Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Coordination Framework May Not Get Full Control Of Iraq’s Southern Provinces As It Hoped

The Coordination Framework that already controls the central government was the largest winner in December’s provincial vote. That was to be expected as its main rival Moqtada al-Sadr called a boycott. It turns out the list may not run the south as it expected.


The first two governorates that might be a problem for the Framework are Najaf and Maysan. Both are Sadrist strongholds and Sadr warned the Framework about removing the governors there saying there would be protests if they were replaced. Al Aalem reported that Badr’s Hadi Amiri may enter into secret negotiations with Sadr to form the new governments there.


Basra, Karbala and Wasit are also issues for the Framework because the governors ran their own lists and won the most votes. Basra was won by Governor Assad al-Eidwani’s Tasmim Coalition. Likewise Karbala Creativity of Governor Nassif al-Khattabi and the Wasit Amal led by Governor Mohammed Jamil al-Mayahi came in first as well. The Framework can reach some sort of power sharing agreement with some of these governors or seek to replace them such as in Wasit.


Iraq’s provincial elections have always been more competitive for the national lists. Local actors like governors have always been able to create their own set of followers and exploit the state to set up patronage systems and the 2023 vote was no different. Sadr’s non-participation helped the Framework win the most seats in the provinces but didn’t give them the majorities they were looking for to sweep the south which is its base.




Al Aalem, “The Framework intends to bulldoze the conservatives and the loudest ones are not safe,” 12/23/23

- “Negotiations with Al-Sadr and the exclusion of Al-Halbusi … a new equation awaits the politicians’ whistle,” 12/20/23

- “One seat decides the new Wasit Council .. The conflict is intense between the governor and the Framework,” 12/2523


Al Rafidain, “Al-Sadr Warns The Parties And Militias Of The Coordination Framework Against Seizing Najaf and Maysan Governorates,” 12/23/23


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