Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 28

1941 Mufti of Jerusalem Golden Square officers Rashid al-Gaylani had secret
meeting Decided to remove PM Hashemi if he insisted on ending relations with Italy
1941 Golden Square officers decided to replace PM Hashemi with Gaylani if he would
            not change policy on Italy
1963 Mulla Mustafa Barzani said Kurds would go back to fighting government if didn’t
            commit to Kurdish autonomy
1972 Iraq Petroleum Company came to terms with Baghdad over nationalization
            including compensation
1981 Iran told Islamic Conference Org that it wanted Iraq found aggressor and punished
            for Iran-Iraq War and withdrawal from territory
1981 Speaker Rafsanjani later told Islamic Conf Org Iran sure it would win war so
            didn’t want to negotiate
1987 Iraq ended one stage of war of cities after Soviet appealled and new arms deal
1987 During war of cities 1984-87 35 Iranian cities hit 3,000 dead 9,000 injured
            Baghdad and Basra hit 300 dead 1,000 wounded
1987 Ali Hassan al-Majid made governor of northern Iraq provinces and told to end
            Kurdish insurgency Would start Anfal Campaign
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
1990 Saddam warned of Israeli aggression backed by US at Arab Cooperation Council
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s motivation for threatening Israel before the Kuwait invasion)
1990 At Arab Cooperation Council Saddam demanded moratorium on loans from
            Gulf States and $30 bil investment by them to help Iraq rebuild
1990 Saddam said that if Gulf States did not provide money and help with debt he knew
            how to get it
1991 Bush announced that Kuwait was liberated and Iraq defeated in Gulf War Started
            ceasefire in war
1991 Saddam said that Iraq had succeeded in defeating the United States
1991 Jalal Talabani tried to tell State Dept of impending Kurdish revolt but was turned
1992 Iraqi army attacked Peshmerga in Kalak
1999 General uprising in southern Iraq planned following Saddam’s killing of
            Ayatollah Sadiq al-Sadr
2002 Blair told Australian TV Iraq was a threat because it had WMD
2002 Gen Franks delivered target list for air strikes in Iraq to Rumsfeld
2003 Iraq agreed to destroy Samud II ballistic missiles that violated UN restrictions
2003 US attacked Iraq agreement to destroy Samud II missiles claiming it was just
            propaganda not real disarmament
2003 Rumsfeld said Iraq never cooperated with UN inspectors
2003 UN said found no evidence of active WMD programs in Iraq
2003 UN inspectors went to site CURVEBALL claimed was secret WMD facility
            for second time for samples Found nothing
2003 UN inspectors found small stock of mustard gas and some old WMD
            warheads and Iraq built 2 banned missiles
2003 UN inspectors said Iraq had not provided any new information to answer
            questions from 90s inspections
2003 State Dept said Iraq tried to buy aluminum tubes for its nuke program
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2003 UK Def Min report said Coalition had to prevent security vacuum after invasion
            of Iraq and stop Al Qaeda from expanding into country
2003 UK Def Min note to Blair office said UK failed to influence US postwar Iraq
            planning & UK would have to deal with US decisions made for it
2003 ORHA head Garner made 1st brief of postwar Iraq plans to Bush 1 month before
2003 Defense Policy Board warned by peacekeeping expert Perito could be breakdown
            in law order right after invasion if Iraqi police didn’t go back to work
2003 Defense Policy Board told that US troops could not take over police duties after
            invasion because not trained
2004 Iraqi Governing Council said it would draft and approve an interim constitution
            Couldn’t agree on role of Islam
2004 Women’s delegation visited Iraqi Governing Council demanding interim
            constitution protect women’s rights
2005 Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide truck bomb on police and National Guard recruits in
            Hillah killed 127
2005 Annual State Department human rights report accused Iraqi security forces of
            rape torture and illegal arrests
2006 Prosecution presented Saddam’s order to executed 148 people in Dujail in 1982
            at his trial
2006 Report US warned about growing insurgency mid-03 and was largely Iraqi not
            foreigners Largely ignored by Bush admin
2006 DIA Dir Gen Maples told Senate Armed Services Comm as long as Sunnis were
            disenfranchised insurgency would continue

