1928 Abdul Sadoun became PM for 3rd of 4 times Replaced Askari who was forced to resign over
opposition to his conscription plan for army Sadoun compromise between King and England to try to get Anglo-Iraq Treaty passed
(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)
(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Between the Two World Wars, The Militarist Origins of Tyranny)
1935 Mid-Euphrates sheikhs gave petition to King Ghazi protesting lack of Shiite
representation in govt King did nothing Was actually just excuse for Sheikh Wahid to start revolt vs PM Ayubi Jawadat who excluded him from parliament
(Musings On Iraq review The Shi’is Of Iraq)
1936 Iraq told League of Nations that 1847 Treaty of Erzerum gave Ottomans sovereignty
over Shatt al-Arab and that right passed to Iraq
1951 Grenade thrown at Baghdad synagogue 9 killed Might’ve been done by underground Zionist group
sent by Israel
(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Jews, A History of Mass Exodus)
1959 Qasim said Popular Resistance Force and Student Unions could not do any law
enforcement without direct orders Both controlled by Communists and Barzani in Kurdistan who used it against rival sheikhs
(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)
1968 After Barzani sent letter to Paris protesting against proposed French-Iraq arms deal
French parliament said it wouldn’t sell weapons to Iraq out of fear they would be used against Kurds
1991 Saddam called on Iraqis to fight to the death to hold Kuwait Said Iraq could take
casualties but US could not
(Musings On Iraq review from storm to Freedom, America’s Long War with Iraq)
1991 Iraq’s parliament endorsed Saddam’s authority to fight for Kuwait
1991 Intel chief Gen Samarrie told Saddam Iraq would be hard pressed in war Had bad
defensive positions and forces exposed
1991 Report Iraq got uranium from France Russia Portugal Nigeria Argentina Brazil Italy for
its bomb program Needed enrichment plant for weapon Germany UK US sold it equipment for program Set up front companies and invested in others to get equipment Didn’t have enough centrifuges to build nuclear bomb Didn’t have workable plan to build bomb light enough for missile
1992 Iraq admitted to UN inspectors that it was trying to enrich uranium to build a nuclear
(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)
(Musings On Iraq review The Saddam Tapes)
1992 Kurds attacked Baath offices in Baghdad killing 36
1993 US demanded Iraq remove police posts in demilitarized zone along Kuwait border
Area was to be returned to Kuwait on Jan15
1999 Tariq Aziz questioned legitimacy of Iraq-Kuwait border Was condemned by UN
1999 ABC reported on Dec 98 meeting with Iraqi intelligence officer and bin Laden False
2002 UK Def Min analysis said weaknesses of INC outweighed its strengths
2003 Bush told press time running out for Saddam
(Musings On Iraq review The Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein, Deciding on Conflict)
(Musings On Iraq Review Hubris, The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, And The Selling Of The Iraq War)
2003 Bush met Polish Pres Kwasniewski Said he would support US in war but asked about
2003 UK Attn Gen Goldsmith told PM Blair that 2nd UN resolution was needed to have legal
justification for war with Iraq
(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)
(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Inquiry Section 3.7 Development of UK Strategy and Options, 1 February to 7 March 2003)
(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Inquiry Section 5 Advice On The Legal Basis For Military Action, November 2002 To March 2003)
2004 US Iraq cmdr Gen Sanchez told about abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and that there were
2004 US troops killed 2 civilians at anti-American protest in Fallujah
(Musings On Iraq review The Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2004 US military report claimed US turning tide against insurgency Iraqis would soon blame
insurgency for their problems Militants would lose support and wither away
2005 Shell signed deal to study Kirkuk oil field Did it for free to try to get into Iraq oil business
2007 UK Gen Lamb said PM Maliki picked Gen Qanbar to head Baghdad Ops Command
That he was a professional respected and non-sectarian US questioned Qanbar as being an unknown
2007 Report $1.5 bil smuggled out of Baiji refinery Insurgents were thought to be taking most of that
Dep PM Salah said oil industry facing crisis due to crime Said govt encouraged corruption
2007 Pres Bush at press conference said Quds Force provided EFPs to Iraqis Said didn’t know whether had
approval of Iran’s leadership
(Musings On Iraq How Iran Used Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs) To Influence events In Iraq)
2008 Report Oct ISC and Mahdi Army fought in Diwaniya Nov fought in Maysan Also fought in Basra
during end of 07
2008 PM Maliki met with Presidency Council They told him he needed to reform govt
consult with them more get rid of some ministers and replace them with technocrats Warned there would be no confidence vote to remove him if didn’t act
