qasim arrested Saadi head of Baath Party and two others for plotting coup


Feb 4 Qasim arrested one opponent as Communists warned of an impending coup

Feb 4 Qasim removed 48 officers from army connected to Baath Party


Feb 5 Qasim arrested Baathists Salih Mahdi Ammash and Ali Salih al-Sadi Wasn’t able to stop coup


Feb 8 Col Bakr changed coup date from Feb 25 to Feb 8 to avoid detection by Qasim

Feb 8 Baath-military coup against Gen Qasim Started with assassination of Air Force chief Radio

station at Abu Ghraib seized

(Musings On Iraq review Socialist Iraq, A Study in Iraqi Politics Since 1968)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)

(Musings On Iraq review Republican ‘Iraq, A Study in ‘Iraqi Politics since the Revolution of 1958)

Feb 8 Defense Ministry where Qasim was bombed along with Rasheed Camp in Baghdad during

coup Plotters attacked Defense Min in Baghdad where Qasim at Military and Baath National Guard began fighting Communists in streets of Baghdad Communists issued call for public to fight the coup Baghdad Communists asked Qasim to arm the public but he refused

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)

Feb 8 National Council of the Revolutionary Command created to run new govt Appointed Col Arif

temporary president

Feb 8 Radio Baghdad called for people to kill Communists who were trying to protect God’s

enemy Gen Qasim Over next 2 days estimated 5,000 Communists were executed by Baathist militia

Feb 8 New Baath-military govt asked Barzani to end his revolt Named 2 Kurdish ministers Kurds

said they would back new govt if given democracy and autonomy Barzani announced ceasefire

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq & the Kurdish Question, 1958-70)

(Musings On Iraq review People Without A Country, The Kurds and Kurdistan)

Feb 8 Kurdish delegation went to Baghdad to congratulate coup plotters KDP declared its

support for overthrow of Qasim


Feb 9 Fighting between Communists and Baath National Guard continued for 2nd day in Baghdad

Feb 9 Gen Qasim asked for safe passage out of Iraq Was refused by coup leaders Qasim

            surrendered shot and body shown on TV

Feb 9 Baathist Gen Ahmed al-Bakr became premier Col Abd Salam Arif president

Feb 9 Fighting stopped in Baghdad neighborhoods against Qasim supporters


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