View the Iraq History Timelines

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

UN Inspectors and CIA Spying On Iraq In The 90s

On July 30, 2001, former U.N. weapons inspector chief Rolf Ekeus told Swedish Radio that the U.S. manipulated the inspections in the 1990s. Ekeus led the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) from 1991-97. He said that the U.S. spied upon the Iraqi security forces, tried to find the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein, and wanted to create crises that would justify American military action against Baghdad. At first, the U.S. was interested in disarming Iraq, but a year into the process as Saddam continuously refused to cooperate Washington decided to exploit the regime for its own purposes.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 27

1982 US removed Iraq from list of terrorist countries in step towards restoring relations
1984 Iran captured Majnoon Islands Was turning point in war
1984 Iraq bombed Iran’s main oil terminal Kharg Island Said it would continue to attack
            oil industry until Iran agreed to end war
1984 Iraq used leased French Super Entendard jets for 1st time attacking two Iranian tankers
1988 Iraq fired missiles on Saqqez Iran killing 26
1991 Battle of Medina, Basra US 1st Armored Div and 3rd Inf Div defeated Iraq’s
Medina and Adnan Divs in largest tank battle of Gulf War
1991 Battle of Kuwait Airport US 1st Mar Div took airport
1991 Pres Bush declared Kuwait liberated
1991 Voice of Free Iraq radio station aired broadcast calling on Iraqis to rise up against Saddam
1991 Joint Chiefs head Gen Powell said he was ready to recommend end of Gulf War
            in 24 hrs Bush said should end it now
1991 Bush offered ceasefire Iraq accepted it
1995 Car bomb in Zakho killed 76 PUK blamed Baghdad KDP blamed PUK
1996 Iraq provided new declaration on missile program with more info to UN inspectors
2001 Sec of State Powell got Arab states to agree to new smart sanctions on Iraq
2001 DepDefSec Wolfowitz told Senate US reviewing Iraq policy and how to work with
            groups like INC
2002 UK Def Min said govt had to consider military action against Iraq
2003 Saddam agreed to destroy Samoud 2 missiles found to violate range limitations
            by UN inspectors US and UK said Iraq playing games
2003 Wolfowtiz told House Comm admin had no estimates of costs of reconstructing
            Iraq and wouldn’t know until it got there
2003 Wolfowitz told House Comm calls for more troops to handle postwar Iraq were
2003 ORHA head Garner learned he only had $27 mil to run postwar Iraq
2003 UK Att Gen Goldsmith changed his position that UN Res 1441 alone could be
            legal basis for action against Iraq
2003 UK oil firms met with govt officials saying they thought US firms were getting
            deals for postwar Iraq over them
2003 State Dept paper said multiple sources claimed Iraq had mobile WMD labs
2003 State Dept analysis said creating democracy in Iraq would be difficult and likely
            undermined by internal and external issues
2003 CIA told Sen Levine that it didn’t believe Iraq-Niger uranium deal made but Iraq
            might have been interested in one in 1999
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2004 Deadline to finish Iraq’s interim constitution Transitional Administrative Law missed
2004 Fmr chief UN inspector Blix told Guardian he thought US spied on him
2007 Mahdi Army began attack on UK bases in Basra
2009 Pres Obama announced withdrawal plan for U.S. forces from Iraq by 2011
2011 Maliki set 100 day deadline to reform government in response to national protests
2011 After Imam gave speech at Sulaymaniya protest was arrested and beat by peshmerga
2011 Babil Gov Zarkani resigned after protests and pressure from Maliki
2012 Diyala governor forced to resign after supported autonomy for province
2012 Head of Election Commission said that it got forms to register voters for
            referendum on Salahaddin autonomy
2016 Sadr led demonstrations in Baghdad calling for ending corruption and reforming govt

