Friday, November 7, 2008

Chart On Spread of Cholera Across Iraq

The World Health Organization charted the spread of cholera across Iraq. It found a slow growth of cases in mid-August 2008, with a dramatic rise in September to its highest point yet from September 19-23 when 52, 62, and then 79 cases were confirmed. The number of new reports then dramatically dropped, and authorities believed they had the upper hand, when they again began to take off in mid-October. As reported earlier, the outbreak started in the south in Maysan, and has hit Babil the most. The latest cases have been in Baghdad, Basra, and Muthanna provinces. Political incompetence, deteriorating water infrastructure, along with the worst drought in years have been the main cause of the disease spreading.

For more on the cholera outbreak see:

Cholera Spreading Rapidly Across Iraq


Balarkrishnan, Angela, “Millions of Iraqis at risk from contaminated water, says Red Cross,” Guardian, 10/29/08

Cockburn, Patrick, “Corruption blamed as cholera rips through Iraq,” Independent, 10/10/08

World Health Organization, “Situation report on diarrhoea and cholera in Iraq, 29 Oct 2008,” 10/29/08

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