Tuesday, December 11, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 11

1922 UK Colonial Office wrote only reason King Faisal accepted in Iraq was because he was
backed by British
1961 Gen Qasim took 99.5% of Iraq Petroleum Companys concessions and created Iraq National Oil
Company Company demanded arbitration for Iraq taking it concession but Iraq refused
(Musings On Iraq interview with Western Kentucky’s Prof Romero on the Qasim govt)
1998 Chief UN inspector Butler met with Natl Sec Adv Berger and decided US would strike Iraq
Clinton wanted to send message Saddam was vulnerable
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
2001 Cheney said that Saddam needed to be careful and see what happened to the Taliban in
2002 Pentagon started another post-war planning group just 3 months before invasion
2005 Report French intel told CIA several times in 2002 that no evidence to support Iraq-Niger
uranium story
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2005 National Dialogue Council’s Salah al-Mutlaq called for US to bring back Saddam era police and
soldiers that didn’t have blood on their hands
2005 Sunni sheikhs and clerics in Salahaddin and Baghdad said they would not boycott the Dec 15
elections like they did in January
2006 Outside experts told Bush status quo and withdrawal plan not working in Iraq Said Bush’s
national security team had failed on Iraq and should be replaced
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)
2006 Ret Gen Keane told Bush US needed troop surge Protect civilians using counterinsurgency
2006 Report US intel and Pentagon not investing resources to fully understand insurgency and
militias in Iraq
2011 Human Rights Min found mass grave in Basra from Saddam era

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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