866 Abbasid Caliph Mutasin deposed by his adviser Ibn Tahir
1921 Faisal turned down UK’s unofficial support to be king of Iraq Said his father wanted his
brother Abdullah to be king He would only go to Iraq if UK rejected his brother
(Musings On Iraq review Empires of the Sand, The Struggle For Mastery In The Middle East 1789-1923)
1921 Colonial Sec Churchill wrote Sir Percy Cox saying too expensive to maintain UK forces in
Mesopotamia therefore Arab govt should be created to run things
(Musings On Iraq Churchill In His Own Words On Mesopotamia/Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review Churchill’s Folly, How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied)
(Musings On Iraq review Supremacy And Oil, Iraq, Turkey, and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930)
1928 Conscription law failed in parliament King Faisal and allies were hoping conscription would expand
army create national feeling allow Iraqi independence from England
1928 PM Askari resigned No progress on passing Anglo-Iraq Treaty Conscription failed Shiite protests
1935 Persia told League of Nations that treaties between Ottomans and Persian didn’t apply anymore so
Iraq had no right to Shatt al-Arab
1948 College student strike in Baghdad over Anglo-Iraq Treaty ended when arrested students were
released by police
1956 Interior Minister announced conspiracy against govt by Egypt Based upon evidence Egypt
involved in bombings of Turkish embassy in Baghdad and assassination attempt on PM Said
1966 Govt forces attacked Kurds in Panjwin
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)
(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)
1981 Iranian commander thought he’d destroyed most of Iraqi forces Attacked Dezful Broke
through Iraqi lines but pushed back Iranians retreated In offensive Iran lost 214 Chieftain tanks and 8 Cobra helicopters Iraq lost 100 T-55 and T-62 tanks End of 1st Iranian counteroffensive in war Failed
1987 Iranian cmdr said Op Karbala 5 needed to start immediately before Iraq discovered it
1988 Iran naval attack on Al-Amiq oil terminal in Basra
(Musings On Iraq Remembering The Iran-Iraq War Interview With Author Anthony Tucker-Jones)
(Musings On Iraq The Iran-Iraq War Interview with Author Tom Cooper)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)
1991 Saddam told missile force to prepare WMD warheads for attack upon Israel
1993 Iraq told inspectors they had to enter Iraq on Iraqi planes not UN ones Iraq warned that it was in
material breach of weapons inspections and would suffer consequences
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)
1999 Kurdish parties met to discuss how to implement peace plan in civil war
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
2003 Bush met with Congressional leaders and said he would make case to Congress and US
public for war with Iraq
2003 Bush met with Republican leaders Said Saddam wasn’t complying with UN resolution and
he would have to address US about war
(Musings On Iraq review The Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein, Deciding on Conflict)
(Musings On Iraq Review Hubris, The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, And The Selling Of The Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy
2003 Saudi Foreign Min Faisal said that Iraq invasion could create a vacuum and eventually a civil
2006 Bush admin meetings said US was on strategic defensive in Iraq
2006 More than half sheikhs on Anbar People’s Comm which was attempt by Ramadi sheikhs and 1920
Rev Brigade to join Anbar politics assassinated by Al Qaeda in Iraq Many of the survivors quit committee
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 19 The Iraqi Civil War Comes Into The Open, January-June 2006)
(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 21 Hope In Ramadi)
2007 Bush told about raid on Badr house that led to arrest of Iranian Quds Force officers Bush
asked if ISCI involved with Iran Sec State Rice said yes Bush asked if ISCI killed US troops Rice said no but it might train those that did
(Musings On Iraq “US Army In The Iraq War Volume 2 Ch 2 “The Eve Of The Surge, December
2006-February 2007)
2007 Human Rights Watch report Militias killing torturing and dumping bodies with protection of
Interior Ministry
2008 6 churches in Mosul and Baghdad bombed
2008 US Op Phantom Phoenix began to secure Baghdad and belts in Diyala Salahaddin Ninewa US kept
offensive secret from most ISF fearing they would leak offensive to insurgents Still many insurgents escaped
2008 Ret Gen McCaffrey warned that Awakening and Sahwa were good short term security solution but
