Section 3.1 of the Chilcot Report documented the United Kingdom’s continued problems with its Iraq strategy at the start of the 2000s. London realized that international opinion had turned against its containment policy of sanctions and demanding weapons inspectors return to Iraq, yet it had no alternatives. Then 9/11 happened, opening the door to advocates of regime change within the new Bush administration. The Blair government initially believed that it still didn’t have to change, but finally decided that getting rid of Saddam had to be on the table. That was the start of London following Washington for the rest of the decade.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Chilcot Report Section 3.1 Development of UK Strategy and Options On Iraq, 9/11 to Early January 2002
Section 3.1 of the Chilcot Report documented the United Kingdom’s continued problems with its Iraq strategy at the start of the 2000s. London realized that international opinion had turned against its containment policy of sanctions and demanding weapons inspectors return to Iraq, yet it had no alternatives. Then 9/11 happened, opening the door to advocates of regime change within the new Bush administration. The Blair government initially believed that it still didn’t have to change, but finally decided that getting rid of Saddam had to be on the table. That was the start of London following Washington for the rest of the decade.
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 30
1917 Battle of the
Boot at Band-i-Adhaim between British and Ottomans
1924 Baghdad said willing to give land to Assyrians
1941 PM Gaylani refused permission for British troops to land in Basra
1941 2 brigades of
Iraqi soldiers surrounded British Habaniya base ordered British to cease
there Iraq had 9000 troops British 2250
1941 Iraqi forces
surrounded British embassy in Baghdad
1941 PM Gaylani
hoped to pressure British to leave Iraq without a fight
1941 UK memo to Chiefs
of Staff discussed destroying Iraq’s oil wells to deny them to Germany
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian
Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria
1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
1948 Jewish forces took
Jaffa, and 7 other towns held by Iraqi volunteers in 1st Arab Israeli
1959 Qasim banned
political organizing within army Was aimed at Communists
1969 Bakr govt
executed opponents in central Baghdad
1980 By end of April
around 20 Iraqi officials had been killed in bombings by Shiite opposition
1980 Arab Iranians
seized Iranian embassy in London demanding sovereignty for Khuzistan province
trained and armed by Iraq
1982 Iran launched
Op Bait al-Moqaddas to recapture Khorramshahr across from Basra and liberate
Khuzistan province Iran has 12 divisions 200,000 soldiers vs 5 Iraqi
divisions and 65,000 men Iran would gain 300 sq mi Iranian paratroopers dropped
on Karun River near Darkhovin while engineers built bridge over river
1985 Sec State
Shultz asked Def Sec Weinberger to speed up approval of technology exports to
1985 State Dept
intel reported no evidence Iraq had started on a nuclear weapons program It had
1990 Jordanian
prosecutor report detailed fake bank accounts Ahmed Chalabi ran with his Petra
1996 Turkey began
bombing campaign along border against PKK
On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A
Modern History)
1997 Fighting broke
out between PUK and Kurdish Islamic Movement
2001 NSC meeting on
Al Qaeda threat DepDefSec Wolfowitz asked why US should focus on bin Laden
when Iraq terrorism real threat
2001 Dep CIA Dir
McLaughlin told DepDefSec Wolfowitz no evidence of Iraq terrorist threat to US
2001 DepSecState
Armitage told DepDefSec Wolfowitz Al Qaeda was the main threat to US
2003 U.S. forces
shot at civilians for 2nd time in 2 days in Fallujah 2 killed
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2003 Rumsfeld
visited Iraq Realized rebuilding country would take years which was not his
2004 Marines
withdrew from Fallujah turning over security to Fallujah Brigade
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2004 Daily Mirror
published what turned out to be fake pictures of UK forces abusing Iraqi
2004 Poll 71% of
Iraqis saw US as occupiers 46% said invasion more harmful then good
2004 New Yorker
publishes photos of Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal
2005 Mass grave with
up to 1,500 Kurds killed by Saddam during Anfal campaign found outside Samawa
2006 Fmr Sec State
Powell told UK TV he advised CENTCOM cmdr Gen Franks US needed more troops
