Friday, December 2, 2016

Mosul Campaign Day 46, Dec 1, 2016

December 1, 2016 was the first time that no advances were announced in the Mosul campaign. More news came out about the day before however. Sumer and Wahda were attacked by the Golden Division in east Mosul marking the 45th and 46th neighborhoods entered by the Iraqi forces since the very end of October when the city was first breached. Roughly half of the areas are secured, and the other half contested.

In November, there were a reported 1,577 deaths and 2,566 wounded in Ninewa. Since the government is suppressing its casualties the real figures are likely much higher. The head of the Irbil Health Department told Rudaw that three hospitals had been set aside to tend to the injured. He said that they are overflowing with one facility having no empty beds left.

The International Organization for Migration recorded another rise in the displaced in Ninewa. In a week, from November 25 to December 1 the number of registered individuals went from 72,990 to 77,046, an increase of 4,056 people. Another 8,460 had gone back to their homes, mostly to the Nimrod district. There hasn’t been the massive displacement that many aid agencies feared would happen, but the figures continue to climb.

The majority of the displaced are living in camps and their situation just got worse. Rain and cold weather are hitting the country. In Khazir camp, Agence France Presse found tents being flooded and muddy conditions along with freezing temperatures. Aid agencies rushed in 6,000 heaters to the camp to deal with the cold. If the poor weather continues the camps will deteriorate.

Al Jazeera visited the historic site at Nimrod. The Islamic State made a documentary recording its destruction of the place, which was home to the Assyrian King Ashurnasirpal II. The Deputy Minister of Culture Qais Rasheed said that militants destroyed 70% of the town’s sites. The priority was now on trying to preserve what was left and that was easier said then done.


Agence France Presse, “Heavy rain piles misery on Mosul displaced,” 12/1/16

Beck, John, “How ISIL destroyed Nimrud,” Al Jazeera, 12/1/16

International Organization for Migration, “Displacement Tracking Matrix Emergency Tracking Factsheet 5# - Mosul Operations From 17 October To 1 December,” 12/1/16

NINA, "Anti-Terrorism Forces Storm 3 Residential Neighborhoods In Mosul, kill 16 Terrorists," 11/30/16

Rudaw, “Erbil hospitals overcrowded and struggling to cope with Mosul wounded,” 12/1/16

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