Wednesday, June 17, 2020

12 Year Anniversary Of Musings On Iraq

On September 11, 2001 I saw former CIA director and neoconservative James Woolsey on CBS tell Dan Rather that the United States needed to take out Saddam Hussein for the terrorist attacks upon New York and Washington D.C. even if he had nothing to do with them. I couldn't understand why he would say that, but it stuck in my mind. In 2002 when the Bush administration started its propaganda campaign to convince the public for the invasion of Iraq I decided to research why the U.S. was going to war. I first started writing on message boards. In 2008 that led to the creation of Musings On Iraq. Since then I've had 8.2 million page views, made 5,784 posts, and been invited to speak on Iraq in Tokyo, Japan and Vienna, Austria. I'd like to thank all the readers for their support and interest in my writing over the years.

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Security In Iraq Mar 1-7, 2025

There was another incident by the Islamic State in Iraq during the 1 st week of March.