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1920 UK military took Kifl railway station Major transportation hub in mid-Euphrates during
1920 Revolt
1920 Bani Hassan tribe withdrew from 1920 Revolt after sheikhs took money from British
1920 Rebel govt in Karbala asked to surrender in 48 hours during 1920 Revolt
(Musings On Iraq review Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State)
(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)
1927 Turkish Petroleum Company struck oil at Baba Gurgur field, Kirkuk starting Iraq’s oil
(Musings On Iraq review Imagining The Nation, Nationalism, Sectarianism and Socio-Political Conflict in Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review The Modern History of Iraq)
1980 Iraqi forces entered Khorramshahr Iranians began phased withdrawal from city in south
Took Abadan-Ahwaz road Began attack on Abadan but didn’t have numbers to take it
(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)
1980 Iranian counterattack stopped Iraqi advance in Dezful area
1982 Iraqi air force ended two month bombing campaign against Kharg Island Iran’s major oil
port with little to show for it
(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Mirages, The Dassault Mirage Family In Service With The Iraqi Air Force, 1981-1988)
1986 Iran attacked Qasr-e Shirin central front by Diyala
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)
1990 Iran and Iraq officially restored diplomatic relations as Saddam tried to secure his eastern
flank as war neared with US
1997 Britain, Turkey, US asked for KDP to withdraw from PUK territory during Kurdish civil
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
2001 Frontline TV show interviewed INC provided Iraqi defector Khodada who claimed Iraq
trained terrorists to hijack planes at Salman Pak implying 9/11 connection
2001 Guardian article quoted fmr CIA Dir Woolsey Iraq only country with capabilities to pull
off anthrax letters in US
2003 White House told Congress 70,000 new Iraqi forces on duty and 13,000 in training
(Musings On Iraq Special Inspector General For Iraq Reconstruction’s Hard Lessons Chapter 12 Reconstructing Iraqi Security Forces)
(Musings On Iraq review The U.S. Army In The Iraq War: Volume 1, Invasion, Insurgency, Civil
War, 2003-2006)
2003 Sadrists tried to seize Karbala shrine leading to fighting with Sistani followers
2003 Ansar al-Sunna suicide car bombing of Turkish Embassy in Baghdad 2 dead 13 wounded
Part of Ramadan offensive
(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)
(Musings On Iraq US Army History Of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 9 Down The Spider Hole, October-December 2003)
2004 Report Iraq’s Intel chief Shahwani said 18 of his agents had been killed in last month 10 at
the hands of Badr at behest of Iran Rest were killed by Al Qaeda in Iraq who he said was getting money from Iran
2004 Insurgent suicide bombers penetrated Green Zone killed 5 wounded 18
2004 US forces began encircling Fallujah and sending reinforcements to Ramadi Wanted to clear
Fallujah before Jan 05 election
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 14 Fighting To The Elections, August-December 2004)
(Musings On Iraq review The Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2006 After 26 bodies of men from Balad found in Dhuluiya Mahdi Army began arriving in Balad
from Baghdad Shiite gunmen set up checkpoints in Balad and started killing Sunnis Shiite mosques began broadcasting messages that Sunnis needed to leave
2008 13th and 14th Christians killed in Mosul Bomb in front of church 5,470 Christian fled as a
(Musings On Iraq Bad Times For Iraq’s Christians)
(Musings On Iraq review Christianity in Iraq)
2008 140 Iraqi refugee families returned from Syria as part of PM Maliki’s campaign to
encourage refugees to come back to Iraq
(Musings On Iraq Baghdad Continues To Encourage Return Of Refugees)
(Musings On Iraq Refugees International Report On Iraq’s Refugees and Displaced)
(Musings On Iraq January 2009 U.N. Report On Iraq Refugee Returns)
(Musings On Iraq review Children of War, Voices Of Iraqi Refugees)
2008 Turkish dep Foreign Min met with Pres Barzani Made deal not to allow PKK to use KRG
for attacks on Turkey KRG had no control over Iraq-Turkey border
2008 1st Syrian ambassador in 25 yrs arrived in Iraq Iraq-Syria restored diplomatic relations in
Nov 06
2008 US Army Corps of Engineers and South Oil Company found oil pipelines in Basra could
fail due to lack of maintenance Could cost $5 bil to fix US said Iraqis didn’t want to deal with issue
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Deteriorating Oil Infrastructure)
2008 Report US spent $2.7 bil on oil facilities 2003-08 and production still below US goal of 3
2008 Report US officials and oil analysts said danger of Iraq’s old infrastructure breaking down