before invasion but advise ignored
2006 Pres Talabani
said 7 insurgent groups might be able to be talked into joining political
2006 US Special
Inspector Gen for Iraq Reconstruction report said attacks still retarding rebuilding
but real progress being made Said attacks on infrastructure down 60%
2006 Audit found
effort to protect power and oil infrastructure largely failed Questioned 2
foreign security
companies contracted to train guards
2006 Class of new
police recruits from Fallujah graduated Told they would serve outside Anbar 600
to do so
2007 Anbar Awakening
claimed to have killed ISI War Minister Masri Didn’t happen
2007 Report PM
Maliki and ministers using Article 136B of Criminal Code to block corruption
2007 Report Maliki
using PM and Commander in Chief offices to remove and arrest army and National
Police commanders for going after Mahdi Army or being Sunni US officers
complained Maliki politicizing officer corps
2008 PM Maliki said
Mahdi Army had to be disbanded because couldn’t have militias and state
2008 Sadr spokesman
said Iranian weapons in Iraq was normal because Tehran would sell to anyone
2008 Turkey said it
would resume diplomatic relations with Kurdistan
2009 ISF started 2nd
Operation Promise of Good in Diyala
2010 Def Min said
that ISI had lost its direction after 2 leaders Masri and Baghdadi killed
2010 PM Maliki
claimed foreign countries were plotting coup against him
2010 Iraqiya
threatened boycott after courts banned winning candidates for Baathist past
2011 Hundreds
demonstrated in Kut for better services and against corruption
2011 Asayesh
arrested four protest organizers trying to start demonstration in Sulaymaniya
2011 US said Iranian
investment projects in Karbala and Najaf were fronts for supported Asaib Ahl
Al-Haq and Kataib Hezbollah
2012 KRG said
Baghdad should pay foreign oil companies working in Kurdistan
2012 Allawi said he
wouldn’t go to national conference to resolve differences with PM Maliki
2012 4 bodyguards of
fmr Speaker Mashadani arrested for terrorism
2013 Kurdish
ministers ended boycott of govt
2013 Islamic Army met
with Kirkuk tribes to form armed group after ISF attacked Hawija protest site
2013 Sheikh Sulaiman
said that protesters would go to war with govt after crackdown on Hawija
protest site
2013 Insurgents
attacked Wasit municipal council building
2013 Dep PM Mutlaq
criticized ISF attack on Hawija protest site
2014 KRG
parliamentary elections 1st in 8 years
2014 Anbar tribes
claimed Baghdad agreed to some of protesters’ demands to end fighting Didn’t
2014 ISIS ideologue
Binali said that group didn't have to hold territory for Muslims to pledge
allegiance to
it Was setting stage for declaration of Islamic State
2015 Head of
Salahaddin council said Hashd were looting and burning buildings in Tikrit
2015 City worker in
Tikrit said 300 buildings in northern section of city had been destroyed
including 2
2015 IS seized half
of Baiji refinery
2015 Head of Anbar
Operations Command said Hashd were needed to fight IS in province
2016 Parliament
refused to meet over PM Abadi’s technocratic govt Sadr called for popular revolution
followers stormed Green Zone
View the Iraq History Timelines
Monday, April 29, 2019
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was quoted by Wladimir van Wilgenburg in "Iraq demands US Embassy delete 'offensive' Facebook post on Iran's Khamenei" in Kurdistan 24. The article was also re-posted on Hath al-Youm.
Link to all of Musings On Iraq's original writings, appearances and citations.
Link to all of Musings On Iraq's original writings, appearances and citations.
Islamic State’s Car Bomb Innovations Interview With Hugo Kaaman
Camouflaged IS car bomb (IS VIdeo) |
Car bombs (VBIEDs) have been a favorite weapon of the
Islamic State since its origins with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He used vehicle
bombs to destroy the U.N. compound in Baghdad and kill the organization’s
representative to Iraq Sergio Vieira de Mello and assassinate Ayatollah
Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim in Najaf along with 125 others. By 2014, IS had taken
the VBIED to a new level. Its conquest of territory allowed it to build car
bombs on an industrial scale. It was able to armor them, to camouflage them as
civilian vehicles and a number of other innovations. Hugo Kaaman is an
independent researcher who recently released a study, “Car
Bombs As Weapons of War, ISIS’s Development Of SVBIEDS, 2014-19” for the
Middle East Institute. This is an interview with Kaaman about the Islamic State’s
car bomb developments.
