Tuesday, November 17, 2020

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 17


1952 Opposition parties agreed to coordinating committee to lead strikes Started Intifada against


1975 France-Iraq nuclear deal France would provide enriched uranium build a reactor and power

station called Osirak in Iraq 

1980 Iraq took Susangard Khuzistan 2nd time 

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1982 Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim announced Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

formed in Iran

(Musings On Iraq history of Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq)

1987 Iraq bombed 2 abandoned nuclear reactors in south Iran believing that Tehran had restarted

work on them

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

1993 Iran reported 60,000 Iraqi refugees entered country after Saddam drained southern marshes

2001 Dep Sec Def Wolfowitz wrote Def Sec Rumsfeld that if any evidence found of Iraq involvement

in 9/11 US should act

(Musings On Iraq Was Iraq An Imminent Threat To The West?)

(Musings On Iraq review Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy


(Musings On Iraq review The Next Attack, The Failure of the War on Terror and a Strategy for Getting it Right)

2002 Bush said that U.S. would form a coalition of the willing to disarm Iraq

2005 US Embassy said militias and sectarian actors should not run Iraqi security forces or any


2005 Head of central criminal court in Baghdad Samarrie said special Inter Min forces didn't need

arrest warrants or file court papers to detain people

2005 Congressman Murtha introduced resolution to withdraw US troops from Iraq saying war going


2005 Report detailed how INC defector Haideri spread false stories about Iraq WMD to media and a

White House paper

2005 Report Inter Min Jabr said that secret prison in Baghdad with 173 prisoners many of which were

tortured found by US forces and run by Badr unit was being exaggerated because no one was beheaded or killed

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Jerry Burke police and Interior Min adviser on how Badr took over Interior Ministry)

2006 Unknown group showed video on Iranian TV claiming responsibility for kidnapping 5 western

            security guards and stealing 19 trucks bringing supplies from Kuwait on Nov 16

2006 PM Maliki spokesman Dabbagh denied claim by Interior Ministry that it had arrest warrant for

            Harith al-Dhari head of Muslim Scholars Association Said Dhari under investigation

2006 State Dept memo suggested US should pull back from Iraq and have same relationship as all

other states Argued against a surge in troops in Iraq to help quell violence

(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Mansoor on the Surge)

(Musings On Iraq review The War Within, A Secret White House History 2006-2008)

2008 US Inspec Gen for Iraq Recon found that Pentagon spent $600 mil on 1,200 cancelled contracts

42% canceled because of bad work 48% cancelled because of security lack of funds of standards changed

2008 Report Mahdi Army cmdr in Sadr City said militia weak 12 of 15 commanders from district fled to

Iran Were trying to come back but no longer followed Sadr

2009 US and ISF started Op Lion’s Leap targeting Mahdi Army in Diwaniya

2009 Transparency Intl ranked Iraq 4th most corrupt country in world Was #3 in 2008

(Musings On Iraq Iraq Moves Down List Of Most Corrupt In The World)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Vincent Foulk former US anti-graf official)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Stuart Bowen Special Inspetor General for Iraq Reconstruction)

2009 Displaced families in Diyala protested against election law which said displaced could only vote in

their home provinces Threatened a boycott

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Displaced Forgotten In Debate Over Election Law)

2015 VP Nujafi filed lawsuit to remain in office after Abadi dismissed vice presidents

(Musings On Iraq interview with Reidar Visser on PM Abadi’s reform program)

2015 3 dozen protesters in Baghdad taken away by police Some beaten

2017 Rawa in west Anbar liberated Was last town held by IS in Iraq

2018 Pres Salah announced free trade zone with Iran despite US sanctions against Tehran

(Musings On Iraq Iraq Announces Free Trade Zone With Iran In Face Of US Sanctions)

2019 Protesters retook Al-Ahrar Bridge in Baghdad 1 killed

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

2019 Sadr called for strike joining protester call for general strike

2019 Basra Najaf Qadisiya Wasit Babil Maysan Dhi Qar declared holidays during protester


2019 3 lawyers/activists kidnapped in Baghdad and Maysan

2019 Protesters withdrew sit ins outside Basra’s Majnoon oil field and Um Qasr port

2019 Protests in Baquba Muqtadiya Khalis Baladrooz in Diyala

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 21 Saddam paid Carlos the Jackal and PFLP to kill Saudi and Iranian oil ministers at OPEC meeting for supporting Kurdish revolt Ministers were taken prisoners but then released

  1956 Communist uprising in Al-Hay put down and leaders executed ( Musings On Iraq review The Modern History of Iraq )...