Monday, October 30, 2023

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 30 Armistice of Mudros ended WWI in Iraq as Ottomans surrendered


1918 Armistice of Mudros signed between British and Ottomans 6th Army in Mesopotamia

surrendered to UK Ended WWI in Iraq UK wasn’t able to seize Mosul province and its oil before end of war

(Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921)

(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)


1918 UK Civil commissioner in Baghdad suggested setting up council of chiefs organized by England

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

1936 Sulaiman govt banished former PM Hashimi, Rashid al-Gaylani and Nuri al-Said

(Musings On Iraq review The Role of the Military In Politics, A case study of Iraq to 1941)

1938 PM Midfai made Col Najib Defense Min Opposed Circle of 7 pan-Arab officers Cut power

            of general staff Retired pan-Arab officers Led to 1938 coup

1980 Saddam predicted Iran-Iraq War would only last 6-12 months

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1990 Meeting of Bush advisers on Kuwait National Security Adviser Scowcroft said US

policy at fork in road Could continue defense or go on offense against Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait Joint Chiefs head Gen Powell said Gen Schwarzkopf asked for troops for offensive operations against Iraq in Kuwait Defense Secretary Cheney said offensive action against Iraq should be on the table CIA said sanctions wouldn’t work

1990 Bush decided to double number of US troops in Saudi Arabia Secretly approved air

war against Iraq to start Jan 90 followed by ground invasion Feb 90

(Musings On Iraq review from storm to Freedom, America’s Long War with Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review The Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein, Deciding on Conflict)

1992 Kurds allowed PKK to retreat further into Kurdistan on condition they stopped military

operations against Turks

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

1992 Report CIA and maybe DIA knew Iraq using front companies to buy goods and tech from

            US for weapons programs and didn't tell anyone in govt

1997 Tariq Aziz claimed surveillance planes used by inspectors were working for US intelligence

Threatened to shoot them down

(Musings On Iraq review Neighbors, Not Friends, Iraq And Iran After The Gulf Wars)

(Musings On Iraq review The Saddam Tapes)

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors and CIA Spying On Iraq In The 90s)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

1997 Iraq asked 10 American inspectors to leave country

2002 VP Cheney told head UN Inspector Blix that inspections couldn't last forever and US was

            ready to discredit them anyway to disarm Iraq

(Musings On Iraq Overview of America’s Policy Towards Iraq: From The Clinton Years To The

Sectarian War of 2006)

2003 VP Cheney said Iraq had WMD

(Musings On Iraq Iraq One Of The Worst Intelligence Failures In US History)

(Musings On Iraq How The Administration Reversed Itself On Finding Iraq’s WMD)

(Musings On Iraq review Hoodwinked, The Documents That Reveal How Bush Sold Us a War)

(Musings On Iraq review What Happened, Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception)

2003 Dep Sec of Def Wolfowitz said because US had missed so much of Iraq’s WMD program

            in 1991 it might have exaggerated them in 2003

2003 Report White House pushed Pentagon to speed up training of Iraqi forces

(Musings On Iraq review The U.S. Army In The Iraq War: Volume 1, Invasion, Insurgency, Civil

War, 2003-2006)

2003 US Natl Intel Est on Iraq said Iraqis not foreigners behind most of insurgency and local

grievances including US occupation were fueling violence

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency)

(Musings On Iraq review Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency In Iraq)

2005 US military issued new campaign plan Based upon Aug 04 plan Focused upon withdrawing

            US troops to prevent Iraqi dependency Reconcile with Sunnis Turn over security to ISF

(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)

(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1- Chapter 18 – Defeated By Democracy, Winter 2005-2006)

(Musings On Iraq review The U.S. Army In The Iraq War: Volume 1, Invasion, Insurgency, Civil

War, 2003-2006)

2005 Natl Sec Adv Rubaie wrote US Iraq cmdr Gen Casey and Amb Khalilzad Said Iraq should

participate in writing campaign strategy Criticized plan saying it was just holding off insurgency to allow US withdrawal Said US should focus on protecting Iraqi population and create secure areas with ISF

2005 Spec Insp Gen for Iraq Recon report said US had no policy for staffing reconstruction of

            Iraq Said lack of planning by US plagued rebuilding

(Musings On Iraq review Hard Lessons, The Iraq Reconstruction Experience)

2005 Report Italian press believed SISMI intel agency forged docs claiming Iraq-Niger uranium

            deal and shared them with US and UK

(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Failed The Iraq-Niger Uranium Story)

2005 Report PUK built dozens of houses in Kirkuk City and moved Kurds in Said to reverse

            Saddam’s Arabization program

2006 Militias killed 17 Sunni police near British run training center in Basra

2006 VP Hashemi Anbar Gov Alwani tried to convince US Iraq cmdr Gen Casey that Ramadi

sheikhs should join an Islamic Party tribal council under Alwani to counter Anbar’s People Comm formed by 1920 Rev Brigade Ramadi cmdr and a dozen sheikhs and notables Casey rejected idea and told them they should take advantage of Ramadi sheikhs

2006 SecState Rice aide told her little chance for US success in Iraq Another said Iraq heading

towards genocidal violence Rice talked about giving up reconciliation in Iraq and just worrying about stability

(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)

(Musings On Iraq review The War Within, A Secret White House History 2006-2008)