Monday, February 26, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 26

1917 3 British gunboats fired upon by 4 Ottoman ships at Nahr-al-Kalek, Wasit
            3 Turkish ships sunk and 4th captured
1983 Iran’s Op Fajr al-Nasr in Maysan to seize Basra-Baghdad road ended
1991 Saddam announced withdrawal from Kuwait Iraqi army started pulling out
1991 Saddam called on Iraqis to applaud the army for fighting 30 countries Claimed Iraq
            won and it was a great victory
1991 US 3rd inf Div attacked 52nd Armored Div 17 Div Adnan and Tawakalna Divs
1991 Battle of 73 Easting US 2nd Arm Cav Rgt fought Iraq’s Tawakalna Div
1991 Battle of Norfolk US 1st Arm Div UK 1st Arm Div destroyed Iraq’s 26th, 25th, 31st,
            48th Divs and 52nd Arm Div
1991 US aircraft began attacking retreating Iraqi forces from Kuwait on Highway of
1991 Iraq said it was willing to end annexation of Kuwait and pay reparations for a
            ceasefire in Gulf War and end of sanctions
1991 Bush admin officials said they wanted to keep sanctions on Iraq to provoke a coup
2002 Fmr Amb Wilson arrived in Niger to investigate Iraq trying to buy uranium
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2002 MI6 Chief Dearlove said US would demand weapons inspectors under conditions
            Saddam wouldn’t accept to justify military action
2003 Bush speech at American Enterprise Institute Said that Iraq was direct threat to US
            due to WMD and links to terrorists
2003 Bush said other nations would help rebuild Iraq and US would stay in Iraq as
            long as necessary but “not a day more”
2003 Bush said spreading democracy to Iraq would be an inspiration to Middle East
2004 Gen Taguba handed in his report on Abu Ghraib prison abuse case
2004 Ayatollah Sistnai dropped demand for elections to be held by 6/30/04 but said they
            had to happen by end of year
2007 Cabinet approved draft oil bill Never passed
2011 Riot police broke up demonstration in Sulaymaniya city 1 protester killed
2016 Sadrists joined Friday protests in Baghdad saying they would end support
            for Abadi if cabinet wasn’t reformed Said would storm Green Zone
2016 Kurdish Alliance said they would not give up their ministries to go along with
            Abadi’s reforms 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 25

1984 Iraqis used mustard gas against Iranians to try to turn them back
            in southern marshes
1984 Iraq began offensive attacking Iran’s ports and oil facilities along with shipping in
            Persian Gulf
1991 Soviets offered another peace plan and Iraq accepted it
1991 Iraqi SCUD missiles hit US army barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
            killed 28 and wounded over 100 Gulf War
1991 US 3rd Inf Div attacked Iraq 26th Inf Div and took 299 prisoners
1991 US Task Force 1-37 took HQ of Iraq’s 26th Inf Div
1991 Radio Baghdad announced withdrawal from Kuwait
1991 Sec of State Baker Natl Sec Adv Scowcroft said if Saddam remained in power
            UN sanctions would stay in place
2002 1st war game for Iraq invasion ran at Scott Air Force Base Illinois
2003 Army chief Gen Shinseki told Senate US needed several hundred thousand troops to
            successfully occupy Iraq
2003 Blair told CENTCOM cmdr Gen Franks UN had to play a major role in
            postwar Iraq
2003 Gen Franks told UK cmdr Adm Boyce US not thinking of WWII type Japanese
            or German rebuilding effort in Iraq
2003 Iraqi opposition meeting in Salahaddin, Irbil Couldn't agree on a govt in exile
2004 Insurgents killed deputy police chief in Mosul
2011 Day of Rage protests across Iraq 23 killed by security forces during protests
2011 protests in Hawija and Riyad led to police stations being burned and 3 police
2011 Police broke up demonstrations in Irbil city
2011 Pres Talabani went to Kuwait independence day in 3rd move to normalize
            relations between 2 countries
2011 Maliki forced out Basra Governor Abbud

View the Iraq History Timelines 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Iraq Continues To Rank As One Of Most Corrupt Countries In World

Transparency International released its annual “Corruptions Perceptions Index” report for 2017, and Iraq was again near the bottom of the list. Iraq was ranked the 12th most corrupt country in the world. It received a score of 18 with 0 being the most corrupt and 100 being the least. Last year, Iraq was the 11th most corrupt country with a score of 17. For the last several years, Iraq has received a similar low figure with 16 from 2013-2015 and 18 in 2012. Previously, Transparency International used a 0-10 score and Iraq was continuously in the bottom 10 nations. Transparency International used 13 differences sources from 12 different institutions to score countries in 2017. A nation must be included in at least three references to be placed on the list.

