1920 British forced to withdraw from Shatra during 1920 Revolt British were able to retake
Baquba from tribes
(Musings On Iraq review Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State)
(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)
1933 Iraqi govt sent letter to British newspaper claiming only a few Assyrian villages had been emptied
of people Baghdad had returned all stolen goods No truth to reports villages had been burned Was propaganda effort to cover up massacre of 600 Assyrians and 60 villages having been looted and destroyed
(Musings On Iraq review The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review State and Society in Iraq)
1934 Ali Ayubi Jawadat chief of staff of the royal cabinet became PM upon request of King Ghazi
Would hold office 3 times
(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)
1940 Iraq agreed to give Axis preferential position on its oil Would help Axis with other Arab govts Would
dismiss pro-UK Foreign Min Said Start revolt vs UK in Transjordan and Palestine
1946 Court of Appeals overturned conviction of opposition National Democratic Party leader
Chadirchi He was released from prison
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)
(Musings On Iraq review Independent Iraq 1932-1958, A Study in Iraqi Politics)
1992 Report US funneled counterfeit dinars into Iraq to try to undermine economy and Saddam
1995 PKK attacked KDP as it was blocking its operations along Turkish border PUK Iran and Syria
gave aid to PKK KDP accused Badr and Iranian Revolutionary Guard of involvement in PKK offensive
(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)
1996 PUK attacked KDP in Kurdistan Forced KDP out of most of its territory PUK backed by Iran
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
2002 VP Cheney gave speech calling Saddam a threat that needed a pre-emptive strike to remove him
(Musings On Iraq review America at the Crossroads, Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy)
(Musings On Iraq review Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy
2002 Hosni Mubarak said that Arab League opposed invasion of Iraq
2003 White House considered asking Congress for additional $3 bil for reconstruction in Iraq on top of
previous $2.5 bil
2003 Oxfam started withdrawing from Iraq after terrorist bombings against aid groups by Zarqawi 4th aid
group to do so
2003 ORHA oil team met with 3 Oil Min director generals Said US not in Iraq to take its oil Picked top
positions within ministry Agreed needed to up oil production and refined products
(Musings On Iraq Review Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective)
2003 US gave Custer Battles $9.8 mil contact to deliver new dinars and destroy old ones Was late in
building camps for job Many of the trucks it bought broke down Subcontractors company hired complained about not being paid Custer Battles over billed govt
(Musings On Iraq review Blood Money, Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq)
2004 Ayatollah Sistani returned from London to Najaf Arranged ceasefire with Sadr to end Battle of
Najaf Mahdi Army were to turn in weapons but not be arrested Didn’t give up arms
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 14 Fighting To The Elections, August-December 2004)
2004 Sadr said “puppet police” couldn't protect Imam Ali shrine in Najaf and Mahdi Army still in control
of it
(Musings On Iraq A Divided Sadr Trend)
(Musings On Iraq review Battle For The City Of The Dead)
(Musings On Iraq review US Marines in Battle An-Najaf August 20014)
2006 PM Maliki told CNN violence was going down in Iraq no civil war but reconciliation MP Mutlaq said
no democracy developing because of violence
2006 National reconciliation meeting ended with 700 sheikhs Talked about creating committees to
negotiate with insurgency
2006 US Gen Thurman said Operation Together Forward II was reducing violence in Baghdad Op would fail
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 20 Baghdad Burns, Summer-Fall 2006)
2006 Khalis Diyala 22 shot in café Judge’s home raided brother killed IED at market killed 6 Part of
sectarian fighting between militias and insurgents for control of province
2007 After meeting of PM Maliki Pres Talabani VP Hashemi VP Mahdi KRG Pres Barzani deal announced
to reform deBaathification law and release prisoners 2nd deal in 2007 Wouldn’t pass until 2008 because of opposition
2007 Badr run police got into argument with Sadrists outside Karbala shrine That night police arrested 20
Sadrists at Sadr run mosque in city
(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)
2008 Maliki govt leaked arrest warrants for Diyala Univ president and Diyala security head accusing both
of terrorism-sectarian killings to justify Aug 19 raid where Special Forces killed governor’s secretary wounded 4 guards and beat deputy governor
2008 Kurds protested in disputed area of Diyala over PM Maliki sending ISF there
(Musings On Iraq Maliki Ups the Ante on Kahanqin District of Diyala)
(Musings On Iraq Cold War Between Baghdad and Kurds Turn Hot)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq From War To A New Authoritarianism)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)
2008 US military said 24,000 Sahwa had been integrated into govt in 2 years Only 946 were in ISF 2,300
had been vetted for ISF but not joined
2010 Report US military bought $1.9 mil in computers for Iraqi schools Iraqi officials auctioned
them off for less than $50,000 Port official said they were at port for 90 days after that they could be auctioned off