2008 Report Iraq didn’t have full metering of oil production Incomplete records of assets and

contracts Didn’t keep track of bartered oil deals worth $426 mil and State Oil Marketing Company bank account with $779 mil Said Iraq couldn’t account for its oil revenue adequately

(Musings On Iraq How Much Oil And Refined Petroleum Products Does Iraq Actually Produce? No One Knows)

2008 US govt report Justice system didn’t work Judges threatened and killed Also corrupt 03-08

over 40 judges and family members killed Hundreds of new judges started work but still not enough for number of cases Jails overcrowded Mistreated prisoners

2008 US govt report 164 Iraqi army battalions 107 acted in lead or independently Not enough

NCOs and officers Defense Ministry lacked officers logistics procurement Interior Ministry corrupt sectarian lacked command and control and maintenance

2009 US govt report Iraq ranked near bottom in every category of governance from

            accountability to political stability to effective govt rule of law corruption

2009 US govt report Attacks in Iraq down 85% from 2007-09 Went from 4064 attacks in Aug 07

            to 594 in Aug 09 ISF deaths down 79% Ethnosectarian deaths down 88%

2009 Iraq said Syria and Baathists behind Oct 25 bombings of Justice Min and provincial council

            in Baghdad Was done by ISI

(Musings On Iraq Iraq Returns To Blame Game Over Baghdad Bombings)

2011 US govt report Fallujah Waste Water Treatment plant one of largest US reconstruction

projects Started after 2004 Battle of Fallujah By Sep 2011 US spent $107.8 mil on project Signed 42 contracts Served 6000 homes in city Not complete Baghdad was supposed to finish it Didn’t Delayed due to lack of security lack of oversight lack of capacity with Iraqi govt

2011 US govt report Flow of foreign fighters and money to Iraq down Forced ISI to become

more like a gang to make money Used extortion and criminal violence

2011 Report Army Chief of Staff Gen Zebari said ISF would not be ready to protect Iraq until

2020-24 US and Iraqi officials said ISF good enough to fight insurgency Zebari said funding main reason ISF didn’t have national defense weapons like fighter jets

2012 US govt report Communications Min Allawi from Iraqiya resigned Said director general

was setting up his own fief within ministry at PM Maliki’s behalf Director general also wouldn’t listen to Allawi

2012 State Dept got $149 mil for police training program Originally asked for $703.1 mil State

            didn’t have capacity to run program

2012 Election Commission called for provincial elections on 4/20/13 that excluded Kirkuk and


2012 US govt report PM Maliki and Chief Justice Mahmoud said stories of corruption in Iraq

exaggerated Several govt officials said corruption not about individuals but institutionalized by political parties that controlled govt Parties manipulated govt contracts Created fake companies Each ruling party got a share of corruption Officials got positions through parties who were then obligated to steal for those parties Central Bank of Iraq dollar auctions used to launder money Some Inspector Generals in ministries had been eliminated Remaining ones faced evaluation by Maliki’s people

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2014 IS executed 75 members of Albu Nimr tribe in Anbar

2014 Human Rights Watch IS executed 600 inmates at Badush prison after Mosul fell IS

            separated Sunnis from Shiites and executed Shiites

2015 PM Abadi went to Dawa meeting to answer critics of his reforms

(Musings On Iraq A Review Of Iraq Premier Abadi’s Reform Program Interview With Reidar Visser)

2015 Report Pro-Iran Hashd said Baiji op proved it could free Iraq without US help Badr

spokesman said US not serious about fighting IS Said every victory by Hashd was an embarrassment for US

2017 Baghdad made deal with KRG to have federal forces in disputed areas of Ninewa and have

            joint control with peshmerga of one border crossing US mediated talks

2019 2 protesters killed in Baghdad UN rep to Iraq showed up at Tahrir Sq condemning violence

Sit ins continued in Babil Basra Dhi Qar Karbala Muthanna Qadisiya Protests in 2 areas of Basra Um Qasr port blocked Riot in Shatra Dhi Qar

(Musings On Iraq 98 Dead in 6 Days Of Renewed Protests in Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)

2019 Solidarity actions in Kirkuk to support protest movement

2019 Report security forces warning and intimidating people in northern Iraq not to protest

Activists arrested in Anbar

2019 Sadr said that if PM Abdul Mahdi didn’t step down Iraq cold be next Yemen or Syria

2019 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Pres Rouhani’s chief of staff claimed Iraq protests

controlled by US Israel Saudi Arabia

2019 Quds Force Cmdr Gen Suleimani arrived in Baghdad and told ruling parties Iran stood

            behind PM Abdul Mahdi

2019 Report Quds Force cmdr Gen Suleimani chaired security meeting that was supposed to be

headed by PM Abdul Mahdi about protests Suleimani said Iran knew how to deal with protests Iran thought putting down protests would help Abdul Mahdi stay in office

(Musings On Iraq Najaf and Tehran Pick Sides In Protests)

(Musings On Iraq Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander General Suleimani And His Role In Iraq, An Interview With The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins)

2021 Report Pro-Iran Hashd blamed UAE UN Election Comm PM Kazemi for their poor

showing in election Fatah won 670,000 votes vs 650,000 for Sadr but lost seats because Fatah ran too many candidates in each district 1 dist in Basra Fatah ran 2 candidates so lost to Sadrist Dist in Baghdad Fatah ran two candidates and lost to Sadrist

2022 PM Sudani met with Integrity Commission and said his govt would work to fight


View the Iraq History Timelines 

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