Makiya, Kanan, Republic Of Fear, The Politics of Modern Iraq, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of
California Press, 1998
Originally released in 1989
Kanan Makiya’s Republic of Fear, The Politics of Modern Iraq was a huge
hit in the West as a diatribe against the rule of Saddam Hussein. The front
cover has a blurb from the New York Times Book Review saying it was
“required reading” to understand Iraq. Subsequent histories of the country
would often cite this work. What people usually said about it however and what
it was actually about are very different. Republic of Fear was not
focusing upon the crimes of Saddam through murder, torture and imprisonment
although it starts with that, but was actually an argument against Baathist
ideology. Makiya argued that the problems with Iraq started with pan-Arabism
and Baathism which led to Saddam but his thesis was deeply flawed and full of
major problems.