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 29
1916 Ottomans defeated
the British at Battle of Kut after 4 months captured 13,000 prisoners
British lost 33,000 casualties One of largest UK defeats in WWI
1941 More British
troops from 20th Inf Brigade arrived in Basra Iraq protested
1941 British
Ambassador told British women and children to leave Baghdad because of expected
with Iraq
1941 PM Gaylani sent
Iraqi forces to British air base at Habaniya Anbar 11th Inf Brigade
ordered to
Baghdad to later be deployed to Anbar UK Emb in Baghdad informed UK
forces in Habaniya Iraqi army heading their way
1941 Iraqis flooded
Habaniya area limiting movement of British troops there Occupied Kirkuk oil
fields Cut oil to Haifa and restarted flow to Lebanon for Vichy France
that could be used by Axis
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian
Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria
1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
1948 Battle of
Katamon began between Jewish forces attacking Iraqi volunteers and Arab Legion
in 1st
Arab-Israeli War
1954 Arshad al-Umari
became premier 2nd time
1959 Communist
central committee demanded power sharing within Qasim govt
1969 Iraq condemned
Shah of Iran for unilaterally ending 1937 border treaty over Shatt al-Arab
1981 Amnesty Intl
report interviewed 15 Iraqis exiles detailing torture methods used by govt
1986 Iran launched
counterattack along 3 fronts in Basra Advanced up road to Um Qasr and north
Fao Peninsula Caused 4000 Iraqi casualties
1986 Iraq launched
counterattack to stop Iran Al Fajr 9 outside Rawanduz Kurdistan
1994 Iraqi army
launched new military campaign to drive out displaced and rebels from southern
1994 Sec State
Christopher said Iraq complying with UN Res 687 was not enough to end sanctions
Contradicted resolution
2002 Pentagon
official said 9/11 hijacker met with Iraqi intel officer in Prague Didn’t
2003 2nd anti-American
protests in Fallujah Threw rocks at US troops who fired into crowd killing 3
wounding 16
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2003 50 former
British ambassadors and senior officials wrote letter to Blair criticizing having
no plan for
post-invasion Iraq
2003 ORHA head
Garner told White House flying frozen Iraqi assets to pay for salaries and
pensions helped
stabilize Iraq
2004 US announced
end of Battle of Fallujah Would withdraw turn over security to Fallujah Brigade
2004 Sheikh Jabani’s
brother and 3 kids kidnapped in Fallujah for fighting insurgents
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2005 Gen Vines
issued order for US troops to stop and report any cases of abuse by Iraqi
2007 Report Spec
Insp Gen for Iraq Recon looked at 8 US projects 7 were not operating or had
problems Power station for Baghdad airport had $11.8 mil spent on
generators $8.6 mil worth not operating Hospital in Irbil had incinerator for
waste locked and key lost Dumped waste into sewage system contaminating local
water system Water purification system at hospital broke Oxygen system not used
by staff that didn’t know how it worked Special Forces barracks in Baghdad had
4 generators broken due to no maintenance and supply pipes had been stolen Spec
Insp Gen had warned that US was leaving projects for Iraqis that could not be
maintained and were waste of money
2008 2nd
ISCI and Dawa delegation went to Iran to meet Sadr and Gen Suleimani to
negotiate ceasefire
2008 MPs found
torture at Karbala prison overcrowding in Babil ones
2008 Accordance
Front sent list of candidates to replace their vacant ministers in cabinet PM Maliki
rejected some of them
2008 Turkey’s
Foreign Minister said Ankara wanted better relations with KRG
2008 Fmr Dep Sec of
Def Wolfowitz said Bush admin never expected an insurgency in Iraq
2008 Female suicide
bomber attacked bus stop in Muqtadiya Another female suicide bomber attacked
Sahwa in Abu Said both in Diyala
2009 Police sent by
Integrity Comm to arrest Trade Min Sudani for corruption got into shootout with
guards in Baghdad
2009 Interior
Ministry said ISI had successfully penetrated ISF and used agents to carry out
2010 PM Maliki said
that there were no secret prisons in Iraq after one at Muthanna Airport prison
revealed Claimed that torture victims at Muthanna prison gave
themselves scars to fake abuse
2010 US accused Iran
of using Hezbollah to carry out attacks against its forces in Iraq
2010 Sadrists said PM
Maliki could not get a second term as premier
2011 Obama’s National
Security Adviser suggested 10,000 US troops stay in Iraq after withdrawal
On Iraq book review The United States
