Tuesday, December 5, 2023

This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 5 PM Maliki and his State of Law tried to stop case against Trade Min Sudani who stole $400 mil which helped fund party


1940 US Amb to Iraq sent note to PM Gaylani saying he was worried about direction of Iraq-

UK relations because of Gaylani’s overtures to the Axis

(Musings On Iraq review Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The National Movement in Iraq 1939-1941)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)


1958 Qasim had Arif arrested and held for a month in prison

1968 Bakr govt organized protest in Baghdad over Israel killing and wounding Iraqi soldiers

in Jordan day before Bakr addressed crowd Warned of Jewish 5th column in Iraq

1985 Lebanon’s Al Safr paper published petition saying 500 Iraqi writer and intellectuals had been

interrogated and tortured to conform to govt

1998 Iraq stopped second UN inspection but allowed another even though blocked some of its work

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

(Musings On Iraq review The Greatest Threat, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, And The Growing Crisis Of Global Security)

2000 UN Res 1330 renewed Oil for Food Program

2002 Gen McKiernan ground forces cmdr for Invasion met with division cmdrs Said current invasion

plan would get off to quick start but didn’t have enough forces to continue momentum to Baghdad Said wanted all forces in theater before invasion started Rumsfeld and Franks were pushing for invasion starting before all troops in theater

2002 White House spokesman said Bush and Def Sec Rumsfeld wouldn't claim Iraq had WMD if it

wasn't true

(Musings On Iraq Iraq One Of The Worst Intelligence Failures In US History)

(Musings On Iraq review The WMD Mirage, Iraq’s Decade of Deception and America’s False Premise for War)

2002 Def Sec Rumsfeld aid Herbits said he was taking over postwar Iraq planning because it was a

mess UnderSecDef Feith’s office was supposed to do postwar Iraq planning Herbits said he was screwing up

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign

Policy Tragedy)

(Musings On Iraq review State of Denial, Bush At War, Part III)

(Musings On Iraq review Hard Lessons, The Iraq Reconstruction Experience)

2002 Report Tuwaitha nuclear facility showed no signs of involvement in weapons program US labeled

Tuwaitha major nuclear weapons facility

2003 Pentagon banned France Germany Russia and other countries that opposed war from bidding

on reconstruction projects in Iraq

2003 US Air Force intel report Iran greatest threat to long term US influence in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq)

2003 UN Sec Gen Annan endorsed CPA plan for caucuses to choose interim govt that would then

write constitution

2004 Suicide car bomb hit police station at main gate to Green Zone killed 7 wounded 50

(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)

2005 Amb Khalilzad said he’d been authorized by Bush to start talks with Iran to get its help in Iraq

2005 Report US forces trying new Clear Hold Build in Husaiba Anbar Iraqis seemed disorganized

leaving US to do most things

2006 PM Maliki said he was sending envoys to regional countries to discuss conference on Iraq US

Abdul Hakim and Pres Talabani all rejected idea Nothing came of it

2007 Report 60,000 refugees returned to Iraq but only 2.4% of total Sep and Oct 07 had highest rate

of returns but then dropped in Nov Govt stopped telling refugees to return because couldn’t handle them Many refugees couldn’t return home and became displaced Some refugees were never able to come home for various reasons like working for US or being Baathists

(Musings On Iraq review Children of War, Voices Of Iraqi Refugees)

2007 Iraqi Red Crescent displaced down 4.8% in Oct 07 by 110,000 people First large drop in 2 yrs

Still 2.1 mil displaced

2007 Report US began going after Iranians in Iraq late 06 Used Quds Force to operate in Iraq

Sent in operatives right after invasion Backed Badr Mahdi Army Sheibani Network Broken off parts of Mahdi Army and formed Special Groups Quds Force set up Ramazan Corps to coordinate Iraq ops Ran 3 bases in Iran along Iraqi border

2008 Report PUK fired several members in England Blamed PUK co-founder Mustafa for building up

opposition to leadership Called for Talabani to resign Would lead to Gorran Party

