Wednesday, November 6, 2024

PM Sudani May Change Cabinet To Appease Opponents Over Spy Scandal

At the end of October there were reports that Prime Minister Mohammad al-Sudani may change his cabinet. Some said this was to improve efficiency. The ministries that might have new leadership are Transportation, Communications, Agriculture, Water and Education.


These changes may actually be the price PM Sudani had to pay for the recent spy scandal. In September several government officials from Sudani’s office were arrested for wiretapping. That included Sudani’s military secretary, the director of the PM’s office and the head of intelligence in Sudani’s office. Nuri al-Maliki and others were allegedly spied upon. That led Maliki to file a complaint against the premier.


The scandal increased the competition between Maliki and Sudani for control of the government. Maliki hopes to depose the PM and become the leader of Iraq once more. The wiretapping case gave Maliki more ammunition for his case against Sudani.


PM Sudani’s penance for this controversy is to change his cabinet so that his opponents can get more positions. Those are crucial for the ruling parties because it opens more doors for political patronage to give their followers and more opportunities to steal from the state. People given positions for their loyalty to lists are expected to divert government funds to their patrons.




Al Aalem, “Parliamentarian reveals new names involved in the spy network case .. most notably Al-Sudani’s brother,” 9/27/24

- “Al-Sudani snatches the stay card from the angry Framework .. and the dispute between them intensifies,” 9/11/24


Al Hurra, “An expected ministerial reshuffle in Iraq .. What does Al-Sudani want? 10/31/24


Al Rafidain, “Arming the Peshmerga sparks widespread controversy in Iraq,” 9/20/24

- “Political sources: Al-Maliki filed a complaint against Al-Sudani as Prime Minister,” 9/20/24


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