2010 KRG signed deal with German firm to export natural gas via Nabucco gas line to Europe
KRG had no infrastructure to export Never happened
2012 Communications Min Allawi resigned Said he had proof of corruption Said PM Maliki’s inner circle
involved Claimed up to 70% of commissions on contracts were stolen
(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)
2012 Report Analyst said that oil companies in KRG had only made modest gains Western Zagros shares
went from $1.12 to $1.35 after signed deal with KRG Signature bonuses companies had to pay KRG were going up Genel Energy paid $175 mil signing bonus to buy into oil field
2013 Report KRG opened new road to Iran for oil smuggling Oil sent to export terminal in Persian Gulf
Up to 30,000 bar/day trucked into Iran US warned KRG about smuggling
(Musings On Iraq News Emerges of Iraq’s Kurdistan Trucking Oil To Iran Again)
2013 Report Early 2012 militias began sending fighters to Syria to support Assad Included Asaib Ahl Al-
Haq, Kataib Hezbollah Badr Harakat Hezbollah Nujaba Kataib Sayid al-Shuhada Sadrists also said to be fighting in Syria as part of Liwa Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade Fighters vetted by Iran and Syria Training under Hezbollah Mar militia denied they were fighting in Syria Same month started announcing death of men in Syria
(Musings On Iraq Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah)
(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)
2013 Army tried to raid Ramadi protest site Led to armed clash with gunman protecting site
2014 Report 70 fighters from Naqshibandi Islamic Army Mujahdeen Army pledged allegiance to IS in
Jalawla Diyala IS assassinated some of its rival insurgents in Diyala
2014 Report Attempt to free Dhuluiya Salahaddin from IS failed Hashd trying to free Amerli
2014 KRG PM Barzani said KRG had heard nothing from Maliki govt about its demands on implementing
Article 140 to determine future of disputed areas paying peshmerga budget and oil KRG was making demands during war in return for supporting PM Maliki
2015 Gulf Keystone said KRG owed it $283 mil for oil sales and other costs KRG said it would
start regular payments to oil companies in Sep
2015 Report Jun 2014 IS was earning $11 mil/mo in Mosul Early 2014 IS started destroying
bridges and blocking supply routes to Mosul Iraqi officials ignored intel that Mosul was going to be attacked in Jun ISF lacked command and control Sr ISF commanders were political appointees by PM Maliki and not competent head of Ninewa Ops Command Gen Gharawi was on vacation when IS attacked Day of attack only 30% of ISF in Mosul on duty Inspection found half of soldiers in 6th Brigade in Mosul didn’t exist Half of existing soldiers were on leave Gen Gharawi’s decision to withdraw from Ninewa Ops Command HQ during battle of Mosul led to widespread panic and desertions Sadrist MP blamed PM Maliki for fall of Mosul Maliki told parliamentary committee he did not make decisions as commander in chief
2015 Peshmerga started looting and destroying homes in Daquq south Kirkuk during security op to
free district
2016 Iraqi forces freed Qayara Ninewa from IS
2016 Integrity Comm said ruling parties should end their economic committees that coordination
deals between ministries and businessmen and charged commissions in corruption schemes
2017 Tal Afar Ninewa liberated from IS by Iraqi forces
(Musings On Iraq Tal Afar Battle Day 8 – Completed)
2017 Report Hashd in Balad Yathrib Juwerzat in Salahddin forcing people out while setting up
security zone Accused of burning and blowing up homes
2017 Report Army’s 55th Brigade was stopping displaced from returning to Azm in Abu Ghraib
dist west Baghdad
2017 Dep head of Babil council claimed 3000 people from Jurf al-Sakrh wanted on terrorism
charges Was excuse to not allow entire population of district from returning Were expelled by Hashd and not allowed back
2017 Hashd took over Diyala govt building to stop firing of governor from Badr
2018 Water Resource Min said it had delivered sufficient water to Basra to deal with water contamination crisis there Was false
(Musings On Iraq Iraq Failed To Prepare For Water Crisis)
2018 Protest at Basra Health Dept demanding top officials be dismissed for health crisis caused by
contaminated water
2018 Report Baiji refinery being rebuilt Part of complex finished Was damaged during war with IS
then looted by Hashd
2019 Report Tal Afar freed 2 yrs ago Little rebuilt 20% of buildings still damaged/destroyed
Only 40% of population back People concerned about security lack of services and jobs
2019 Jund al-Imam al-Huja posted video of its members training on rockets Said Americans
were legitimate targets Said followed Ayatollah Haeri fatwa who said US helped Israel attack hashd
2020 PM Kazemi set up deterring corruption commission headed by ex-general
2020 Protests in Babil Baghdad Karbala for reforms
2020 Border Crossings Comm came up with procedure to bring KRG border crossings under
Baghdad’s control KRG did not respond KRG was supposed to provide tariffs as part of budget deal but didn’t
2021 Moqtada al-Sadr ended his election boycott after getting nothing from the other party
(Musings On Iraq Sadr Ends Election Boycott After Gaining No Concessions)
2021 PUK ordered former co-chair of party Lahur Talabani to leave Iraq until 2 weeks after 2021
election results announced
(Musings On Iraq Fight Over Control Of PUK Continues)
View the Iraq History Timelines
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