Saturday, July 20, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 20 Ayatollah Khomeini endorsed ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War


1920 Pro-Independence delegation of Iraqis met UK High Commissioner Wilson who invited 20

pro-British Iraqis Meeting went nowhere British later tried to arrest pro-independence delegates

(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)


1920 British finally relieved army garrison at Rumaitha Evacuated them to Diwaniya leaving

rebels in control of town

1920 British garrison at Kufa came under fire from rebels

(Musings On Iraq review Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State)

1933 Mosul province told many Assyrians had left for Syria from Dohuk area

(Musings On Iraq review The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review State and Society in Iraq)

1958 Qasim agreed to aid from USSR Was meant to distance Iraq from West

1958 UK Amb to Iraq Wright said Qasim govt was opening relations with USSR but London

shouldn’t do anything provocative that might move Iraq into Communist hands

1959 Gen Qasim put several Communists on trial for hand in Jul 14 fighting between Kurds and

Turkmen in Kirkuk

(Musings On Iraq review The Making of Iraq 1900-1963, Capital, Power and Ideology)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq A History Of The Iraqi Communist Party Interview With Univ of East Anglia’s Johan Franzen)

(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

1961 Kuwait accepted into Arab League Iraq stopped working with League in retaliation Qasim

claimed Kuwait as part of Iraq

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)

1970 Pres Bakr attacked Communists for not accepting Baathist leadership in govt

1987 Iraq accepted UN Res 598 calling for a ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War Iran didn’t reject it which was

a first

1988 Iraqi forces reached Iranian border in Kurdistsan

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1988 Ayatollah Khomeini said that he endorsed Iran-Iraq War ceasefire

1988 UN Sec Gen de Cuellar invited Iraq and Iran foreign ministers to NY for talks to end war Iran

refused direct talks saying it didn’t accept Saddam’s govt Led Saddam to go back on offensive to make Iran talk

1988 Iraq tried to add 3 more requirements to UN Res 598 ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War including direct

talks with Iran Was meant to delay talks so Iraq could gain more territory to increase its position

(Musings On Iraq Remembering The Iran-Iraq War Interview With Author Anthony Tucker-Jones)

(Musings On Iraq The Iran-Iraq War Interview with Author Tom Cooper)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1990 Pentagon report said Iraq unlikely to use force against Kuwait

(Musings On Iraq review Unholy Babylon, The Secret History of Saddam’s War)

1990 Israel’s Def Min Arens and Mossad Dir Shavit warned Def Sec Cheney and CIA Dir Webster

that Iraq was trying to buy nuclear weapons tech Said Iraq was threat to Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait

1991 KDP and PUK launched attacks in Irbil, Dohuk, Sulaymaniya provinces UN said Kurds had

taken large parts of Sulaymaniya Iraq accused Iran of interference

1998 US asked PUK and KDP to meet in Washington for peace talks over civil war

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

2002 CIA Dir Tenet met MI6 Head Dearlove Tenet said WMD intel didn’t matter because war was


(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy


2003 Sadrists protested in Najaf after Sadr claimed U.S. forces had surrounded his house and were

going to arrest him 

(Musings On Iraq A Divided Sadr Trend)

2003 Report US military teams searching for Iraq’s WMD frustrated by not finding anything

2003 Report Jun 02 US started campaign to use No Fly Zones to degrade Iraq’s air defenses to

prepare for invasion

2003 Report US intel actually knew very little about Iraq’s WMD after UN inspectors left in 90s

2003 Turkey said US asked for its forces to be deployed to Iraq Bremer and Iraqi Governing Council

objected to idea

2004 Filipino driver kidnapped by insurgents Was released after Philippines withdrew its 51 soldiers

from Iraq

2004 PM Blair defended Iraq war to parliament saying caveats should have been included in UK

dossier on Iraq WMD

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

2004 Def Min Shaalan said Iran had an extensive presence in Iraq and Iranian spies had penetrated the


2005 State Dept cable Iran Rev Guard Quds Force smuggling weapons into Iraq and directing attacks

upon Coalition Said ISCI received $100 mil from Iran in 2005 $45 mil of which went to Badr

(Musings On Iraq Analysis Of Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq Interview With RAND’s Alireza Nader)

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

(Musings On Iraq A History Of Iranian Weapons Shipments To Iraq Interview With Arkenstone Blog’s Galen Wright)

2006 Bush told violence moving from insurgency to sectarian Overwhelming evidence Maliki govt

ISF involved in sectarian violence

2006 UK Amb to Iraq Patey said Coalition facing strategic failure in Iraq Civil war or division of Iraq

possible Happened despite political progress in Iraq but that also increased sectarian divisions UK needed to push Iraqi govt into lead and ensure it has monopoly of force

(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Inquiry Section 9.5 June 2006 To 27 June 2007)

2008 Iraqi Accordance Front ended 11 month boycott of parliament gaining no concessions from PM


(Musings On Iraq Sunni Accordance Front Returns To Maliki’s Government Amidst Recriminations and Challenges)

