Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tit For Tat Between Integrity Commission And Judiciary Over Corruption In Iraq Continues

On October 15 a warrant was issued for the head of the anti-corruption Integrity Commission Judge Hanoun. Reportedly there is a recording of him talking about taking bribes. This is the latest controversy between the Integrity Commission and the judiciary.

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 16 Govt forces took south Kirkuk and Kirkuk city after fighting Peshmerga Aftermath of KRG independence referendum


1914 UK convoy with 16th Indian Bgd on way to Egypt told it was being sent to Persian Gulf to

            secure Persian oil fields and occupy Basra

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq In World War I, From Ottoman Rule to British Conquest)

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Security In Iraq Oct 8-14, 2024

The Islamic State’s attempt at a comeback in Iraq faltered during October. It also seemed like Baghdad and Tehran’s pressure on the Iraqi Resistance finally came to fruition as they cut back their attacks upon Israel.

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 15 UN inspectors found Iraq worked on hydrogen bomb


1905 British Amb to Turkey O’Connor sent memo written by Sir Sykes to Foreign Office

            detailing oil deposits in Mosul vilayet

Monday, October 14, 2024

US Army In The Iraq War Volume 2 Chapter 12 A New Iraq Policy For The United States

The twelfth chapter of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Volume on the Iraq War is about the 2011 U.S. withdrawal and its impacts upon Iraq. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki continued his concentration of power and was using the security forces to go after his opponents, the Islamic State of Iraq began its comeback while the Americans willingly gave away its influence with Baghdad.

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 14 Oil discovered in Kirkuk


1920 UK military took Kifl railway station Major transportation hub in mid-Euphrates during

            1920 Revolt

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 17 Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and his group became Al Qaeda in Iraq

  1909 Mosul representatives to new Ottoman Assembly left for Istanbul Was part of Young Turks’ reforms