Wednesday, April 1, 2020

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 1

1941 PM Hashemi deposed in Golden Square officers coup after he tried to remove them Regent escaped to
Anbar with help of US Nuri al-Said and other pro-UK politicians fled Iraq Golden Square officers immediately thought UK ws plotting against them
(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Boich World War II In Iraq and Syria)
(Musings On Iraq article on 1941 coup)
(Musings On Iraq book review of Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq book review of Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The National Movement in Iraq 1939-1941)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Role of the Military In Politics, A case study of Iraq to 1941)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)
(Musings On Iraq book review Blood, Oil and the Axis: The Allied Resistance Against A Fascist State In Iraq and the Levant, 1941)
1941 US and UK believed Iraq coup part of German plan in coordination with invasion of Balkans
and Libya It wasn’t
1975 Iraqi amnesty offer to Kurdish rebels and army deserters expired
1975 Iran closed border to Kurds fleeing Iraqi government offensive against them
(Musings On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq book review Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)
(Musings On Iraq article on Nixon admin support for Kurdish revolt)
1980 Mustansiriya Univ in Baghdad bombed by Islamic Action Organization in attempt on life of
Deputy PM Tariq Aziz Iraq blamed Iran
(Musings On Iraq book review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)
1981 General uprising in Iranian Kurdistan backed by Iraq
1988 End of 2nd Anfal campaign
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
1989 Saddam held elections for new parliament as part of political reform after Iran-Iraq War 160 of 250
seats went to Baathists
1990 Saddam speech said if US supported Israeli attack on Iraq he would burn Israel
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s motivation for threatening Israel before the Kuwait invasion)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Saddam Tapes)
(Musings On Iraq review the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iraq in Wartime, Soldiering, Martyrdom, and Remembrance)
1991 Peshmerga repelled govt attack to retake Sulaymaniya
1991 Saddam’s forces put down Kurdish revolt in Zakho
1991 Barzani said 3 mil Kurds had fled to northern mountains along Turkish border to escape govt attacks
(Musings On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
(Musings On Iraq interview with National Univ of Singapore’s Fanar Haddad on the Impact of the 1991 Uprising)
(Musings On Iraq article on 1st hand accounts of 1991 Uprising)
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s view of 1991 Uprising)
(Ahulbayt Video on 1991 Uprising)
(Musings On Iraq article on how US encouraged 1991 uprising)
2002 UK ambassador to US Meyer warned Bush thinking of war with Iraq by autumn but no postwar
(Musings On Iraq article Chilcot Report Volume 2 Sec 3.3 Development of UK Iraq Strategy and Options April to July 2002)
(Musings On Iraq Book Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)
2003 Iraqi commander in south Gen Hamdani recalled to Baghdad Saddam told him real invasion was
coming from Jordan through Anbar
2003 US attacked Najaf Kut Samawa Hindiya Headed towards Hillah in Babil
(Musings On Iraq book review Voices From Iraq, A People’s History, 2003-2009)
2003 3rd Infantry Div moved through Karbala Gap and destroyed Medina Republican Guard Div
2003 ORHA head Garner made 1 day trip to Um Qasr port 1st time in Iraq
(Musings On Iraq book review Iraq and Back, Inside The War To Win The Peace)
2004 CPA adviser Larry Diamond told Bremer that there was a security vacuum in southern Iraq being
filled by militias
(Musings On Iraq book review Squandered Victory, The American Occupation And the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq)
2004 Mahdi Army attacked CPA compound in Nasiriya
2004 Gen Kimmitt promised to pacify Fallujah after Blackwater contractors killed
(Musings On Iraq book review The Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)
2004 US intel officer told press regime change in Iraq could have been promoted as part of war on terror
but admin wanted to scare public using WMD
2005 Report White House and CIA leadership created environment where only threat of Iraq WMD
reports were acceptable
2007 PM Maliki told Integrity Commission head Radhi charges against ministers cabinet presidential
staffs had to be okayed by PM office as way to block investigations
(Musings On Iraq interview with Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen on corruption in Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq interview with anti-graft US official Vincent Foulk)
2007 Report VP Hashemi and Pres Talabani in talks with insurgents in Jordan Anbar Salahaddin Diyala
Talabani said insurgents came to govt for talks 1920 Revolution Brigades Islamic Army Jaish al-Rashideen Omar Brigades Rayat al-Sood talking about breaking with ISI
2007 Anbar Salvation Council in talks with tribes in Amiriya Fallujah to split from ISI
2007 Report Zoba tribes started fighting ISI Reports of clashes between Islamic Army and ISI in Dour
Samarra Tuz Kharmato and Dhiliya in Salahaddin 2 tribes fighting ISI in Diyala
(Musings On Iraq article on splits within insurgency)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency)
2008 PM Maliki sent 1st Quick Reaction Division from Anbar to Basra to restart Charge of Knights
2008 PM Maliki said 10,000 tribesmen in Basra would be organized into a Sons of Iraq program Would
become Tribal Support Council
(Musings On Iraq article on PM Maliki’s patronage system including Tribal Support Councils)
(Musings On Iraq article Disputes over PM Maliki’s Tribal Support Councils)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)
2008 PM Maliki praised Badr and Dawa militia for helping to fight Mahdi Army in Basra
(Musings On Iraq article on the history of Badr Organization)
2008 PM Maliki promised jobs and better services after Charge of Knights in Basra
2009 National Reconciliation Committee said it began talks with Asaib Ahl Al-Haq
(Musings On Iraq article on history of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq)
2009 Baghdad was supposed to take control of all Sahwa in Iraq from US forces
2010 Iran said it would host Iraqi parties that wanted to talk about forming new govt
2010 Gorran head Mustafa taken to court for defamation against Pres Talabani
2010 Iraqiya announced regional tour of Egypt Qatar Turkey Syrian and Iran to drum up support for
forming new govt
2011 Protests in Baghdad against corruption and demanded release of prisoners
2012 PM Maliki said that if Pres Assad lost power there would be problems throughout the Middle East
Condemned Gulf States arming Syrian rebels
2012 KRG halted oil exports for Baghdad over payment dispute
2012 VP Hashemi went to Qatar violating his arrest warrant
2013 ISI suicide truck bomb on Tikrit police station and govt center
2013 PUK said it would run independently of KDP in next KRG elections
2014 KRG said it would export oil for Baghdad to help with negotiations with central government over
industry but didn’t happen
2014 Kataib Hezbollah said that it was involved in Shjariya operation in Anbar
(Musings On Iraq Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah)
2015 Mopping up operations in Tikrit with small attacks in north
2015 UN received reports that govt forces looting Tikrit after it was liberated and burning homes
2015 Sadr complained about brazen militias and said any that broke law should be brought to justice
2015 IS video of Ninewa sheikhs giving it baya
2015 KRG was $17 bil in debt Couldn’t pay public workers Started large borrowing
2016 PM Abadi’s nominee for Oil Minister in new technocratic cabinet withdrew name saying no
consensus on changes
2016 PM Maliki faction of State of Law said it would only support partial cabinet change
2016 Kurdish Alliance said if Fin Min Zebari was replaced they would not vote on new cabinet
2016 Higher Educ Min Shahristani and Foreign Min Jaafari refused to step down for Abadi’s cabinet
2016 Solution List complained that Abadi’s new cabinet was way to exclude some parties from power

View the Iraq History Timelines

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Musings On Iraq In The News

I was mentioned in this article by Aaron Zelin on the Islamic State's attempted comeback "Remaining, Waiting for Expansion (Again):...