2008 Defense Minister Obeidi said that Iraq couldn’t take responsibility for internal security
until 2012 and wouldn’t be able to defend its borders until at least 2018
2008 KDP said it opposed forming Sahwa units in disputed territories Said Peshmerga and
Asayesh were enough
2008 Report US began vocational training for Sahwa because so few of them would be hired
by govt
(Musings On Iraq review Surge, My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War)
2009 Report New Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Danafar was a member of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards Quds Force
(Musings On Iraq New Iranian Ambassador To Iraq Confirmed As Revolutionary Guards Member)
2010 Election Comm approved Accountability and Justice Comm banning of 511 candidates
before March parliamentary vote
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Election Commission Okays Ban On Mutlaq And Others From 2010 Vote)
(Musings On Iraq The Continuing Saga Of The Candidate Banning In Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq Timeline of Iraq’s De-Baathification Campaign)
2010 Head of Accountability and Justice Comm told parliament he supported banning
candidates before 2010 election and more parties and politicians should be barred from running
2010 VP Biden met with VP Abdul Mahdi Said banned candidates should be allowed to run
2010 Members of Qadisiya council said they were working to stop Baathists from returning
to power Part of campaign by Shiite parties to make Baathists main issue of 2010 election
2010 Demonstration in Mosul against banning candidates in 2010 election for Baathist ties
2010 Joint U.S.-Iraqi-Peshmerga patrols announced for Mosul to increase cooperation
between Baghdad and Irbil on security
(Musings On Iraq Joint Iraq-Peshmerga-U.S. Patrols Begin In Disputed Territories)
2010 Report new Iranian ambassador member of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force
like previous ones
2012 Report Iran-Iraq trade reached $10 bil in 2011 Was increase from 2010 Iraq was becoming Iraq’s largest
trade partner Iran provided electricity fuel food industrial goods Iraqi traders were also making large profits selling to Iran which was under sanctions Iran was desperate for imported goods and hard currency US$s were flowing from Iraq into Iran sinking value of Iraqi dinar Central Bank of Iraq almost doubled the sale of dollars from $180 mil to $350 mil as a result Oil smugglers also sent oil from Iraq to Iran
2012 Bombings of Shiite pilgrims during Arbayeen left 190 casualties
(Musings On Iraq review The ISIS Reader, Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement)
2012 Turkey’s Foreign Min Sinirlioglu visited Pres Barzani in Irbil without going to Baghdad
2013 PM Maliki released 300 prisoners in concession to Sunni protests
(Musings On Iraq Understanding Iraq’s Protest Movements, An Interview With Kirk Sowell, Editor of Inside Iraqi Politics)
2016 Report One suggestion to deal with Iraq’s budget crisis was cutting govt salaries Govt largest
employer 7 mil out of 35 mil workers Politicians opposed to cuts PM Abadi assured people there would be no major econ changes coming Adv to Abadi said govt wanted to transition to market economy Finance Min Zebari warned deficit could mean govt couldn’t pay public workers Needed $45 bil for govt workers Only expected to earn $15 bil Borrowed $10 bil
2016 Reports Parliament’s security comm said it would investigate violence in Muqdadiya Diyala PM
Abadi ordered arrest of people attacking mosques in city Neither happened Hashd spokesman said intl community was trying to exploit Muqdadiya to destabilize Iraq Came after bombing which led to widespread attacks on Sunnis by Hashd
2017 Report Went with Christians to look at their homes in Qaraqosh Ninewa Many buildings burned
destroyed looted Many said they wanted to leave Iraq Didn’t trust either ISF or peshmerga to protect them Ninewa Plains Protection Unit in charge of Qaraqosh Worked with Baghdad and US Baqofa Assyrian Christian military was under KRG Peshmerga blocked them from retaking their town Some Christians wanted own province or autonomous region
2020 Protest sites in Nasiriya Dhi Qar hit with mortars and activist assassinated Another
protester killed in Baghdad
2021 Report World Food Programme said 2.6 mil Iraqis not eating enough in 2020 Food insufficiency
mostly due to poverty rate which was around 40% Much higher figure than govt
2022 Human Rights Watch criticized KRG’s arrest and trails of journalists Said cases flawed Several
recent trials had political interference Part of crackdown on dissent within KRG after 2020 protests
2022 Grenades thrown at Taqadum and Azm Alliance officers KDP official survived assassination
attempt Both incidents in Baghdad Likely work of Coordination Framework to intimidate Sadr’s allies to abandon him during govt formation talks
2022 Iraq removed from EU list of high risk money laundering and terrorism financing Financial adv to
PM Kazemi said Iraq free of money laundering It wasn’t
View the Iraq History Timelines
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