Thursday, March 14, 2019

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 14

1925 Iraq deal gave Turkish Petroleum Company right to explore for oil in entire country
(Musings On Iraq book review The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921)
1951 Grenade hit American Cultural Center in Baghdad wounding some Jewish visitors 5th of 8 such
attacks on Jews 1950-51
1959 Nasser gave 4th speech against Iraqi Communists Said that he would stand against the communist
(Musings On Iraq book review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)
(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)
1981 Cuba’s foreign minister arrived in Lebanon as head of Non-Aligned Movement attempt to negotiate
ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War
1983 Sec of State Shultz ordered US diplomat in Baghdad to discuss US financing trade deals with Iraq
1985 Iran fired SCUD missiles at Baghdad War of Cities 1st time Iran used long range missiles Saddam
ordered retaliation Baghdad would bomb Tehran for 4 weeks
1986 UN mission found that Iraq had used chemical weapons several times in Iran-Iraq War
(Musings On Iraq article on the origins of Iraq’s WMD programs)
1988 Iraq’s 43rd Div destroyed and Iran captured Halabja Iran captured Dukan Dam Turned back at
Darbandikhan Dam
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1991 Pres Bush warned Iran not to take advantage of Iraq uprisings to try to annex any territory
2002 Blair Adv Manning said Natl Sec Adv Rice committed to regime change in Iraq
2002 Blair Adv Manning said US working on strategic decisions on how to remove Saddam
2003 Rumsfeld told ORHA head Garner he was going to pick all the advisers that were going to run Iraqi
2003 Iran’s national security adviser said US would not have a happy ending in Iraq
2003 French Pres Chirac told Blair he would not accept a UN resolution that set an ultimatum for Iraq
2003 NSC decided on language for ultimatum to Saddam Included 48 hour deadline to leave power pushed
by Rumsfeld
2005 Netherlands withdrew its 160 troops from Iraq
2006 Iraqi police found 87 bodies dumped in Baghdad
(Musings On Iraq book review Voices From Iraq, A People’s History, 2003-2009)
2006 Report May-Jun 03 British worried of strategic failure in Iraq due to US mistakes
2007 Iraqi military announced deaths down 80% in Baghdad since start of Surge NYTimes found higher
number of deaths but still big drop US military said deaths in Iraq down since start of Surge but deaths up in Baghdad
2007 Pentagon report to Congress on last Qtr of 06 Said PM Maliki promised reform and reconciliation but
did nothing Oct-Dec 06 most violent period recorded in Iraq since 2003
2007 Report Dead bodies found in Baghdad down from more than 200 per week in Dec 06 to 80 per week
start of Mar 07 Number of dead from bombings in Baghad went from 528 in Dec 06 to 370 in Jan 07 Mahdi army off streets of Baghdad Many insurgents said to have withdrawn to Diyala
2011 Justice Min said it would close Camp Honor secret prison in Baghdad run by Maliki that used torture
on prisoners Was not closed
2012 Ninewa council voted to freeze Article 140 that was to determine future of disputed areas
2012 Baghdad police held Russia Today reporters for 3 hrs because were doing story on emo killings in
2013 5 suicide bombers attacked Justice and Foreign Ministries, Communications Institute in central
2015 Operation to free Tikrit stalled due to high Hashd casualties
2016 State of Law MPs probably pro-Maliki said Sadr’s protests in Baghdad could be infiltrated by
(Musings On Iraq interview with Cambridge’s Michael Clark on Sadr, protests and PM Abadi’s reforms)
2018 Sulaymaniya teachers promised to continue their strike over not being paid since November 2017 due
to KRG austerity measures

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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