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(Historica Wiki) |
1941 Nuri al-Said became PM 4th of 9 times Went after supporters of former PM Gaylani Purged the
military and civil service Gave prison sentences to 100s
(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)
(Musings On Iraq Is Iraq’s Prime Minister Maliki More Like Premier Nuri al-Sa’id Than Saddam? An Interview With Historian Phebe Marr)
(Musings On Iraq review Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The Nationalist Moement in Irq 1939-1941)
(Musings On Iraq review ‘Independent Iraq’ The Monarchy & British Influence, 1941-1958)
(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)
(Musings On Iraq review A History of Iraq)
1945 Member of underground Zionist group in Iraq wrote cmdr of external ops of Haganah Said they
had largely failed at recruiting Iraqi Jews and convincing them to immigrate to Palestine
(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Jews, A History of Mass Exodus)
(Musings On Iraq review Last Days in Babylon, The Exile of Iraq’s Jews, the Story of My Family)
1968 Govt arrested 17 Jews in Basra claiming they were Israeli spies
1969 Baath announced language and cultural concessions to Kurds as part of talks with Mullah Mustafa
(Musings On Iraq Pres Bakr, Saddam, And Iraq’s Kurds Before The Anfal Campaign)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)
1970 Tikriti removed as VP under Pres Bakr and retired from army Made Amb to Spain to get him out of
Iraq Orchestrated by Saddam Tikriti refused ambassadorship Flew back to Baghdad to confront Saddam Was arrested at airport Sent into exile in Algeria
(Musings On Iraq review Saddam His Rise and Fall)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)
1973 Iraqi Su-7 jets bombed 2 Israeli columns in Syria’s Golan Heights Lost 2 planes Yom Kippur War
1990 Bush said willing to give sanctions chance but would not allow Iraq to annex Kuwait
(Musings On Iraq review from storm to Freedom, America’s Long War with Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review The Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein, Deciding on Conflict)
1992 Report After Kuwait invasion Iraq defaulted on loans backed by US Meant US had to pay debts to
bank partly owned by Iraq Justice Dept warned payments would be helping Iraq but US made them anyway
1992 CIA told Congress Justice Dept told it to withhold info on Atlanta bank used by Iraq to buy US farm
products but also weapons tech Justice Dept tried to block investigation into bank
(Musings On Iraq review Spider’s Web, The secret history of how the White House illegally armed Iraq)
2001 Iraq’s UN Amb Duri said Iraq had sent individual message of condolences after 9/11 but not to US
govt because of its bombings and sanctions on Iraq
2002 Bush told CENTCOM Cmdr Gen Franks he was not happy with Iraq war plan
(Musings On Iraq review Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom, The Role of Military Intelligence Assessment)
2002 CIA Dir Tenet told Senate Intel Comm Iraq would only use WMD if regime was threatened
2002 Italian reporter gave US Embassy in Rome copies of documents on alleged Iraq-Niger uranium deal
Were found to be fakes CIA Station Chief in Rome misplaced documents and were never sent to CIA HQ
(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Failed The Iraq-Niger Uranium Story)
(Musings On Iraq Review Hubris, The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, And The Selling Of The Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review The WMD Mirage, Iraq’s Decade of Deception and America’s False Premise for War)
2002 Ex-CIA agents complained to press that Bush admin used slanted intel to make case against Iraq
2002 Energy Dept official told Guardian he didn’t believe aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were for
nuke program Fmr UN inspector Albright said CIA pushed aluminum tubes story while nuclear experts disagreed with it Said Lawrence Livermore Lab was told not to voice its doubts about aluminum tubes Were for rockets
(Musings On Iraq How A Contested Aluminum Tubes Story Became The Basis For War With Iraq)
2002 NY Times reporter Judith Miller told Oprah US intel believed Iraq had anthrax and
botullinium toxin
2002 Sen Kerry during Senate debate said after 9/11 no one could be certain that WMD wouldn’t be
used against US or allies in Mideast Sen Clinton said that if Iraq left unchecked its WMD and nuke programs would grow Sen Byrd said he wanted more evidence that Iraq was a threat Sen Kennedy said he saw no persuasive evidence that Iraq was going to get a nuke anytime soon Said attacking Iraq without UN inspectors and intl support would help Al Qaeda and increase terrorism
2003 Bush speech said Iraq doing better than most Americans thought and world better off without
2003 Bush gave NatSecAdv Rice oversight of reconstruction program Congress then barred Rice from
that duty
(Musings On Iraq review State of Denial, Bush At War, Part III)
2003 US forces raided Sadr office in Baghdad Got into gunfight with Mahdi Army
2003 Zarqawi hit Sadr City police station with suicide car bomb killing 10
(Musings On Iraq review The Caliphate At War, Operational Realities and Innovations of the Islamic State)