didn’t mean long term political stability in Iraq
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Carter Malkasian on Anbar Awakening)
(Musings On Iraq review Illusions of Victory, The Anbar Awakening And The Rise Of The Islamic State)
2009 Marine cmdr in Anbar said he failed because Baghdad didn’t rebuild Anbar after Awakening
helped reduce violence Blamed sectarianism
2010 Iraqiya held meeting over Accountability and Justice Comm banning its members from 2010
election for Baathist ties Rejected decision and threatened a boycott of parliament
(Musings On Iraq Timeline of Iraq’s De-Baathification Campaign)
2010 UN sent letter to Election Comm calling for it to reject the banning of candidates for Baathist
2010 Gorran complained that PUK was attacking its followers 1 member killed in Halabja Dec 09
2011 Interior Min Bolani claimed investigation into fake bomb detectors was a political move and no
corruption in purchase Interior Min Inspector General believed 75% of money to buy detectors went to kickbacks for officials
(Musings On Iraq Fake Bomb Detectors At Center Of Corruption Case At Iraq’s Interior Ministry)
(Musings On Iraq Conviction Of Fake Bomb Detector Maker In England Changes Nothing On The Ground in Iraq)
2011 Sadr gave homecoming speech after returning from Iran Said was religious obligation to
resist US occupation of Iraq
(Musings On Iraq Sadr’s Return To Public View)
(Musings On Iraq Why Sadr Left Iraq)
2013 KRG Natural Resource Min Hawrami told press KRG was trucking oil to Turkey Came after
KRG-Baghdad oil export deal failed
2013 Pro-PM Maliki protests in Basra Qadisiya Karbala Muthanna Babil Wasit Chanted for Accountability
and Justice Commission Pro-Maliki TV station said Sunni protests were Baathists Response to Sunni protests that started after PM Maliki issued warrant for Finance Min Issawi
2014 KRG Natural Resource Min said KRG would export 2 mil/bar/day by end of month Said KRG would
export 10-12 mil/bar/day by end of 2014 Didn’t happen
2014 Natural Resource Min said KRG would start exporting oil and buyers could go to Kurdistan Oil
Marketing Organization to make purchases which didn’t exist
(Musings On Iraq Iraqi Kurdistan’s Failed Independent Oil Strategy)
2014 ISIS handed out flyers in Fallujah threatening to bomb houses of people who opposed them
2014 Albu Nimr tribe joined Fallujah Military Council Was tribal and insurgent group
2016 Asaib Ahl Al-Haq’s Khazali said Basra suffered from organized crime tribal wars drug abuse
and answer was to use Hashd for security Said would work under Basra Ops Command Attempt to extend Hashd control over south
2018 Asaib Ahl Al-Haq’s Khazali said he was putting his Hashd under command of PM Abadi and
would make his group a political party for the 2018 elections Did form political party Hashd not under govt control
(Musings On Iraq Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq)
2019 Report Complaints about arrests extortion uncontrolled shooting by tribes and Hashd
in Mosul Qayara Rabiya Sharouq Tikrit Ramadi Hit Haditha Qaim
2019 Human Rights Watch KRG tortured children to get confessions about IS Children said
2017-18 Asayesh tortured them Most never saw lawyer Boys confessed due to torture
2020 Report Iranian media said Iranian Rev Guard started 2nd wave of attacks on US bases
in Iraq Rockets fired at Irbil airport
2021 Head of Hashd Comm Falah Fayad sanctioned by US for human rights abuses vs protesters
and corruption
2021 2nd day of protests in Nasiriya demanding release of activist arrested Jan 7 Police fired tear
gas to break up crowd Lawyer/activist had house broken into and killed
(Musings On Iraq Iraqi Army Intervenes To Protect Nasiriya Protesters From Police)
(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)
(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)
2021 Report Dec 2020 Transportation Min signed deal with Daewoo to build Faw Port Project 1st
brought up in 1978 then stalled Daewoo finished 1st stage of port Then Hashd demanded Chinese company take over project that had no experience building ports Hashd organized protest outside Transportation Min demanding Chinese company get deal Oct body of Daewoo manager found hanged in Basra under suspicion it was a murder
2022 Khamis al-Khanjar and his Azm Alliance agreed to join with his longtime rival Speaker
Halbusi and his Taqadum list
(Musings On Iraq Iraq Takes 1st Step Towards Forming New Govt With Election of Speaker of Parliament)
View the Iraq History Timelines
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