And Iraq Since 1990: A Brief History with Documents)
2011 Sadr threatened
to bring back Mahdi Army if US forces stayed past end of year
2011 KRG security
forces arrested one of top protest leaders in Sulaymaniya
2011 Anbar
councilman Fallujah police chief and other officials arrested in Anbar Anbar
Ops Command
and PM Maliki blamed
2012 Pres Barzani
told US he objected to selling F-16s to Baghdad Said didn’t trust PM Maliki
with them
2013 PM Maliki and
Pres Barzani agreed on 7 point program to repair relations between Baghdad and
2013 ISIS set off 2
car bombs in central Karbala 2 car bombs in Amarah 1 car bomb in Diwaniya
2013 Turkmen in
Kirkuk demanded peshmerga withdraw from disputed areas
2014 ISIS took
credit for suicide bombing of PUK rally in Khanaqin, Diyala that killed 30
2014 Report that US
intel believed Maliki getting re-elected PM would divide Iraq more
2016 Protests in
Baghdad Basra Najaf Qadisiya Maysan Karbala Dhi Qar Muthanna against corruption
sectarian quotas in govt
View the Iraq History Timelines
Sunday, April 28, 2019
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 28
1922 UK Iraq
Commissioner Cox said King Feisal racially weak for disagreeing with him
1929 Tawfiq
al-Suwaidi became premier of Iraq, would hold that office 3 times
1941 PM Gaylani and
Golden Square officers decided to go to war with British Asked Axis for
military and
financial aid for second time to be used against British
1941 UK Amb to Iraq
told PM Gaylani second contingent of British troops landing at Basra Gaylani
refused them entry Amb ordered start of evacuation of British civilians
from Iraq
1941 364 British
troops airlifted to Habaniya air base
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian
Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria
1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
1947 Mustafa Barzani
and 500 supporters returned to Iraq from Iran
1959 Communist paper
editorial demanded positions in Qasim govt Turned down
1973 Iraq offered to
talk with Kuwait over border dispute
1974 Iraq bombed
Halabja killing 42 and wounding over 100 during KDP rebellion
1990 Iraq hosted
Arab summit Saddam attacked Kuwait for economic warfare vs Iraq
1990 Saddam asked
Emir of Kuwait if Iraq could use two of its islands Emir said no
1991 US led
Coalition created safe zone for Kurds near Dohuk after uprising put down
On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq,
Tragedy and Hope)
1992 Report CIA
continued to give intel to Iraq until day it invaded Kuwait in Aug 90
1998 Inspectors
report to UN said no progress in last 4 months due to confrontation with Iraq
2001 Report 9/11
terrorist Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intel officer in Prague Story false
2002 US military
leaked story to press that Iraq invasion could use a force as small as 70,000
Was push
back against Rumsfeld’s small invasion
2003 Protest in
Fallujah led to shooting US troops killed 17 and wounded more than 70 Start of
in city
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2003 ORHA Garner met
with 350 Iraqis in Baghdad and told them they were in charge of Iraq said would
be meeting to create interim govt in 4 weeks
2003 Dep Sec of Def
Wolfowtiz said US occupation of Iraq would not need as many troops as invasion
2003 Pentagon paper
said interim Iraqi govt had not been decided upon
2003 Gen Franks
asked UK to take control of 5 southern Iraqi provinces UK said could only
handle 4 Basra
Maysan Dhi Qar Muthanna
2003 UK report Iran
sending in groups into southern Iraq to influence postwar situation
2004 Fighting
between US marines and insurgents continued in Fallujah while US commander
ceasefire holding
2004 Marines began
forming Fallujah Brigade to take over security of city
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2004 UK intel
assessment said another attack upon Fallujah would make political and security
situation in
Iraq worse
2004 UN Rep Brahimi
reported to Security Council that interim govt would serve until elections held
late 2004-early 2005
2004 General Mark
Kimmitt deputy director of Coalition operations in Iraq told CBS News he was
disappointed in a few soldiers for Abu Ghraib scandal
2005 PM Jaafari’s
cabinet approved by parliament 5 ministers and 1 dep PM either empty or
pending deal with Sunnis Defense Oil Electricity and Human Rights
Ministers not been named yet
2005 US pressured PM
Jaafari to name partial cabinet because filing ministers was taking too long
2005 SCIRI head Abdul
Aziz al-Hakim gave speech threatening to purge the security forces of former
regime members
