Friday, November 16, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 16

1914 British forces attacked Ottomans in Zain, Basra
1914 Leading Iraqi cleric Sayid Kadhim al-Yazidi gave speech in Najaf telling people to
            defend Islam against British and provide money
1918 UK commissioner for Iraq Arnold Wilson wrote that Iraqis were happy with
British occupation
1922 PM Gaylani’s second govt resigned
1922 UK cabinet voted to keep Mosul province as part of Iraq
(Musings On Iraq article on how Mosul province became part of Iraq)
1930 Iraqi parliament ratified new Anglo-Iraq treaty ending British mandate but maintained British
1961 Mustafa Barzani asked for UN aid to Kurds
1980 Iraq sent letter to the Iran saying Baghdad was still following 1975 Algiers Accord on Shatt al-
Arab and Tehran was violating it  
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
2004 Major fighting in 2nd Battle of Fallujah said to be over
2005 Cheney said people that claimed US lied about causes of Iraq war undermined the troops
2005 White House rebutted NYTimes editorial that questioned pre-war WMD argument for Iraq war
2005 Sunni MP Falluji accused Iraqi forces of carrying out sectarian extra judicial killings
2005 US-Iraq Op Steel Curtain to clear Qaim Anbar ended
2006 Govt issued arrest warrant for Harith al-Dhari head of the Muslim Scholars Association for
            inciting violence
2006 White House leaked to press that it was thinking of a troop surge in Iraq
2006 Rumsfeld asked Gen Casey what was going on with National Police Casey said training was
doing good but not their performance
2013 Erdogan met Barzani in Turkey and asked for his help with Kurdish vote in Turkey’s 2014
elections Asked Barzani to found a Turkish Kurdish party
2014 IS posted video of execution of American aid worker Peter Kassig
2017 NYTimes report Coalition airstrikes led to far higher civilian casualties than
            authorities admitted to

View the Iraq History Timelines

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 15 US led Coalition began ground operations to expel Iraq from Kuwait

  1917 British launched 3 rd attack and captured Ottoman positions in Dahra bend outside Kut