2009 Parliament’s integrity comm said political parties were interfering in case of Trade Min Sudani

trying to delay investigation Said Maliki’s office directly involved $4-$8 bil missing from ministry Bought expired food and charged Ministry full price Bought food and kept it for himself to sell on black market Bought goods for double the prices Sudani signed contract with company owned by his son for $50 mil for old tea that was only worth $20 mil Bought contaminated milk from China Found $8 mil in expired food in warehouse Sudani’s brother and nephew got $40 in kickbacks from every ton of sugar imported by ministry Sudani used some of money to fund PM Maliki’s State of Law in 2009-10 elections

(Musings On Iraq Half Of Corruption Cases Against Iraq’s Former Trade Minister Dropped)

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2010 Finance Min official said worried about new govt positions being created for 2nd PM Maliki

term Iraq had 38 ministries Half were called unnecessary New Maliki govt would have 41 ministries and a new dep PM

2010 Report Sep 09 State Dept cable said PM Maliki told Amb Hill Iran trying to control parliament

Jul PM Maliki asked Pres Obama to get Saudis to stop interfering in Iraq Claimed Saudis backed Sunnis increasing sectarian tensions Mar King Abdullah told US he didn’t trust Maliki because he was Iranian agent Egypt supported US in Iraq Pres Mubarak told King Abdullah to try to work with Maliki Saudis supported Allawi and Sunni parties

(Musings On Iraq review A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, The Saudi Struggle For Iraq)

2012 Baghdad sent $ 1 bil to KRG as part of new deal where KRG would export oil for Baghdad

2014 Magazine editor assassinated in Sulaymaniya after wrote critical article about KRG ruling


2014 Report Oct Babil’s Jurf al-Sakhr cleared All residents around 70,000 forced out Dist had

representative in Babil govt who was kidnapped and then found dead in Shiite town Sunni judge from Jurf al-Sakhr kidnapped Babil govt barred people from returning claiming not safe Actually done to protect Shiite pilgrimage routs to Karbala

2015 Abadi govt demanded Turkish troops leave Ninewa KRG said Turks were in Ninewa to train

Peshmerga Didn’t leave

2016 KRG Natural Resource Min Hawrami said KRG wouldn’t follow OPEC production quotas set

for Iraq

2017 4 mass graves discovered in town in Sinjar Dist Yazidi Hashd unit suspected of killing 52


2017 Report Abadi govt took 18 months to repatriate less than ½ displaced 8 large cities declared

disaster areas Around 200,000 homes destroyed More than 3 mil still displaced MP from Salahaddin said govt had no plan for returns or rebuilding

2019 Pro-Iran Hashd marched into Tahrir Sq to disrupt protests 20 people stabbed Asaib

Ahl Al-Haq blamed Protests in Kirkuk Diwaniya Karbala Dhi Qar

(Musings On Iraq Pro-Iran Hashd Stab Protesters In Baghdad’s Tahrir Square)

(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

2019 Report Got Interior Min doc Said police shot at protesters in Wasit on Oct 2 Fired over

1000 bullets

2019 Report Hezbollah and Quds Force Cmdr Gen Suleimani in Baghdad to negotiate new


(Musings On Iraq Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander General Suleimani And His Role In Iraq, An Interview With The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins)

2020 Report Dep Head of Hashd in Anbar threatened to cut off hands of Anbar Ops cmdr after he

told Hashd not to post pictures of Abu Muhandis PM Kazemi said he was creating commission to look into matter Real dispute over control of border crossings and money they generated

2020 Activist shot and injured in Baghdad Another protester shot at in Najaf IED in front of home

of Dhi Qar activist

2020 Student protests restarted in 4 parts of Sulaymaniya over not getting monthly govt stipends

2021 Dep police chief in Maysan assassinated Was investigating Hashd assassination teams

2023 Report Pro-Iran groups divided over where to take attacks on US forces Kataib

Hezbollah mocked Asaib Ahl Al-Haq as cowards Kataib Hezbollah listed Resistance factions and didn’t include Asaib Ahl Al-Haq

(Musings On Iraq Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah)

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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