1916 British attacked Shaikh Saad in campaign to relieve troops trapped at Kut Turned back
by Ottomans 600 British casualties
1916 British attacked Shaikh Saad in campaign to relieve troops trapped at Kut Turned back
by Ottomans 600 British casualties
1916 Sykes and Picot drafted deal on dividing Ottoman Empire Baghdad and Basra vilayets
would go to UK Mosul to France Would also include independent Arab state for Sharif Hussein
(Musings On Iraq review Empires of the Sand, The Struggle For Mastery In The Middle East 1789-1923)
(Musings On Iraq review U.S. Policy In Post-Saddam Iraq)
Huesing, Scott, Echo In Ramadi, The Firsthand Story Of U.S. Marines In Iraq’s Deadliest City, Regnery History, 2018
Echo In Ramadi by Scott Huesing who was the commander of Echo Company of the 4th Marine Regiment in Anbar from 2006-07 provides what was probably a common view of Iraq by many American troops. He thought their main job was hunting down insurgents and killing them. Anything else was largely a distraction. He didn’t believe in working with Iraqis and had general contempt for the Iraqi government. Most of his book is committed to explaining what it was like to lead Marines.
1915 Suleiman Bey took over Iraq Command for Ottomans Called on Arab sheikhs to join war against
British and planned on retaking Basra
1914 UK set out from Qurna, Basra north Found Tigris River had been blocked Gunboats
couldn’t follow Forced UK to retreat back to Qurna
(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)
1916 British attacked Shaikh Saad in campaign to relieve troops trapped at Kut Turned back by Ottomans 600 British cas...