Saturday, November 10, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 10

1958 Iraqi Communist Party issued plan for Kurdistan saying it supported Kurdish self-
government within Iraq
1968 Baath assassinated former foreign minister Nasir Hani and arrested Western
1980 Iraq captured Khorramshahr Iran Iraqis called it “city of blood” afterward Iran and Iraq lost
around 7000 casualties each
1980 Heavy Iraqi losses at Khorrmashahr meant wasn’t able to seize Abadan 10 miles away and
secure eastern shore of Shatt al-Arab waterway main goal of war
1980 Iraq claimed Iran started Iran-Iraq War by bombing border towns in Sep 80
1980 Iraq gave up claim to break up Iran but said its right to Iranian territory would be determined
on battlefield
1981 Iran rejected Iraqi call for a ceasefire and said it was a sign of weakness by Baghdad
1982 Saddam said Iran wanted to rule Iraq not just get rid of him
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1991 Iraqi army attacked Peshmerga in Dawud after they refused to retreat to Irbil
1994 Iraq parliament recognized Kuwait’s border and independence
1997 Iraq said it would not allow any US planes to be used for weapons inspections
1998 All UN weapons inspectors left Iraq after Baghdad refused to cooperate anymore
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
2003 Bremer met Bush saying two routes for Iraq could be elections for new govt or CPA could hold
caucuses to pick govt Bush backed CPA
2003 CIA report more Iraqis joining insurgency Said Iraqi leaders not showing ability to run country
2004 Ayatollah Sistani called for a peaceful resolution of 2nd Battle of Fallujah Expulsion of foreign
fighters Return of govt forces
2005 Al Qaeda in Iraq took responsibility for hotel bombings in Jordan Later realized attacks cost it
public support and tried to justify them by claiming they were targeting Israelis an Americans and would never attack Jordanian public
2005 Nat Sec Adv Hadley denied that White House manipulated Iraq intel before 2003 invasion
2006 Bush formally asked his staff to review Iraq strategy because not working
2006 Iraq Health Min estimated 150,000 deaths since 2003 Previous Iraqi counts were 45,000-50,000
Refuted Lancet study that estimated 655,000 deaths
2006 Report After rejecting a US timetable for ISF to take over security in Iraq PM Maliki wanted
one that would have Iraqi forces assume control of most of Iraq by end of 2006 which was in original US plan
2006 Dawa MP Adeeb said that including Sunnis in govt was mistake Accused Iraqi Accordance
Front of being front for insurgency Said Sunnis wanted to seize power in a coup Accordance Front MP Hayali said Shiites didn’t want to share power Didn’t follow through with promises to remove militias from ISF Committee was supposed to work out differences within govt after election but never happened Sadrist MP Shanshal said parties were told national unity govt was only way to save Iraq but didn’t work
2007 Lions of Adhamiya Sahwa group announced in Baghdad
2010 Barzani called meeting and agreed on new govt with Maliki PM Talabani Pres Allawi head of
new strategic council Nujafi speaker Called Irbil Agreement
2014 IS announced it got allegiance from groups in Egypt Libya Yemen Algeria Saudi Arabia

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 15 US led Coalition began ground operations to expel Iraq from Kuwait

  1917 British launched 3 rd attack and captured Ottoman positions in Dahra bend outside Kut