Saturday, November 20, 2010

Draft Of The National Council for Strategic Policies Bill

Below is the text of the bill for the new National Council for Strategic Policies. It was originally printed in Baghdad Magazine.

"Iraqi paper of the National Council for Strategic Policy"
Text proposed by the draft Law of the National Council

Enacted the National Council for strategic policy law after the election of the Speaker and his deputies and the election of the president candidate and ask the largest parliamentary bloc to form a government, before establishing the new ministry at a meeting of the House of Representatives.

Draft Law of the National Council for the Strategic Policy

Article I:
Is an independent body in accordance with Article 108 of the permanent constitution on behalf of the National Council of Strategic Policy.

Article II:
First: The Council has a Secretary General or the President be agreed upon within the presidencies of the country's Supreme, the President and his two deputies, Prime Minister and his deputies, the President of the House of Representatives and his deputies, before establishing the new ministry at a meeting of the House of Representatives.
Second: The Council shall have full-time secretariat and the headquarters and a brigade in a presidential Balriasat like three.
Thirdly: the budget of the Board independent, provide the secretariat of the Council, like the three presidencies, and recognizes in law the general budget for this year.

Article III:
The council, who chairs the meetings of the President or the President or Secretary-General, as members of the Vice-President and the Speaker and the Deputy Prime Minister and his deputies, the President of the Federal Council and the President of the Supreme Judicial Council and the President of the Kurdistan Region and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Minister of Defense and the Interior Minister and Minister of National Security and Foreign Minister and Minister of Finance and the Minister Justice and the intelligence chief and Minister of Peshmerga and the Interior Minister in the Kurdistan Regional Government, and you can add other members of the non-executive directors as observers, not entitled to vote on resolutions of the Council.

Article IV:
First: The Council will be part of the executive branch and replace the Board of the National Security Advisory Council of Ministers, in addition to its other missions.
Secondly: The ministers, each according to its competence in the presence of necessary meetings in the fields of competence, that does not contradict with the work of the Council of Ministers, with the full commitment issued by the Council, including resolutions.
Third: The Council has a panel of advisers in the fields of the different jurisdictions like the prime minister, in the terms of reference for political affairs, foreign and domestic policies and economic and monetary affairs and security affairs, military, energy matters - oil - gas - electricity - water, environment and food security, and any tasks or other functions.

Functions of the Council

Article V:
Functions of the Council include the following:
First: developing common visions and responsible in the management of files in the strategic institutions of the state supreme economic and political issues, security and services, energy and other, in harmony and integration of plans and programs according to the map of a comprehensive development with binding to the executive.
Second: to set a timetable to national priorities and follow up their implementation, in the forefront of completing the requirements of removing Iraq from Chapter VII.
III: identification of a priority list of laws and legislation by the House of Representatives to achieve the implementation of plans and strategic objectives, and evaluate the system of legislation and laws in force for the diagnosis of citizen conflict taking place in the legislation of the Iraqi state in the stages of its history and the abolition of laws and decrees and instructions issued by the former regime that are inconsistent with the public interest, in coordination with the legislative authority.
IV: controls and standards to ensure accurate scientific achievement of harmony between the public budget allocations and priorities of the plans, programs and strategic objectives.
Fifth: to find effective solutions for all makes it easier for the executive branch and its duties to remove barriers to performance.
Sixth: to reach a common vision in regards to constitutional amendments to ensure that exceeded the gap that has emerged in the previous phase and enhances the efficiency of the current political system and has met the requirements of the general stability and progress in the next phase.
VII: evaluating the performance of the judiciary in order to achieve the goals of justice and ensure the commitment of its articles of the Constitution and the laws in force and the state of stability so as to enhance security.

Functions of the Council

Article VI:
First: to develop and propose high-level policy of the State in various fields and follow up the implementation of these policies from the relevant authorities in charge of regulating the relationship between Iraq and the international community.
Second: To regulate matters of internal security and external security to ensure the stability of Iraq and the state's ability to deter or repel aggression of any kind or his time.
Third: the organization of the various economic actors in order to achieve prosperity and decent life for citizens in the areas of oil and gas, industry, agriculture, trade, monetary policy, financial policy, investment.
Fourth: Regulating private actors to ensure social cohesion (social security) in its broadest sense, which relates to services, environment, human rights, political, cultural, relief, human development.
Fifth: The policies established by the Supreme Council is the basis on which executive agencies which develop operational plans, each according to his competence, and to ensure the achievement of high politics.

Article VII:
Council resolutions enacted that do not conflict with the constitutional powers of the President and the Prime Minister.

Article VIII:
First: When the Council resolution on 80% of the votes of the members of the Council shall be a non-mandatory.
Second: When the decision of the Council on 100% of the votes of council members issued by a law of the Council of Representatives shall be mandatory.

Article IX:
First: does not work with any text or the decision issued by the Board inconsistent with the permanent constitution.
Second: the right to cancel the House of Representatives of the National Council if necessary, in its third election.


Baghdad News Network, "An Iraqi Paper Of The National Council for Strategic Policies," November 2010

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