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 24

1917 British retake Kut from Ottomans in 2nd Battle of Kut
1921 Churchill met with French who argued against Feisal being put in power in
            Mesopotamia because of his record in Syria against France
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia)
1955 Iraq signed security treaty with Turkey which England eventually joined Would
            become anti-Communist Baghdad Pact
1955 Iraq got control of Habaniya and Shaiba air bases from England UK would come
            to aid of Iraq in war and continue with military supplies under Baghdad Pact
1984 Iran ended Ops Dawn 5 and 6 attacking Basra after just 9 days with few gains
1984 Iranians started Op Khaibar attacking Hawizeh Marshes in Basra
1986 2nd Iraqi attempt to retake Fao from Iranians failed 10,000 Iraqis and
            30,000 Iranians killed
1986 Iran’s Wa al-Fajr 9 attacked Sulaymaniya to try to draw Iraqi forces away from
            Fao Peninsula Basra
1986 UN Resolution 582 deplored use of chemical weapons in Iran-Iraq War but
            didn’t say who was using them
1986 UN Resolution 582 also called for immediate cease-fire in Iran-Iraq War
1990 Saddam gave speech about liberating Jerusalem and warning US could take
            over Persian Gulf
1990 Saddam was trying to determine Israel’s policy towards Iraq before he decied
            to invade Kuwait
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s motivation for threatening Israel before the Kuwait invasion)
1991 U.S. led Coalition attacked Iraqi ground forces to liberate Kuwait in Operation
            Desert Sabr
1991 US-Saudi Voice of Free Iraq began broadcasting calling on Iraqis to rise up and
            overthrow Saddam Allawi and Iraqi National Accord also part of radio station
1991 Saddam told aides that Coalition airpower would limit troop movement but
            Iraqi soldiers were better because of experience in Iran-Iraq War
1991 Saddam and aides believed that U.S. casualties would lead to end of Gulf War
2001 Powell said Iraq had not developed any significant WMD capability and UN
            sanctions worked
2002 CENTCOM intel staff completed first draft of intel estimate for Iraq invasion
2003 US UK Spain tabled 2nd draft resolution to UN saying Iraq had not taken
            opportunity to disarm 
2003 Russia France Germany tabled counter draft resolution at UN calling for step by
            step disarmament process in Iraq
2003 Turkish cabinet agreed to allow US forces to be deployed for Iraq invasion in
            return for $1 bil in aid
2003 Turkish Foreign Min asked US for $92 bil in aid and allowing Turkish troops into
            Kurdistan in return for US using Turkey for Iraq invasion
2003 CIA denied Newsweek story that Hussein Kamal claimed Iraq destroyed its
            WMD in 90s He did say that
2003 NSC meeting on Iraq oil sector Said US should not determine industry Went over
            rebuilding and getting sector back on line after war
2003 Bush told NSC important to get Iraqis to be seen running oil sector after war
2003 Bush worried about oil shocks due to invasion Saudis said they would handle prices
2003 US outlined general humanitarian relief plan for postwar Iraq including finances and
2011 All universities and institutes in Irbil closed to stop student protests
2011 Kurdistan Students’ Union told students in Irbil had to end protests or all
            services at school would be closed to them
2011 Protests in Halabja turned violent as govt building burned and 3 died
2011 Kurdish protests spread to southern Kirkuk province
2014 ISIS released statement in Ninewa attacking Maliki and telling people not to vote in
2016 Sources said Iran told Abadi he needed to keep Shiite quotas in any new govt

View the Iraq History Timelines 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Security In Iraq, Feb 15-21, 2018

The number of security incidents dropped slightly in Iraq during the third week of February 2018. That was due to a decline in violence in Diyala and Salahaddin. There were a high number of casualties however, which were caused by more mass graves with Islamic State victims being found.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 23

