Friday, March 9, 2012

Internally Displaced Iraqis In Baghdad And Refugees Returning From Syria

According to the latest United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) report, Iraq has over 1.2 million internally displaced refugees registered with the government. Over 300,000 of those people live in the capital province of Baghdad, which was at the heart of the fighting for control of the country. Many of them live in squalid squatter camps. At the same time, thousands of Iraqi refugees are returning at present, in part driven by the unrest in neighboring countries. Below are pictures of a squatter camps in Baghdad, and refugees coming back on a bus from Syria, taken in February and March 2012. 

An internally displaced family within their home in a refugee camp in northern Baghdad, Mar. 1, 2012 (Getty Images)
Rana Ahmed takes a sip of water at a camp for internal refugees in south Baghdad, Feb. 27, 2012 (AP)
Two girls bring food to their family in a refugee camp in western Baghdad, Feb. 27, 2012 (AP)
A displaced family outside their makeshift home in a camp in western Baghdad, Feb. 27, 2012 (AP)
A mother gives her baby a bath at the same camp (AP)
Children playing in displaced camp in western Baghdad, Feb. 7, 2012 (AP)
4 year old Fatima Mohammed walking into her home in the same west Baghdad camp, Feb. 7, 2012 (AP)
Sadoun Ahmed and his family around a fire in the west Baghdad camp, Feb. 7, 2012 (AP)
A family milking their goat in the Baghdad camp, Feb. 7, 2012 (AP)
Iraqi refugees getting off a bus in Baghdad coming from Syria on Feb. 7, 2012. Syria has the largest number of Iraqi refugees, but the unrest there is leading many to come back. (Reuters)
Iraqis unloading their belongings that they packed up and left Syria with (Reuters)


UNHCR Iraq Operation, “Monthly Statistical Update on Return – December 2011,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, February 2012

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This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 15 1948 Anglo-Iraq Treaty signed Led to major protests in Iraq

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