Saturday, October 4, 2014

Musings On Iraq In The News

I was mentioned in the Long War Journal’s “Islamic State assaults Baiji oil refinery” by Caleb Weiss. I was cited in "Why UK warplanes are struggling to find targets in Iraq" by Shashank Joshi in the BBC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ISIS News Update:Islamic State Seizes Town In Iraq Close To Haditha Dam
By Alessandria on October 04 2014 3:53 PM

Pls Joel could you pass this to your CIA, Pentagon or to your Army chief to Iraq to those experts and military specialists who using drone as remote killing machines why then these mongers left celebrating on the streets with joyful day Sunshine day with Parrot flags raising high

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 13 Barzani officially ended his revolt after Shah of Iran cut off aid

  1910 Ottoman army defeated Montafiq tribal confederation in present day Maysan province for rejecting taxes