(Musings On Iraq review The ISIS Reader, Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement)
(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)
2003 Spanish diplomat in Iraq assassinated
2006 Ruling parties agreed to have equal number of Sunni and Shiite ISF at Baghdad checkpoints to try to
stop sectarian attacks Part of PM Maliki’s security plan
2006 Accordance Front demanded investigation into sectarian violence in Baquba Accused ISF of
sectarian arrests looting homes Said Shiite parties were promoting attacks
2006 Police killed General Hashemi brother of VP Tariq Hashemi in his home
2006 Interior Min Bolani announced new uniforms to be issued to police Said couldn’t be copied Meant
to distinguish police from death squads dressed as police Wouldn’t stop police in death squads
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 20 Baghdad Burns, Summer-Fall 2006)
2006 US raid into Diwaniya to arrest militiaman led to gun battle with Mahdi Army 30 militiamen killed
2008 PM Maliki said he would disband any Tribal Support Council working with a political party after
ISCI criticized groups Were created to support Maliki before elections
(Musings On Iraq Maliki Responds To His Critics On Tribal Support Councils)
(Musings On Iraq Argument For Maliki Being Iraq’s Next Strongman)
(Musings On Iraq Disputes Over Tribal Support Councils)
(Musings On Iraq Maliki’s Tribal Support Councils Appear To Be Paying Off)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)
2008 Sadrist MP killed by IED in Baghdad 1000s protested his death Sadrists first blamed ISF and US
Led to nighttime clash with Mahdi Army Later blamed gangs which usually meant Special Groups Later 2 members of electricity directorate arrested for IED Part of wave of assassinations of Sadrist officials
(Musings On Iraq Another Sadrist Assassinated)
(Musings On Iraq Shiite Rivalries Increasing As Provincial Elections Near)
2008 2 days 75 Christian families fled Mosul after 5 killed
(Musings On Iraq Bad Times For Iraq’s Christians)
(Musings On Iraq review Christianity in Iraq)
2008 Report 200 attacks with sticky bombs and silenced pistols so far in 08 Jul-Aug 10 assassinated each
month in Baghdad by pistols 8 Interior Min officials killed/wounded in pistol attacks
2009 Iraq signed deal with Iran to provide drinking water to help during drought
2009 KRG Natural Resource Min Hawrami said it would stop exports for Baghdad in latest
breakdown in oil deals
(Musings On Iraq Kurds Will Suspend All Oil Exports)
2012 Report Iraq and US said ISI twice as large as it was in 2011 Helped by breaking former members out
of prison Avg 140 attacks/wk up from 74 attacks/wk
2012 Intl Energy Agency predicted Iraq would produce 6.1 mil/bar/day of oil by 2020 Was half of what Oil
Min predicted
2013 Report IS started new Soldiers’ Harvest campaign in Jul Goal was attacking ISF and establishing
control of areas Was trying to expand from Diyala and Salahaddin into Ninewa Tried to cut off ISF supply lines to Mosul
2013 Report Asaib Ahl Al-Haq said it was creating popular committees to help with security Said ISF
couldn’t protect population Warned of civil war
2013 50 families fled Baquba dist central Diyala due to ISI Blew up 18 homes in Kirkuk
2014 Report Corruption undermined ISF Commands bought and sold Soldiers extorted Gas spare
parts weapons rations stolen and sold
2014 Peshmerga and volunteers claimed freed all of Tuz Kharmato dist in Salahaddin ISF made
another attempt to free Tikrit Failed
2015 Protests in Baghdad Babil Karbala Najaf Qadisiyah Muthanna Dhi Qar Maysan Wasit Basra Diyala
for reform
2015 Govt workers and teachers protested in Halabja over KRG not paying salaries Protest in
Sulaymaniya at KDP HQ Guards fired into crowd 3 killed
2019 Small protest in central Baghdad Tried to cross bridge to Green Zone but stopped by
ISF who shot into crowd
(Musings On Iraq Protests Continue In Baghdad But At Smaller Level As Iraqi Govt Promises Reforms)
2019 Amnesty Intl report Snipers used against protesters as early as Oct 3 Came from ISF
Found Iraqi forces arrested protesters trying to enter hospital in Baghdad ISF surrounded protesters in Zafaraniya Baghdad and shot at them Mass arrests on going against protesters and journalists
(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)
(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)
2019 Report Journalists received threats for covering protests Offices raided Head of
Journalistic Freedoms Observatory said govt policy was to terrorize the media
2019 Cabinet promised electricity aid to small business jobs provincial committees in light of
2019 PM Abdul Mahdi speech Again claimed he never authorized shooting protesters Said would change
cabinet Called for national unity while warning those against the state would fail Called for 3 days of mourning for killed protesters
2020 Report Fmr UK executive of Unaoil sentenced 3 yrs 4 mo in jail for admitting to paying $17
mil in bribes to Iraqi officials to get contracts to build pipelines offshore mooring buoys
2020 KRG Teachers Council called on all teachers to go on strike over not being paid
2021 Diwaniya activist found dead 4 days after kidnapped
2022 KRG parliament extended its term for 1 yr after failing to hold elections on time
View the Iraq History Timelines
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