Monday, January 14, 2019

This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 14

1951 Grenade thrown at Baghdad synagogue 4 killed 10 wounded 4th of 7 such attacks on
Jews 1950-51
1991 Saddam called on Iraqis to fight to the death to hold Kuwait
1991 Intel chief Gen Samarrie told Saddam Iraq would be hard pressed in war Had bad defensive
positions and forces exposed
1991 Saddam said Iraq could take casualties and U.S. could not
1992 Iraq admitted to UN inspectors that it was trying to enrich uranium to build a nuclear bomb
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
1992 Kurds attacked Baath offices in Baghdad killing 36
1999 ABC reported on Dec 98 meeting with Iraqi intelligence officer and bin Laden False story
2002 UK Def Min analysis said weaknesses of INC outweighed its strengths
2003 Bush told press time running out for Saddam
2003 Bush met Polish Pres Kwasniewski Said he would support US in war but asked about
2003 UK Attn Gen Goldsmith told Blair that 2nd UN resolution was needed to have legal
justification for war with Iraq
2004 Gen Sanchez ordered investigation of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison
2004 US troops killed 2 civilians at anti-American protest in Fallujah
2007 Dep PM Salah said that insurgents were stealing around $1 bil a year from the Baiji refinery
2010 Election Comm approved Accountability and Justice Comm banning of 500 candidates before
March parliamentary vote
(Musings On Iraq article on banning candidates in 2010 election)
2010 Joint U.S.-Iraqi-Peshmerga patrols announced for Mosul to increase cooperation between
Baghdad and Irbil on security
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Peshmerga US checkpoints)
2011 12 ISI members escaped from prison in Basra Prisoners had help from prison and intelligence
(Musings On Iraq article on ISI prison break)
2012 Bombings of Shiite pilgrims during Arbayeen left 190 casualties
2012 Turkey’s Foreign Min Sinirlioglu visited Pres Barzani in Irbil without going to Baghdad
2013 Maliki released 300 prisoners in concession to Sunni protests

View the Iraq History Timelines

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This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 18 UN inspectors said no WMD found at sites listed by US

  1915 US consulate report UK forces in Basra under constant harassment by tribes