2005 MP Mishan
al-Jabouri accused Shiites of dividing Iraq and Sunnis were marginalized
2006 New US military
campaign plan issued continuing with withdrawal
2007 Report ex-CIA
Dir Tenet’s book said WMD not main reason why US invaded Iraq but that Bush
wanted democratic change in Middle East Said Pentagon officials like
Wolfowitz and Feith focused on Iraq before 9/11 Said on 9/11 Def Adv Board
member Richard Perle said Iraq responsible for attack and had to pay Said State
and Pentagon at war with each other over Iraq Said US had no postwar plan for
Iraq other than to put Chalabi in power Said White House ignored warnings about
insurgency and failing policies in Iraq in 03 Said White House called CIA
On Iraq book review Iraq’s Future The
aftermath of regime change)
2008 ISCI and Dawa
delegation went to Iran to meet Sadr and Gen Suleimani to negotiate ceasefire
2010 Court acquitted
former Trade Min Sudani of corruption for lack of evidence after witnesses
disappeared or changed testimony under State of Law pressure
2010 Accountability
and Justice banned Iraqiya members of Diyala council for Baath past
2010 Baathists held
meeting in Damascus trying to unify two factions of Mohammed Yunis and Izzat
2011 1920 Rev
Brigades and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq agreed to disarm and join politics after talks
National Reconciliation Min Didn’t happen
2011 Chief of staff
of ISF Gen Zebari said Iraq would not be able to defend itself until 2020
2011 US Gen 25th
Inf Div said Iranian backed Special Groups were attacking US forces
2011 Sadrists said
that if US stayed passed end of year that would justify attacks upon them
2012 Pres Barzani
Pres Talabani Sadr Speaker Nujafi and Allawi met in Irbil to discuss no
confidence vote
against PM Maliki
2012 Sadr issued
demands to PM Maliki saying he would be removed if didn’t submit to them
2012 Pres Talabani
tried to moderate between Maliki Barzani and Allawi over having no confidence
against PM
2013 Sheikh Abu
Risha turned over 2 people said responsible for killing 5 soldiers at Fallujah
protest site
2014 Ibrahim Jaafari
said that PM Maliki’s mistakes led to deterioration in security
2014 ISIS seized
control of 6 voting centers in Qara Tapa, Diyala
2014 Iran signed oil
and natural gas deal with KRG
2014 Special voting
started in national elections for parliament
2015 Badr’s Ameri
said Hashd would not wait for permission to enter Anbar Were already there
2015 Sadr criticized
Hashd trying to politicize fight against IS to gain power
View the Iraq History Timelines
Saturday, April 27, 2019
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 27
1924 New parliament
met for 1st time to ratify Anglo-Iraq Treat write constitution write
law for
parliamentary elections Was lots of opposition to treaty Some wanted to
amend which UK rejected
1980 Radio Tehran
aired fake story that Saddam had been assassinated
1981 Iraqi
counterattack stopped Iranina effort to retake Qasr e-Shirin central front
1982 French
delegation returned to Iraq to help work on its Osirak nuclear reactor Left
after Iranian
bombing of reactor in 1980
1987 Iran Op Karbala
10 took 2 towns and 100 sq mi in Sulaymaniya
1987 Syria agreed to
stop backing Iraqi Kurds
1991 Iraq made
declaration of its nuclear program to UN inspectors but was hiding most of it
On Iraq Chilcot Report Sec 1.1 UK Iraq Strategy 1990 To 2000)
2003 ORHA head
Garner made first radio address to Iraqis calling for return to normalcy
2003 Report evidence
found linking Ansar al-Islam with Al Qaeda
2003 Captured
Mukhabarat documents showed it had meetings with Al Qaeda in 1990s
2003 Grenade thrown
at 82nd Airborne troops wounding 2 in Ramadi
2003 Baghdad
conference opened to discuss forming an Iraqi provisional govt with 300 Iraqis
Endorsed by US
2003 ORHA and Oil
Ministry officials met and picked top positions in ministry
2004 60 Minutes II
showed pictures of Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal
2007 Report ex-CIA
Dir Tenet’s new book said White House made him scapegoat for Iraq war and bad
on Iraq’s WMD Said officials like Cheney Rice and National Sec Adv
Hadley tried to blame him Said White House never had serious debate about Iraq
threat Claimed Cheney and Pentagon officials like Wolfowitz and Feith were
pushing for war at end of 2011 Said CIA opposed White House argument of Iraq-Al
Qaeda connection
2008 PM Maliki met
with VP Hashemi to try to get Accordance Front to end cabinet boycott
2008 40 MPs said
Maliki’s crackdown on Sadr needed to end
2008 Baghdad
Operations Command said they captured Iraqis trained and armed by Iran to fight