Underwater pipelines used for exports in Basra falling apart Some thought would take years to fix because Iraq govt didn’t work Needed to completely rebuild Basra port to increase exports including widen channel dredge new pipes storage facilities Oil Ministry said it had plans to do all those tasks Many doubted it would ever happen Iraqi officials believed they could boost exports without major improvements because went through wars and sanctions with few changes Some thought Oil Ministry wanted oil contracts rather than improve infrastructure because signing deals easier
2008 Report Oil Minister met with 35 foreign oil companies about contracts for 6 oil fields and 2
natural gas fields Wanted 20 yr service contracts Supposed to be done Jun 09 Contracts would be based upon companies paying fees Effort failed
(Musings On Iraq Iraq Moves Ahead With 2nd Part Of Its Oil Plan)
2008 Report US Iraq cmdr Gen Odierno said he had intel that Iran tried to bribe Iraqi politicians
to block Status of Forces Agreement with US Kurdish MP Othman said Iran had been talking to Kurdish and Sunni MPs
2009 Report Oil Min Shahristani said oil companies had to hire Iraqis for 85% of jobs Said Iraq
didn’t have qualified personnel so corporations had to create schools to train them Oil industry suffered from corruption No oil law Lack of infrastructure Concerns over contracts UN audit found North Oil Company couldn’t account for 698,000 bar of oil which were probably stolen Oil Min inspector general found rampant oil theft Only 17 of Iraq’s 80 oil fields producing Oil Min said it needed $50 bil to reach 6 mil/bar/day in production by 2017
2009 Report Iraq reduced taxes on oil companies Made them more likely to agree to Iraq’s oil
deal terms Before companies were to pay 35% tax on profits and money they received to cover their costs Now only taxed on fee for increased production BP and CNPC were only companies to win contracts in 1st bids for oil fields
2009 Report Govt official said rainfall down 40% and Turkish dams cut water levels on
Euphrates and Tigris by 60% 1 MP said Iraq reaching disaster conditions Water Resource Min said Iraq in 3rd yr of water shortages Blamed Syria Iran and Turkey plus lack of rain and snow Iraq held up economic agreement with Turkey until water resolved Turkey agreed to increase water down Euphrates MP said Turkey wanted cheap oil in return for water deal
2009 Report Arabs proposed they get 44% of govt jobs in Kirkuk Kurds 32% Turkmen 22%
Kurds and Turkmen refused idea Groups couldn’t decide who would get dept heads
2009 Human Rights Min report Counted 85,694 civilians and ISF members killed 147,195
wounded from 2004-Oct 08
(Musings On Iraq Iraq Ministry Counts 85,000 Dead From 2004-Oct 2008)
2010 Report AP looked into casualty figures collected by US under Freedom of Information
CENTCOM had 76,939 Iraqi civilians and ISF killed Jan04-Aug 08 121, 649 wounded Before US military consistently denied requests for its casualty figures Oct 09 Human Rights Min said 85,694 Iraqis killed from Jan 04-Oct 08 147,195 wounded
2012 MP announced arrest warrant issued for head of Central Bank of Iraq Shabibi and 3 other
bank officials after he refused to cooperate with Maliki over the dinar
(Musings On Iraq Controversial Case Against Central Bank Of Iraq Officials Continues)
(Musings On Iraq More On Central Bank of Iraq Scandal)
2012 Report WHO released report on Fallujah Found huge amount of birth defects Found
miscarriages Toxic levels of lead and mercury 1 author thought US military ops might be cause US used white phosphorus and depleted uranium shells during 1st Battle of Fallujah Also found high birth defects in Basra Pre-03 had 10% miscarriages 2004-06 45% miscarriages
2012 Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum said produced 340 mil/cubic/ft/natural gas/day and
15,000 bar/day of liquid gas Used for local power plants
2013 3 killed and others wounded in gun fight between ISI and Ansar al-Sunna in west Kirkuk
4th time in 4 wks 2 groups fought each other in Kirkuk
2013 Sadr interview Said terrorism and violence increasing in Iraq Said MP Maliki was a failure
and he might stay in power forever Claimed Maliki got 2nd term due to manipulating Election Comm and domestic and foreign support and alliances with Kurds and Sunnis Said he wanted Allawi or Abdul Mahdi to be PM after 2010 vote but eventually gave into pressure to back Maliki for 2nd term
2013 Report Parliament’s security comm criticized call for popular committees to help with
security in Baghdad Said showed faults with govt who spent millions on ISF 1 MP said committees could lead to chaos
2013 Report PM Maliki gave speech calling for return of Tribal Support Councils in Diyala to
secure province Councils used to break up Sahwa in province and create patronage networks for Maliki
2013 Report Anbar protest sites chose Anbar Gov Diab to talk with PM Maliki Hawija and
Salahaddin protest sites rejected talks Protest demands increased since they started Include releasing prisoners sectarian balance in govt stopping anti-terrorism law and deBaathification amending constitution Split over whether Mutahidun or Sheikh al-Saadi should represent Anbar protests Critics said Mutahidun used protests and now wanted to end them Protests achieved little 2014 IS captured Hit Anbar after Iraq army unit abandoned base
