Sunday, November 24, 2019

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 24

1915 Battle of Salman Pak ended British lost and withdrew to Kut Ottomans had 9500
casualties British 4500
1921 Churchill memo said when King Feisal could pay for his own govt he could decide the future
of Iraq Until then UK was footing the bill
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia/Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq book review Churchill’s Folly, How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq)
1952 Soldiers opened fire on protests against Regent of Iraq killing 18 and wounding 84 during
Intifada against Regent
1967 Iraq signed deal with France ERAP to develop North Rumaila oil field
1968 7th Baath Party Congress Izzat Mustafa ousted from Revolutionary Command Council One of
Saddam’s main rivals
1988 Iran and Iraq began prisoner exchange from Iran-Iraq War
1994 Barzani and Talabani signed ceasefire to end KDP-PUK civil war
1997 KDP declared unilateral ceasefire in KDP-PUK civil war
(Musings On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A Modern History)
1998 UN Res 1210 renewed Oil for Food program for another 6 months
2000 UK Foreign Office report Arab countries no longer supported sanctions on Iraq
(Musings On Iraq Book Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)
(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Report Section 1.2 UK Iraq strategy September 2000 To September 2001)
2003 US jailers used dogs to intimidate Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib
2003 Prison riot at Abu Ghraib 9 prisoners killed 9 American guards injured
2003 Weekly Standard published UnderSecDef Feith’s Iraq-Al Qaeda briefing claiming two had over
50 meetings since 1990s
2003 Pentagon released statement that Under Sec Def Feith’s Iraq-Al Qaeda work was based upon raw intel
and not analysis of relationship between them
2003 CIA sent Under Sec Def Feith list of problems with his Iraq-Al Qaeda work Said claim Zarqawi given
safehaven by Saddam was disputed
2003 Report Iran brought Hezbollah into Iraq to help it
(Musings On Iraq article on Hezbollah presence in Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq article on Iran’s Iraq policy)
2004 Sec State Powell told Bush not enough US troops in Iraq to secure country
2004 Report US portrayed Zarqawi and foreigners leading Battle of Fallujah but leaders were local
2006 Militias carried out retaliatory attacks upon Sunnis in Hurriya Ghaziliya Baquba Kirkuk for 6
car bombs the day before in Sadr City that killed 215 5 mosques in Hurriya burned another shot at another declared a Shiite husseiniya by Mahdi Army Total 19 killed 29 wounded Militias expelled Sunni families from Hurriya and threatened 90 more families to leave
(Musings On Iraq book review Voices From Iraq, A People’s History, 2003-2009)
(Musings On Iraq Columbia University Charts Sectarian Cleansing Of Baghdad)
2006 After funeral processions for those killed Nov 24 in 6 car bombs Sadrist imams blamed US for
insecurity and demanded US withdrawal from Iraq Sadrists threatened to walk out of parliament and cabinet if PM Maliki met with Pres Bush in Jordan
2006 Sunni imams in Ghaziliya Amiriya Adhamiya called on followers to protect neighborhoods and
attack Mahdi Army and police if they entered
2007 Oil Min Shahristani said oil deals signed by Kurdistan were illegal and companies would be
blacklisted Said made deals with neighboring countries not to export oil from Kurdistan Aug 07 Kurdistan passed its own oil law and signed 15 deals with 20 companies
2007 Report more Iraqis returning to Iraq then leaving Oct 07 43,799 Iraqis returned from Syria Was 5
times higher than Iraqis leaving Syria Jordan Lebanon Egypt put new restrictions on Iraqi refugees Govt said it would start bus convoys to bring Iraqi refugees back from Syria Only lasted 2 trips because govt unprepared for returns 60,000 displaced returned to Baghdad
(Musings On Iraq book review Children of War, Voices Of Iraqi Refugees)
2007 Sadrists held march in Sadr City against US for crackdown on Mahdi Army in Karbala and
2009 England started Chilcot Inquiry into causes of Iraq War
(Musings On Iraq Book Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)
View the Iraq History Timelines 

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