1946 Tawfiq Suwaidi became premier for 2nd time
1959 Communists called for march in Mosul to counter rumors of military revolt
            against Gen Qassim there
(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)
1980 Start of major military operation against Kurds
1986 2nd Iraq counterattack to re-capture Fao Peninsula Failed
1986 KDP launched preparatory attacks in Sulaymaniya to support Iranian offensive
            starting next day in area
1988 1st Anfal Campaign targeted PUK HQ in Jafati Valley, Sulaymaniya
            Yakhsamar Sergalou Bergalou attacked
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
1991 Iraq said it agreed to Soviet peace plan and would withdraw from Kuwait
1991 UN Security Council met Western countries said they weren’t interested in Soviet
            peace plan
1991 Bush ordered Gen Schwarzkop to expel Iraq from Kuwait
1994 Saddam diverted Tigris into southern marshes to put down rebels there
1996 Hussein and Saddam Kamal killed by uncle Ali Hassan al-Majid and members of
tribe after talked into returning to Iraq
1998 UN negotiated Iraq working with UN inspectors again including unrestricted visits,
            but didn’t work
1998 Bin Laden issued fatwa against US sanctions on Iraq and calling for attacks
            against it
1999 State Dept denied that US was using UN inspectors to spy on Iraq but it was
2004 UN Rep Brahimi report said earliest Iraq could hold elections was late 2004-early
2006 Iraqi govt ordered curfew in Baghdad Salahaddin Diyala Babil after Samarra
2006 US report Sadr changed order to kill all Sunnis in east Baghdad Were to be
            taken to Sadr City to be executed instead
2006 US report Iraqi army and police assisting Mahdi Army to kill Sunnis in east
2006 Insurgents stopped vehicles in Baquba and executed 47 people who were heading
            to protest against Samarra bombing
2006 Sunnis withdrew from talks with United Iraqi Alliance over new govt saying
            authorities were not preventing revenge attacks after Samarra bombing
2006 Sec Gen of Iraqi National Dialogue Front Hayan said revenge attacks after Samarra
            bombing were how a civil war started
2006 Assoc of Muslim Scholars said 168 Sunni mosques attacked 10 imams killed
            15 abducted after Samarra bombing
2006 Interior Min said 18 Sunnis mosques in Baghdad attacked 1 imam killed 1 kidnapped
2006 Study Iran supported Mahdi Army and violence in Iraq while backing Shiite
            parties and Iraqi govt
2007 US Special Forces arrested Ammar Hakim on trip back from Tehran Was only
            released upon protest of Gen Petraeus
2008 Sadr said he failed because US still occupying Iraq and many of his followers
            had left his movement
2011 National Reconciliation Min announced that 5 insurgent groups had agreed
            to join politics
2016 Kurdish Alliance said they didn’t support Abadi’s reform program and wanted
            their quota of positions in his new cabinet

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Iraqi Army Supplied Pro-Iran Hashd With U.S. Abrams Tanks

In February 2018 the Pentagon’s Inspector General (IG) reported that pro-Iran Hashd groups had nine M1A1 Abrams tanks that were originally sold to the Iraqi army. The IG said that some of the tanks were taken by the Hashd from ISIS. During the end of 2017 a few of those tanks were returned to the Iraqi forces. According to a spokesman from the U.S. led Coalition that talked with The Daily Beast the Americans are working with Baghdad to ensure that all nine tanks are back in the army’s hands. The Daily Beast added that several of the nine Abrams were given to the Hashd by the same Iraqi military. That should have come as no surprise. The Abrams tank requires a huge supply chain. That includes 120mm smooth bore ammunition, technical teams to maintain the computer systems, etc. The Hashd do not have those capabilities unless they were supported by the Iraqi military. The Hashd had these tanks since at least 2015, and there was no way they could have kept them running unless the government forces were involved. The irony is that Prime Minister Haidar Abadi has had running feuds with these same pro-Tehran groups over his support of the U.S. and their role in the war against the Islamic State yet they still got some advanced tanks. Those same differences may mean that the Hashd are in no rush to give them back.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 22

