Tuesday, September 4, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 4

1921 Colonial Secretary Churchill memo said he supported Iraqi govt and
            independence to maintain British influence in Iraq
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia)
1945 Iraqi forces launched new assault upon Kurdish forces in Barzan 1943 Barzani revolt
1980 Iran shelled Khanaqin and Mandali in Diyala and bombed two other towns
            Saddam accused Iran of starting hostilities
1980 Saddam ordered army to seize disputed areas with Iran Would take 201 sq miles of
territory including small islands in Shatt al-Arab Iraqis would lose 100 soldiers while Iran 50
1991 U.N. investigation of impact of sanctions on Iraq suggested oil for food program
1994 Iraq accused Iran of arming Shiite opposition groups in southern marshes
1996 US fired 17 more cruise missiles at Iraqi air defense sites in response to
            Saddam’s moves against PUK
2002 At meeting on Al Qaeda Rumsfeld said Iraq more important than Al Qaeda
2002 Bush sent letter to Speaker of House saying US had to deal with disarming Iraq
2002 Rep Ike Skelton wrote letter to Pres Bush “To win victory is easy, to preserve its
            fruits, difficult”
2002 Bush met with Congressional leaders to lobby for resolution on use of force vs Iraq
Many were receptive to idea House majority leader Dick Armey told Bush if he invaded Iraq US would be stuck in a guagmire
2002 Rumsfeld briefed large number of Congressmen on Iraq He wasn’t prepared and
            wouldn’t divulge any info on threat
2002 UK Defense Ministry paper said that US had no clear postwar strategy for Iraq
            and that meant no winning plan
2002 Blair told ForSec Cook Iraq’s army depleted so he was trying to get nuclear
2002 Report on whether Iraq working on its nuclear program Quoted INC defector
            ex-nuke scientist Hamza who claimed Iraq could have bomb by 2005
2002 Report Iraq took reporters to suspected nuke site at Al Qaim and was destroyed 
2002 Germany’s Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder ruled out German participation in any
            Iraq war even with UN and EU approval
2003 Fmr CENCTOM Cmdr Gen Zinni said US had no strategy in Iraq and danger of
2003 Rumsfeld said US speeding up creation of new Iraqi security forces in face of
            growing attacks
2003 Rumsfeld talked with Iraq commanders about troop withdrawal Pentagon plan was to
            have 25,000-30,000 troops in Iraq by Sep 03 Instead 130,000 due to violence
2004 US op to clear Tal Afar began
2006 Report Dora south Baghdad 1st area Op Together Forward II started in Deaths down
dramatically Question of whether area could be held by Iraqi forces National Police brigade to take control but had little to no training
2015 Allawi condemned Abadi saying his reforms were unconstitutional

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History Jul 26 Report Iraqi officer said order given to kill all Islamic State prisoners in Battle of Mosul

  1920 Gertrude Bell wrote that Baghdad started the 1920 Revolt but lost control of it when tribes rose up and they list...