2009 PM Maliki
announced Iraqi forces captured Abu Omar al-Bahgdadi Didn’t happen
(Musings On Iraq interview with Naval War College’s Prof Whiteside on
ISI leader Abu Omar al-Baghdadi)
2009 PM Maliki
condemned US raid in Kut that killed 2 civilians calling it a crime
2012 Kurdish
Alliance returned to Ninewa council after boycott started in 2009 when Hadbaa
took all the
top posts after elections
2013 Peshmerga said
it was moving into disputed areas of Kirkuk Diyala Salahaddin to protect
increased violence
2013 PM Maliki
blamed Syria for rise of sectarianism and increased violence in Iraq
2013 Naqshibandi
claimed they were behind rise in violence after ISF attacked Hawija protest
2013 Anbar
Operations Command set 24 hrs deadline for killers of 5 soldiers at Fallujah
protest site to be
turned over
2013 5 Anbar tribes
said they were arming to fight ISIS in province after 5 soldiers killed at
Fallujah site
2013 2 tribes
withdrew from Anbar protests after 5 soldiers killed at Fallujah site
2014 ISF claimed it
was starting op to retake Fallujah that Anbar council denied was happening
2015 Arabs accused
Peshmerga of destroying homes in 5 villages after freed from IS in Kirkuk
2015 Badr’s Ameri
said using Hashd only way to free Anbar
2015 IS head
Baghdadi called on Syrian fighters to help fight in Salahaddin and Anbar
View the Iraq History Timelines
Friday, April 26, 2019
Chilcot Report Section 1.2 UK Iraq strategy September 2000 To September 2001
Section 1.2 of the Chilcot Report discussed the difficulties the United Kingdom ran into trying to maintain its containment policy on Iraq. First, the international community and Arab states were losing interesting in Iraq, so it was more difficult to maintain sanctions against it. Second, elements in the new Bush administration were talking about removing Saddam as soon as they entered office. Despite that, London mistakenly believed that it could continue with its Iraq strategy.
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 26
1916 British
arranged a ceasefire with Ottomans in Kut Wasit after 146 day siege
1923 UK’s Iraq committee
presented findings and okayed by cabinet to stay path in Iraq
1941 PM Gaylani
asked Axis for military and financial aid against British
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian
Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria
1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
1947 Iraq left San
Francisco Conference on creating UN to protest creation of Israel
1960 Iraqi Islamic
Party founded as branch of Muslim Brotherhood
1987 Jordan and
Saudis arranged meeting between Saddam and Syria’s Assad to try to improve ties
1990 Report Bush
pushed greater economic ties with Iraq
1991 Kurdish
refugees began leaving Turkish mountains for refugee camps in Kurdistan Baghdad
amnesty to Kurds that fled during uprising
On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq,
Tragedy and Hope)
2003 Marines blocked
demonstration against Mishan Jabouri declaring himself mayor of Mosul Shots
from crowd at Marines They fired back killing 10-15 civilians Led to
2003 ORHA held first
meeting of the Iraqi Interim Authority made up of Iraqi exiles and opposition
2003 Report Bush
invaded Iraq to try to transform Middle East by creating a democracy and
draw of terrorism
2003 White House
said evidence Iraq might have destroyed its WMD right before war and that
proved war
2003 Report no WMD
found in sites Powell mentioned in his 03 UN speech
2003 Ayatollah Haeri
issued fatwa from Iran saying clerics needed to fill power vacuum left by US
2003 Sheikh Naifus
of Albu Alwan in Babil arrested for taking part in executions of rebels after
91 uprising
2004 Zarqawi
announced his group Tawhid wal-Jihad
2004 US announced
Iraqi police returning to Fallujah and would start join patrols with Iraqi
Civil Defense
2004 Aid agencies
claimed Geneva Convention was violated in Battle of Fallujah due to civilian
2006 PM Maliki told
Rice and Rumsfeld he was going to fight terrorism improve services clean up
2006 Barham Salah
said PM Maliki was step towards reconciliation
2006 Amb Khalizad
took credit for creating new coalition that appointed Maliki premier
2007 Congress passed
bill calling for US withdrawal from Iraq by 10/1/07 Was vetoed by Pres Bush
2008 Chalabi called
Petraeus saying he could speak for militias to negotiate ceasefire in Sadr City
2008 VP Hashemi said
Accordance Front interested in ending its boycott of cabinet
2008 ISF said
cleared last Sadr stronghold in Basra
2010 Baath exile
faction led by Ahmad Yunis said wanted to unite with other faction led by Izzat