1921 War Min Churchill wrote PM George that he thought an Arab govt should
            be created to run Mesopotamia for UK
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia)
1981 Iran rejected UN attempts to negotiate ceasefire as long as Iraqi troops were
            on Iranian territory
1984 Iraq’s attacks on Iranian cities stopped ending 1st War of the Cities
1988 Iraq renewed war of cities by firing missiles at Tehran Iraq wanted to provoke
            UN to get involved again with peace talks
1991 Iraq set Kuwait oil fields on fire
1991 Report Saudis tried to organize Iraqi exiles for post-Saddam Iraq
1998 Newsweek poll showed US support for military action against Iraq dropped from
            40 to 18%
1999 SCIRI UK Rep Bayati said overthrowing Saddam should be done by Iraqis without
            outside interference
2003 Bush administration officially announced it was deploying forces for invasion
            Actually started Dec 02
2003 Spanish Pres Aznar visited Bush Had group call with Blair and Italian Premier
            Berlusconi Decided on 2nd UN resolution on Iraq
2003 ORHA drill found US would not have enough troops for Iraq postwar security
2003 ORHA worried not enough funding for postwar Iraq that could leave behind
            unstable country
2003 ORHA found US had no plans for what kind of govt they wanted in Iraq and
            how to achieve it
2003 ORHA Dep Head thought US had faulty assumptions overly optimistic lacked
            reality on what postwar Iraq would be like
2005 Dawa’s Jaafari became UIA candidate for premier following Jan elections
2006 Zarqawi bombed Askari shrine in Samarra 25 Sunni mosques in Samarra 27
            in Baghdad attacked 3 imam killed 1 kidnapped
2006 US immediately got intel Zarqawi behind Askari shrine bombing Tunisian and
            4 Saudis from Al Qaeda in Iraq did bombing
2006 Tunisian Al Qaeda in Iraq bomber was arrested in June 2006 and explained
2006 US report Sadr gave orders to kill Wahabis in east Baghdad in retaliation for
            Samarra bombing Meant Sunnis
2006 Al Qaeda in Iraq blamed Baghdad and Shiite militias for Samarra bombing to
            incite attacks on Sunnis
2006 Other insurgent groups blamed Baghdad for Samarra bombing and claimed govt
            was allowing attacks upon Sunni mosques
2006 Sadr offices spread rumor that US military vehicles were seen around Samarra
            shrine before bombing to lay blame on US
2006 Iran blamed US for Samarra bombing
2006 Ayatollah Sistani called for 7 days of mourning peaceful protets and prohibited
            attacks upon Sunnis in wake of Samarra bombing
2006 SCIRI head Hakim blamed US for Samarra bombing claiming it gave aid to
2008 Sadr renewed his freeze on Mahdi Army
2011 Independent Nalya Radio and TV station was set afire in Sulaymaniya probably
            by KDP supporters
2015 Sadr called for followers to protests in Baghdad next Friday calling for reforms

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Short Or Long-Term Occupation Of Iraq

Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq said there were two ideas within the Bush administration on post-war Iraq plans. One scenario was that the U.S. would quickly turn over power to Iraqis like what happened in Afghanistan. The other plan was much longer and consisted of the U.S. ruling Iraq and eventually transitioning over to an Iraqi government. President Bush was initially for the first concept as he was against nation building, but then quickly switched over to the long-term plan when the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) was created. That showed the president had no over-arching view of post-Saddam Iraq, and went with whatever his advisers at the time suggested.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 21

1922 UK Sec of War Evans told Foreign Office it should back King Faisal because
            that would allow UK to exit Iraq and escape expenses of running country
1984 Iraq warned that it could use chemical weapons against next Iranian offensive
1986 Iraq fired poison gas shells at Iranians in Fao Peninsula Bad weather dissipated
1991 Russia announced proposal for Iraq withdrawal from Kuwait in return
            for lifting of sanctions US rejected offer
1999 Govt killed 20 protesting assassination of Ayatollah Sadiq al-Sadr by Saddam
            and arrested 250 across Iraq
2002 Fmr Amb Joseph Wilson left for Niger to investigate Iraq buying uranium from it
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 ORHA staff met in DC to have run through their Iraq postwar plans
2003 Blair met Bush at Camp David to reaffirm their alliance to remove Saddam
2004 Report US did not brief UN inspectors on 21 of 105 WMD sites in Iraq US claimed
            it gave info on all sites
2004 UN Secretary General Annan said UN was ready to assist Iraq with elections but
            couldn’t happen before end of June 2004
2006 PBS Frontline show “The Insurgency” said Iraqi insurgency expanded and
            Islamists replaced former regime members as leaders
2008 Op Sun 800 Turkish troops entered Kurdistan to attack PKK
2011 Group of men attacked protesters in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square while police looked on
2015 National Alliance MPs complained that Abadi didn’t consult with them about his
2015 Sadrists said Abadi missed great chance to reform country Sadrists had been
            Abadi’s main supporters

