Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Musings On Iraq In The News

Musings On Iraq was cited in "The Failure of Reconstruction in Mosul: Root Causes from 2003 to the Post-ISIS Period" by Zmkan Ali Saleem and Mac Skelton, in "Iraq's Political Marketplace at the Subnational Level: The Struggle for Power in Three Provinces" by Mac Skelton and Zmkan Ali Saleem for the London School of Economics and Political Science and in "Covid-19, ledijhadisme au defi d'une pandemie" by the Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique. I was quoted by Paul Iddon in "Daesh's reappearance puts fragility of Iraq and Syria in focus" in Arab News. That article was republished in Israel Noticias as "La reaparicion de ISIS pone en evidencia la fragilidad de Raqk y Siria". Was also quoted by Paul Iddon in "Weekend Rockets Part of Iran-backed Pressure Campaign against US troops in Iraq" in Media Line and in "Iraq's enemies fire a warning shot with Hisham al-Hashimi's murder" in the Arab News.

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