during meeting in Damascus
2010 Human Rights
Watch interviewed prisoners who were held at secret prison at Baghdad Muthanna
Airport and tortured by ISF
2010 Kurdish member
of Kirkuk council said displaced Arabs had to leave province and go home
2011 PM Maliki
admitted his 100 day deadline to reform ministries was not enough time
2011 State of Law
held counter protest in Mosul supporting PM Maliki
2011 Ninewa Gov
Nujafi called for strike in response to security forces attacking protest camp
in Mosul
2012 Sulaymaniya
court gave protest organizer life in prison after policeman killed at protest
in Halabja
2012 Report that
Kurds being threatened and driven out of Khanaqin district northeast Diyala
2012 Sadr went to
Irbil to meet Pres Barzani over no confidence vote against PM Maliki
2013 4 Sunni mosques
bombed in Baghdad after noon prayers
2013 Anbar protest
leaders called for a popular army to be formed to protect demo sites
2013 Fallujah
protest site announced formation of Pride and Dignity Army to protect demonstrators
2013 5 Intelligence
officers killed at Fallujah protest site
2013 ISF retook
Suleiman Beq from insurgents who seized town for several days
2015 Kataib
Hezbollah withdrew from southern Fallujah claiming PM Abadi and US were
preventing it
from fighting there
2015 Head of Anbar
council announced PM Abadi okayed recruiting locals for Hashd
2016 Sadrists
protested while parliament voted in 5 new ministers as part of PM Abadi’s
2017 Hashd took
Hatra Ninewa
2018 Iraq held
auctions for 11 oil and gas fields half of which got winning bids
View the Iraq History Timelines
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Chilcot Report Sec 1.1 UK Iraq Strategy 1990 To 2000
The Chilcott Inquiry was created to explain the decisions that led to England’s participation in the Iraq War. The first section covered the United Kingdom’s strategy towards Iraq from the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait to 2000. London’s main concern during this period all the way to 2003 was Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and nuclear programs. British intelligence believed that Iraq was close to getting a nuclear bomb and had a large and active chemical and biological weapons arsenal. After the Gulf War, the UK committed itself to a containment policy that backed United Nations’ inspectors to destroy Iraq’s weapons programs and a no fly zone to deter any further aggression. This set the stage for Downing Streets’ Iraq strategy all the way up to 2003.
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 25
1920 San Remo Agreement created British Mandate in Iraq France agreed
give up Mosul vilyat
in return for oil concessions in Iraq
(Musings On Iraq book review An
Analysis of Hanna Batatu’s The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary
Movements of Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq book review Supremacy
And Oil, Iraq, Turkey, and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930)
1929 Iran officially
recognized Iraq as a country Hadn’t before due to complaints of
mistreatment of Persians in Iraq
1941 Iraq-Italian
treaty signed to provide financial and military aid to Iraq for war against UK
would get oil concessions and use ports and military bases
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian
Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria
1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
1991 Kurdish parties
agreed to deal with Saddam including autonomy to end
revolt after Gulf War
1991 Turkey told UN
30,000 Iraqi Kurds had entered Turkey in 2 days and 220,000
were on there way as Kurdish
uprising put down
On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A
Modern History)
On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq,
Tragedy and Hope)
1994 Iraqi govt
announced completion of Mother of all Battles Irrigation Canal meant to
drain southern marshes to drive out
displaced and rebels
1995 Turkey’s Op
Steel ended Withdrew 20,000 troops but left 15,000 in Kurdistan
On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A
Modern History)
1998 Was story that
bin Laden sent delegation to Iraq for Saddam’s birthday and
Uday agreed to train Al Qaeda Report
2002 For Sec Straw
said UK had to stand up to “bullies” like Saddam
2002 IAEA report
that during inspections in 1990s Iraq’s nuclear program was
dismantled and no ability to produce
nuke material
(Musings On Iraq article on how poor US intel work led to claim Iraq
rebuilt its nuclear weapons program)
2003 US arrested
ex-Iraq Amb to Tunisia Farouk Hijazi who reportedly met with Al
