Thursday, August 16, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Aug 16

1933 Iraqi army campaign to kill Assyrians in north ended
1946 KDP founded by Mustafa Barzani and Hamzah Abdullah
1962 Turkish planes shot down Iraqi plane in retaliation for Iraq bombing Turkish
border post while fighting Kurdish rebels
1967 Law No 97 gave more power to Iraqi National Oil Company
1980 Saddam told chiefs of staff that he was going to invade Iran Saddam thought Iran
weak but didn’t think Iraq could fight a total war and reach Tehran Decided on limited war based upon seizing Shatt al-Arab waterway
1980 Saddam thought war would allow Iraq to assert its influence over Iran and deter
            Khomeini from exporting his revolution
1985 Iraq claimed it destroyed Iran’s main oil terminal at Kharg Island but only
damaged it
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)
2002 NSC meeting Powell argued for going to UN for new resolution on Iraq Bush
2002 UnderSecDef Feith’s office claimed briefing day before convinced CIA Dir Tenet to
reconsider Iraq-Al Qaeda relationship Tenet denied Feith’s office had changed his view on Iraq-Al Qaeda Feith’s office said Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated CIA said they had contacts but no cooperation
2003 Insurgent attack on Abu Ghraib prison 6 prisoners killed 59 wounded
2006 Report Mahdi Army and insurgents fighting for control of Diyala Raiding villages
and forcing people out Mahdi Army trying to drive Sunnis out of Khan Bani Said Set up checkpoints robbed trucks kidnapped and murdered people on highway Many soldiers in Diyala were members of the Mahdi Army Others supported the militia US forces didn’t trust Iraqi forces in Diyala because of militia infiltration
2006 Followers of Mahmoud al-Hasani protested in Karbala Nasiriya Hillah against Iran
            and claimed Ayatollah Sistani was Iranian puppet
2006 Pentagon review of Iraq war found US used too much force in civilian areas
angered Iraqis and didn’t form alliances with them Providing safety and security for Iraqis was not a priority
2006 Marine intel report US not lost militarily but defeated politically in Anbar Cited
lack of US troops and no functioning Iraqi govt in province Said Al Qaeda in Iraq most powerful force in Anbar
2006 Report Bush told Middle East experts he did not support partition of Iraq Said he
            would make no policy changes in war
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)
2008 Baghdad-Irbil deal to have Peshmerga withdraw from Khanaqin Diyala and turn
over area to central govt control Confrontation ensued when ISF began evicting Kurdish parties and Peshmerga from town
(Musings On Iraq article on PM Maliki dispute with Kurds over Khanaqin)
2012 ISI carried out attacks in 19 cities leaving over 100 dead
2015 Abadi closed 4 ministries merged 8 others into 4 by decree even though legally
            had to go through parliament

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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