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 20

1940 Gen Umari Mosul garrison commander attempted coup rather than be forced
            to resign by Regent Put down by Golden Square officers
1969 Bakr govt executed opponents in central Baghdad
1985 US and Soviet officials met to discuss ways to end Iran-Iraq War Nothing
            came of it
1991 US 1st Cav Div launched large attack into Iraq Engaged 7 Iraqi divisions
            to deceive Iraqis on where invasion would come from
1995 KDP and PUK resumed fighting in Rawandaz ending ceasefire
1996 Hussein Kamal and brother Saddam Kamal accepted pardon from Saddam
            and returned to Iraq Were later killed
1998 UN Sec Gen Annan met with Saddam to try to restart UN weapons inspections
1998 U.N. report said Iraq’s electricity situation was in dire straights
1998 UN Res 1153 increased Iraq’s exports from $2 bil in oil each 6 months to $5.2 bil
            and expanded imports from food and medicine to infrastructure needs
1999 Supreme Council accused govt of killing Ayatollah Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr
2002 Secret CIA team entered Kurdistan to prepare for ops inside Iraq called
            Northern Iraq Liaison Elements
2002 CIA gave fmr Amb Johseph Wilson talking points for his trip to Niger to
            investigate Iraq-Niger uranium deal
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2002 UK Joint Intel Comm chief Scarlett briefed For Sec Cook on Iraq’s WMD Cook
            thought Iraq didn’t have capability for large scale WMD attack
2003 Chief UN Inspector Blix told Blair intelligence he’d gotten wasn’t great and
            maybe Iraq didn’t have much WMD
2003 UN sources told press US intel on Iraq WMD was not turning up anything
2003 Report interviews with Iraqi scientists by inspectors had not turned up any evidence
            of a nuclear program
2012 Saudi Arabia named its Jordan Ambassador as non-resident ambassador to Iraq as
            relations were slowly improving
2013 Iraq signed deal to build natural gas pipeline from Iran across Iraq to Syria
2016 Abadi said financial crisis meant reforms needed Called for end of quota
            system in govt
2016 Sadr created committee to nominate technocrats for Abadi’s new cabinet

 View the Iraq History Timelines 

Monday, February 19, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 19

1949 PM Said said Jews had been mistreated in Iraq and warned that things
            could get worse for them due to Israel
1963 New Arif govt started talks with Mustafa Barzani and KDP to end Kurdish
1986 US condemned Iraq’s use of chemical weapons against Iran in Fao Peninsula
            in Basra Iran-Iraq War
1987 NSC official said US attempted to assist Iraq in Iran-Iraq War without
            providing it with arms
1990 Saddam demanded that US warships leave the Persian Gulf
1991 US 1st Cav division launched probing attack into Iraq
1995 Saddam representatives met with bin Laden in Sudan who asked for
            broadcast of jihadist lectured and asked for joint ops against Saudis
1995 Iraq-bin Laden meeting confirmed in Iraqi intel report Only confirmed meeting
            between two sides
1996 Saddam’s son-in-law Hussein Kamal sent letter to Iraq asking about returning to
            country after defected to Jordan
1998 Blair said UN weapons inspections had to continue or action would be taken against
1998 Comm for Peace and Security in the Gulf publishes letter to Clinton saying US
            should overthrow Saddam
1998 Report Al Qaeda operative was to travel to Iraq to talk with govt False story
1999 Followers of Ayatollah Sadr met in Saddam City after his assassination by govt
Fired upon by army 80 killed Led to more protests
2002 CIA met with fmr Amb Joseph Wilson to ask if he would go to Niger to
            investigate alleged Iraq yellowcake deal  
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 ORHA head Garner briefed Natl Sec Adv Rice to use Iraqi army and police to
            help rebuilding Iraq after war
2004 UN endorsed CPA’s timetable for transferring power back to Iraqis in June 2004
2004 CPA had to abandon idea of unelected caucuses choosing interim govt to
            write new Iraq constitution
2011 Sulaymaniya protesters went to KDP headquarters to protest shooting of
            demonstrators on Feb 17
2017 Attack on West Mosul began by Iraqi forces

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Sunday, February 18, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 18

1940 PM Said resigned over growing problems with pan-Arabist Golden
            Square officers
1940 PM Said wanted Gaylani to become PM and he would become Foreign Minister to
            maintain pro-British policies
1940 Golden Square objected to Gaylani govt because it would include Said and
            Gen Hashemi Went to Regent calling for their exclusion from new govt
1940 Regent disagreed with Golden Square officers over new govt and made Gen
            Umari Mosul garrison commander retire as a result
1984 UN negotiated deal for Iran and Iraq to stop attacking civilian areas
            Didn’t last
1991 Tariq Aziz went to Moscow and accepted Soviets unconditional withdrawal plan
            from Kuwait Then demanded end to all UN sanctions and resolutions
1999 Ayatollah Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr assassinated by Saddam
(Musings On Iraq interview with Univ of Haifa’s Prof Baram on legacy of Ayatollah Sadiq al-Sadr)
1999 Fmr CIA counterterrorism officer Cannistraro said Iraqis met bin Laden in
            Dec 98 False story
2002 US Embassy in Niger said new details on Iraq-Niger uranium deal
            meant a new look into story was needed
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2005 Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers hit Shiite pilgrims in Kadhimiya
2007 Blair announced plants to cut British troop strength in Iraq from 7000 to 4000