Qaeda in 90s and cited as proof of
Iraq-Al Qaeda ties
2003 Bush said
Iraq’s WMD were either hidden or were destroyed but US would find
2003 White House
official told NY Times Iraq may not have had WMD just agents to
make them
2003 Only Iraqi
policemen to help US in Fallujah executed outside his house
2003 US Cmdr in Iraq
Gen Franks said didn’t know how long it would take to
rebuild and stabilize Iraq
2003 Iraqi
opposition met in Madrid but failed to agree on an interim govt
2004 Rumsfeld said
US troops in Iraq would have tours extended for 3 months
2004 Marine generals
met with Iraqis to discuss creating a Fallujah brigade after 1st
battle of Fallujah
(Musings On Iraq book review The
Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2004 Larry Diamond
worked as democracy expert for CPA said US encouraged Iraqis
to participate in new Iraq but
didn’t provide them security
2005 Iraq Survey
Group found Gulf War and UN sanctions destroyed Iraq’s WMD
programs and Saddam didn’t try to
rebuild them
2005 Iraq Survey
Group found no evidence that Iraq’s WMD were sent to Syria
2005 White House
said Iraq Survey Group found Saddam wanted WMD in the future
2006 Memo by Gen
McCaffrey said that Iraqi army was making real progress but was
badly equipped lacking armor air
support etc
2006 Memo by Gen
McCaffrey said Iraqi police heavily infiltrated by insurgents and
militias Said that Al Qeada in Iraq had been defeated as a strategic
threat to the Iraqi govt
2008 Sadr said he
was only opposed to US occupation not Maliki govt
2008 Report Badr and
Mahdi Army setting up checkpoints and killing each other in Qadisiyah and
2008 Maliki said all
parties supported his crackdown on Sadr and sign of reconciliation
2008 Maliki said if
Sadr disarmed dropped politics turn in wanted militiamen would
stop Charge of Knights
2008 Fmr Under Sec
of Def Feith said he warned of postwar chaos in Iraq but
was ignored and Pentagon was on top
of issue not State or CIA
2009 Gorran List founded
by former PUK leader Mustafa
2009 Shiites protest
in Khalis, Diyala claiming Baathists taking over new provincial
council after elections
2009 Arab tribes in
Makhmour and Qaraj demanded Asayesh withdraw claiming
2010 Iraqi Airways
flew to London for first time in 20 years
2010 Court upheld
Accountability and Justice Comm banning 52 winning candidates
for Baathist ties
2011 Maliki claimed
power had been decentralized in response to national protests
2011 ISF tried to
stop protesters from gathering in Mosul Led to clash killing 1
demonstrator and wounding 9 others
2011 Protest in
Ramadi demanding US withdrawal close secret prisons and stop
Iranian influence in country
2011 Peshmerga
Minister accused Kurdistan Islamic Group and Kurdistan Islamic
Union of being saboteurs and
fostering jihadists
2011 Kurdistan
Islamic Union said KRG had cut its monthly budget
2011 Soldiers and
KDP security got into shoot out in Kirkuk City after brother 12th
commander killed a taxi driver and was arrested
2011 Speaker Nujafi
said Iraq didn’t need US troops anymore and any extension would have to go
On Iraq book review The United States
And Iraq Since 1990: A Brief History with Documents)
2012 Accordance
Front and Iraqiya threatened no confidence vote against Maliki unless
he followed Irbil power sharing agreement
2012 Pres Barzani
said that unless Maliki shared power would be a revolt by
other ruling parties Said Maliki was
like a dictator
2013 Maliki gave TV
speech saying security would be restored after ISF attack
on Hawija protest site led to spike
in violence
2013 Heavy fighting
in Mosul 10 police and 31 insurgents killed
2014 Boko Haram
pledged support to ISIS
2014 US sent
intelligence officers to assist Iraq with fighting insurgency, started
training Iraqi Special Forces in
2014 KRG offered
North Oil Company to use its pipeline to Turkey
2014 Report that
insurgents were split over whether to support elections or not
2015 PM Abadi said
Hashd should include all Iraqis from all backgrounds
2015 Kudish Alliance
said opposed National Guard in disputed areas because
peshmerga could secure them
2015 Yazidi militia
leader Haider Sesho said that Yazidis would form their own
party in Sinjar and be independent
of KDP
2015 IS took over
army base in Thar Thar, Anbar 141 soldiers killed in fighting
2017 Turkey bombed
PKK positions in Sinjar Ninewa
View the Iraq History Timelines
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Review Charles Townshend, Desert Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011
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