Saturday, September 22, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 22

1980 Iraq attacked Iran’s air force starting Iran-Iraq War Attacked 10 air bases but
did little damage and only destroyed 4 planes and lost 5 of its own Were not trained for low level bombings Didn’t have munitions to penetrated bunkers and missed most runways
1980 Invasion plan was to seize Kermansha Dezful Ahwaz Abadan along border in less
than 10 days Deployed 2nd Corps in Diyala to protect route to Baghdad 3rd Corps would invade Khuzistan province to take Dezful Ahwaz Khorramshahr
1980 Iraqi invasion of Iran began with divisions leaving Diyala towards Qasr e-Shirin
in center to protect route to Baghdad Also attacked Panjwin to protect Sulaymaniya and Kirkuk in north
1980 Iraq Attacked Iranian naval base at Khosrowabad at mouth of Shatt al-Arab
1980 Iraq declared Khuzistan a new Iraqi province
1980 UK Defense Committee discussed how to start selling weapons to Iraq during
1981 Iran began Operation Samen ol Aemeh to break siege of Abadan Iran’s 2nd largest
1987 Iranian speech at UN rejected UN ceasefire talks
1988 Pres Khomeini addressed UN condemning it for not doing anything about
            Iraq’s aggression during war
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1990 Iraq said if sanctions started to hurt it would attack Saudi Arabia and Israel
2001 Telegraph story claiming Iraq was funding Al Qaeda Quoted CIA and Israeli
2002 NatlSecAdv Rice said UN sanctions were failing and Iraq using illegal revenues to
            develop WMD
2003 Zarqawi bombed Canal Hotel Baghdad 2 dead 19 wounded
2003 Bombing of UN compound led to unanimous decision to evacuate UN
            staff from Iraq
2003 Bremer testified to Congress asking for approval of $87 bil in aid for Iraq
2003 Report Iraqi Governing Council members were going to tell Congress US
            reconstruction money being wasted
2004 US civilian Jack Hensley beheaded by Zarqawi Body dumped in Baghdad 
2004 2 suicide car bombs in Baghdad killed 21 wounded 150
2004 Gun battle in Samarra led US forces to seal off city
2005 Bush said with upcoming elections for parliament and constitution Iraq would
face more violence Said if US withdrew from Iraq it could become a terrorist safe haven
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)
2005 Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said Iraq could be breaking up
2005 Report Shiite cleansing of Baghdad by insurgents increasing especially in Dora,
            Amiriyah, Ghaziliya, Sadiya
2006 Ret Gen Keane told Joint Chiefs head Gen Pace he was failing and his only priority
should be winning in Iraq Gen Pace agreed to set up staff to go over Iraq strategy afterward Keane suggested Gen Petraeus should be new US Iraq Cmdr to Gen Pace
2006 US military said militias in Baghdad earning up to $1 mil/day via kidnapping
            extortion black market blackmail running Petrol stations
2008 Wasit council headed by SIIC refused to set up Tribal Support Councils because
            seen as tool of Maliki
2016 Parliament dismissed Finance Minister Zebari on corruption charges led by
            Maliki and Reform Front

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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