(Musings On Iraq Political Support For Sunni Protests Waning As Mutahidun Tries To Negotiate Their End)
2014 Interview with Gen Gharawi head of Ninewa Ops Command Said knew big IS offensive
was coming in Jun against Mosul Asked PM Maliki for reinforcements who said no Foreign countries tried to warn Maliki of attack IS began assault on Mosul with convoy of trucks from Syria Gharawi blamed for fall of Mosul Was under investigation Said was shortage of fighters in Mosul infighting amongst commanders and political leaders Maliki and Defense Min turned down several offers of help from Peshmerga Gharawi said he didn’t abandon city Said only left when Mosul taken Gharawi blamed Army chief of staff Qanbar ground forces cmdr Gen Ghidan and PM Maliki Said Qanbar and Ghidan gave up on west Mosul Said that led to mass desertions Gharawi said he was scapegoated Gharawi fmr Republican Guard under Saddam 2004 picked to head National Police division US charged him with running death squads Ran secret Baghdad prison where torture used 06 US pressured PM Maliki to fire Gharawi Maliki resigned him 2011 Maliki made Gharawi head of Federal Police in Mosul Sunnis accused Gharawi of killings but he denied it 2014 Maliki made Gharawi head of Ninewa Ops Command IS started attack on Mosul with few 100 fighters but increased to 2000 Attacked 6th Brigade 3rd Army Div Supposed to have 2500 soldiers but only had 500 Was short ammo and weapons Supposed to have 25000 soldiers and police in Mosul but only had 10000Gharawi set up defensive line in west Mosul Maliki told him to hold Mosul until Qanbar and Ghidan arrived They arrived Jun 7 and took control of city Pres Barzani offered peshmerga to help hold city Maliki rejected offer twice US and UN tried to work out deal between Maliki and Barzani Maliki still rejected deals Jun 8 IS attacked with reinforcements from Syria Sleeper cells also attacked Ninewa Gov Nujafi met with Qnbar and Ghidan Nujafi asked 2nd Div in east Mosul to counter attack Ghidan and Qanbar withdrew to east Mosul ISF thought they were fleeing Most of 2nd Div deserted afterward Jun 10 Qanbar and Ghidan left Mosul for KRG After fall of Mosul Maliki promoted Qanbar
2014 Hit and Baghdadi Anbar surrounded and under siege by IS Fighting in Garma
2016 Report Turkey’s Pres Erdogan told PM Abadi “You are not on my level You are not my
equivalent You are not of the same quality as me” Said Turkey would do what it wanted in Iraq Erdogan said that Turkey would take part in Mosul op Turkish parliament extended deployment of Turkish troops in Iraq Has around 2000 in KRG and 500 in Ninewa
2017 IRGC Gen Suelimani met with Talabani family Went over govt take over of Kirkuk Warned
PUK to distance itself from KDP or suffer the consequences after independence referendum
(Musings On Iraq Fighting Breaks Out Between Federal Forces And Peshmerga In Salahaddin And Kirkuk)
(Musings On Iraq review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)
2017 KRG Natural Resource Min said KRG wanted 17% of budget Baghdad to pay all govt
workers Peshmerga police Asayesh and their pensions Get 17% of oil products
2017 100 MPs signed petition to dismiss Kurdish MPs that voted in KRG independence
2017 Abadi govt gave Peshmerga until Oct 15 to evacuate all bases and oil fields in Kirkuk Was
brief fighting between Iraqi forces and Peshmerga
2017 Report Kurds split over how to deal with Kirkuk after KRG independence referendum
Some PUK’s Bafel Talabani called for talks with Abadi govt PUK Peshmerga cmdr Rasul said open to join control of disputed areas of Kirkuk Withdrew his forces from two areas after negotiations with Iraqi forces Another PUK faction more hardline PUK VP Rasul sent 6000 Peshmerga to Kirkuk Govt Karim said Iraqi forces wouldn’t be allowed into Kirkuk city KDP Peshmerga cmdr said Kurds would crush Iraqi forces in Kirkuk
2017 Hashd handed out leaflets in Kirkuk asking for local support for when they attacked Kirkuk
2017 Iraqi army Hashd Federal Police Rapid Reaction units all in central Kirkuk Crossed
Peshmerga lines but then halted after talks started with Kurds
2017 Badr Asaib Ahl Al-Haq negotiated ceasefire after fighting Kurds in Tuz Kharmato
2019 Report Iraq Bar Association said more than 200 people killed during protests Govt
arresting activists and journalists Many being tortured
(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)
(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)
2019 Report Source at Human Rights Comm said PM Abdul Mahdi’s commission on
attacks on protesters included people that attacked protesters
2019 2 protesters died of wounds in Najaf
2020 Kazemi govt closed 12 displaced camps and 2 informal sites PM said he wanted to end
displaced crisis by shutting camps
2021 Iran halted natural gas exports to Iraq again Electricity Min told some gas powered
electricity stations to turn off turbines as a result
View the Iraq History Timelines
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