Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Aug 1

1921 Gertrude Bell wrote US diplomat that England carried King Faisal on its
            shoulders into power
1979 22 coup plotters sentenced to death 33 others given prison time
1982 Dawa bombed Planning Ministry in Baghdad
1990 Iraq walked out on talks with Kuwait held in Saudi Arabia Kuwait offered to
cancel Iraq’s oil debts worth $14-$15 bil and lease Werba Island Kuwait and Saudis offered to pay $10 bil to Iraq for ending dispute Iraq said no and demanded $27 bil
1990 Revolutionary Command Council and Regional Command met to hear about
            meeting with Kuwait No progress Invasion order given
1990 US intelligence found Iraq moved divisions within 3 miles of Kuwait border
1990 Chief DIA analyst for Middle East believed Iraq would invade Kuwait CIA
            thought invasion imminent
1990 Pentagon meeting including SecDef Cheney and Joint Chiefs head Gen Powell
            agreed Iraq would not invade Kuwait
1990 NSC Deputies Committee decided Iraq was going to invade Kuwait after artillery
units detected Committee said Bush should send Saddam warning not to invade Kuwait
1990 NSC’s Haas convinced Natl Sec Adv Scowcroft to talk to Bush about warning
            Saddam not to invade Kuwait
1990 NSC’s Haas and NatlSecAdv Scowcroft convinced Bush to call Saddam to warn
            him about invading Kuwait Then got news of invasion
2001 Paper on increasing pressure on Saddam and supporting Iraqi opposition
            presented to NSC
2002 Senate Foreign Relations Committee began hearings on possible postwar Iraq
Scenarios Senator Biden warned that unless US gained international support it could spend $70-$80 bil rebuilding Iraq
2002 Iraq invited Chief UN Inspector Blix to Baghdad for talks about new inspection
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
2002 CIA made 1st paper explaining assessment of aluminum tubes Said they were for
            nuclear program Said high specifications showed they were for centrifuges
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2002 Clinton’s National Security Adviser Sandy Berger OpEd in Washington Post said
just because U.S. could overthrow Iraq didn't mean it should do it Berger said power did not mean legitimacy
2003 New US training program to rebuild Iraq’s army began
2003 After trip to Iraq DepDefSec Wolfowitz said most Iraqis glad US liberated them
from Saddam Said US commanders rejected more troops to help secure Iraq Said Iraq could pay for its own reconstruction using oil and frozen assets Said invading Iraq was crucial to fight international terrorism Said invasion of Iraq and creating democracy could be start of transforming entire Middle East
2004 Al Qaeda in Iraq bombed 6 churches in Baghdad and Mosul 12 killed 71 wounded
2005 Battle of Haditha began
2005 Oil Minister Uloom announced gas cooking gas and kerosene rationing to ease to
            help with shortages
2005 Constitution commission said it was deadlocked because didn’t have authority
            to make major decisions
2005 Ex-CIA officer claimed spring 01 received intelligence that Iraq had ended its
            uranium enrichment program years ago
2006 NY Times reported 3,438 civilians killed in July
2007 Iraqi Accordance Front withdrew 6 ministers from cabinet claiming Maliki was
            excluding them from govt that PM was sectarian and no reconciliation
(Musings On Iraq article on Accordance Front boycott)
2012 Russia’s Gazprom signed deal for 2 oil blocks in KRG
2012 KRG said it would restart oil exports for Baghdad to try to get a new revenue
            deal with the central govt
2015 Protests in Basra and Karbala over lack of electricity and services

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