View the Iraq History Timelines

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Iraq Has Highest Oil Revenue Since Sep 2014

Iraq’s oil production and exports have continued to climb throughout the last year. That has coincided with an increase in international oil prices. Together that led Baghdad to earn the most money in January 2018 since the fall of 2014.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 17

1917 British crossed Shumran bend outflanking Ottoman forces in campaign to recapture Kut
1981 UN Rep Palme went to Iran and Iraq for 3rd time to try to negotiate ceasefire
1995 Temporary ceasefire made between PUK and KDP during civil war
1998 Clinton told Pentagon US had to stop Iraq from getting WMD and nuclear weapons
2003 U2 spy planes began flying over Iraq for UN weapons inspectors
2003 Turkish parliament delayed vote to allow deployment of US troops for Iraq invasion
            due to domestic opposition
2003 IAEA found that Iraq-Niger uranium docs were fakes
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2008 2 car bombs at Awakening meeting in Anbar kill more than 20
2011 Protests in Sulaymaniya began demanding reform in KRG Attacked KDP HQ Fired upon by
            guards killing 2
2012 Mahoum Sarkhi offices set on fire Blamed on followers of Ayatollah Sistani

Friday, February 16, 2018

Security In Iraq, Feb 8-14, 2018

Security has remained steady in Iraq since the start of the new year. Nearly every week there has been around 60 incidents. That was slightly above the rate seen at the end of 2017. The main cause of the increase was an uptick in attacks in Baghdad, followed by occasional outbursts in Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salahaddin.

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 16

1917 British defeated Ottoman forces at Dahra Bend
1979 Saddam said unifying Iraq and Syria was part of the Arab revolution
1979 Saddam said Iraq would respect choice of the Iranian people with their revolution
1984 Iran cut Basra-Baghdad highway between Maysan and Wasit
1989 Iraq formed Arab Cooperation Council with Egypt Jordan Yemen to counter
            Gulf Cooperation Council
1991 US troops destroyed Iraqi radar facility while Apache helicopters conducted raid
            in depth behind Iraqi lines in Iraq
1992 Defense Secretary Cheney said that if U.S. had overthrown Saddam would have to
decide what kind of govt to establish Would have been hard to capture Saddam
1992 Def Sec Cheney said if US had overthrown Saddam would have to decide how many
casualties willing to take How many troops would have to stay in Iraq to keep govt going
2001 Bush told speechwriter David Frum that he was going to get rid of Saddam  
2001 UK Attorney Gen Lord Williams approved air attacks out of no fly zones
            in Iraq for self defense
2001 US and UK planes bombed 20 radar and command and control centers in Iraq 
2002 Bush signed secret NSC directive calling for covert action against Iraq by CIA
            Had budget of $189 mil for 2 years
2002 CIA plan included supporting Iraqi opposition Sabotage missions inside Iraq
            Working with other countries Information campaign vs Iraq
2002 CIA plan included attacking Iraqi revenue sources and disrupting its smuggling
2003 Rice claimed Iraq was deceiving UN weapons inspectors
2004 Report Iraqi and US sources said Iraqi forces would not be able to provide
            security after sovereignty transferred to Iraq
2004 CIA said it still believed Iraqi defector CURVEBALL was credible source for
            intel that Iraq had mobile WMD labs Turned out to be false source
2006 Sec State Rice told Senate oil production and electricity below postwar levels in
2006 Sec State Rice told Senate initial problems with rebuilding Iraqi security forces
            fixed and as Iraqi forces stood up US forces would do less
2006 Sec Def Rumsfeld told House US was not in Iraq to do nation building that was up
            to Iraqis to do that
2010 ISI set off 4 suicide car bombs targeting hotels in Baghdad where foreign press
2011 Maliki visited Kuwait after Kuwait premier visited Iraq in 1st high level meet
            between 2 countries since 1990
2016 Allawi said no reason to remove cabinet until Abadi presented a strategic plan

Restless Pro-Iran Groups Likely Behind Drone Strike On Khor Mor Gas Field

On February 2 the Khor Mor gas field in Sulaymaniya was hit with a drone . No damage was reported. The Kurdistan Regional Government’s Count...