Sunday, November 25, 2018

This Day In Iraq History - Nov 25

1986 Iraq air strike on Larak Island oil facilities Longest air raid of war Used Saudi air base
for refueling Iran transferred loading tankers there after Kharg and Sirri Islands hit by Iraq Hit 5 tankers
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1997 KDP broke own ceasefire by attacking PUK positions
(Musings On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
2002 UN Res 1443 extended Oil for Food program
2002 US Navy report claimed uranium from Niger was in a warehouse in Benin heading for Iraq
Report later found to be false
(Musings On Iraq article on Niger uranium story)
2002 Head weapons inspector Blix told Security Council inspections would begin in Iraq on 11/27/02
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
2002 US intel took pictures of trucks carrying materials from suspected WMD facility in Amiriya
Used in Powell’s Feb 03 speech Analysts did not think pictures showed anything unusual 
2004 Defense Science Board report Iraq invasion gave jihadists around the world a cause and
supported their narrative
2006 ISI attacked Albu Soda tribe in Sufiya outside Ramadi for being neutral Tribe called US for
help and fought off insurgents Sheikh Suwadawi of Abu Soda tribe joined Anbar Awakening afterward
(Musings On Iraq article on Anbar Awakening)
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Carter Malkasian on Anbar Awakening)
(Musings On Iraq book review of Confronting Al Qaeda, The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy In Al Anbar)
(Musings On Iraq book review of The Marines Take Anbar, The Four-Year Fight Against Al Qaeda)
(Musings On Iraq book review Illusions of Victory, The Anbar Awakening And The Rise Of The Islamic State)
2006 1st Inf Div Cmdr Gen Ham in charge of US training mission in Iraq said previous effort was
“hit and miss” US did poor job picking soldiers for mission No standardized training program for Iraqis Lacked support
2007 Natl Sec Adv Rubaie suggested banning sahwa south of Baghdad except in Hillah over fears of
US recruiting Shiites

View the Iraq History Timelines

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