2010 KRG said it respected Iraqi constitution and would end all illegal oil exports Said it would

cooperate with Baghdad over oil exports Came after NY Times and Al Arabiya report son KRG smuggling oil to Iran which had been going on since 90s KRG always denied it happened Would continue to argue with Baghdad over oil Didn’t end smuggling

(Musings On Iraq Kurds Continue With Their Oil Smuggling To Iran)

(Musings On Iraq Iraqi Kurdistan’s Failed Independent Oil Strategy)

2010 Fmr MI5 head Manningham-Buller testified to Chilcot Inquiry Went over Mar 2002 memo

she wrote to Home Office that Iraq not connected to any anti-West terrorism since it tried to kill ex-Pres Bush in 1993 Found no evidence Iraq connected to 9/11 Were reports Al Qaeda and Iraq met no intel that two had cooperated MI5 chief said Iraq unlikely to use WMD unless Saddam was going to be deposed Found no evidence Iraq was planning on using WMD or that it was thinking of using terrorism

(Musings On Iraq 2002 British Memo Said Iraq Not A Threat To The West)

2012 KRG Natural Resource Min Hawrami questioned by KRG parliament about oil smuggling to

Turkey Said didn’t know details and cabinet had to be questioned Cabinet refused any questions Said only 5-7 trucks went to Turkey each day Was actually dozens 

2013 Parliament’s integrity comm said up to $130 bil had been smuggled out of Iraq since 2003

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2013 Report Energy adv to PM Maliki Ghabban criticized Dep PM Shahristani Said his numbers and

predictions on oil were exaggerated Said oil production predictions based upon deals signed with energy companies not global demand and potential of Iraqi industry

2013 Report Iraqi militias in Syria said they were just in Damascus to protect Shiite shrine Were

operating throughout Syria Started changing message to supporting Assad would ensure shrines protected

2014 House bombed in Sadiya Diyala where Naqshibandi leaders were having meeting 7 casualties

Sadiya had seen fighting between Naqshibandi and IS Afterward Naqshibandi created assassination squad to go after IS

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Resurgent Insurgency Interview With Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi)

(Musings On Iraq Update On Iraq’s Insurgency Interview With Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi)

(Musings On Iraq review The Caliphate At War, Operational Realities and Innovations of the Islamic State)

2014 Head of security comm in Diyala govt claimed 95% of Muqdadiya had been cleared during

security op 7 days before army said it controlled entire area

2014 Anbar Ops Command started new operation to clear Saqlawiya Was declared freed in June

2014 Hashd arrested 15 men in Baquba Diyala Killed them and strung up their bodies on poles in city

3 displaced said army and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq killed 18 Sunnis in Nofal Diyala

(Musings On Iraq review A Stranger in Your Own City, Travels in the Middle East’s Long War)

2015 ISF declared Husaiba Anbar freed 3rd time Saqlawiya also declared freed but wasn’t

(Musings On Iraq Fight For Iraq’s Anbar Continues As Islamic State Launches Massive Car Bomb Campaign)

2016 Report 18 Turkish military and intel bases in Dohuk 500 Turkish soldiers in province There

to fight PKK

2017 Golden Div colonel admitted there were still clashes going on in Old City Mosul Reported

250 families trapped in area because of gunfire

(Musings On Iraq Post Mosul Liberation Day 10 Jul 20 2017)

2017 Report Hashd put IS families in camp north of Tikrit Human Rights Watch called it an open

air prison Not allowed to leave Aug 2016 Salahaddin govt ordered IS families expelled from province Hashd commander said families sent to camp for protection Was only temporary and would go through rehabilitation program

2017 Ninewa Guard and Kataib Sayid al-Shuhada got into gun fight in Mosul Shuhada accused of

robbing store Led to argument and shooting

2017 Pro-Najaf Al Abbas Combat Div added to Defense Min Took direct orders from PM Abadi

2018 Protests in Babil Baghdad Basra Dhi Qar Karbala Maysan Muthanna Najaf

Qadisiya Wasit for services and jobs 2 killed 1 in Najaf 1 in Qadisiya by police and Badr guard Almost all broken up by police Activists in Baghdad said they were tortured and beat after being arrested

(Musings On Iraq 2 Killed As Protests Hit 10 Provinces In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Silencing Protests In Iraq)

2018 KDP raided New Generation office in Irbil New Generation said KDP blocked it from

operating in Irbil and Dohuk

2019 Report Head of Kataib al-Imam Ali in Qaim Anbar said his men crossed into Syria all

the time Said had contact with Iranians in Syria Anbar Ops head arrested on charges he provided CIA with coordinates of Hashd unit so they could be bombed Later released

2020 Since Spr 2020 4 new groups said they attacked US in Iraq

2020 Protests in Dhi Qar Maysan Karbala over lack of services

(Musings On Iraq Ebb And Flow Of Protests In Iraq)

2021 Lahur Talabani said he temporarily turned over power to his cousin Bafel Said rivalry

between two was decided within party

(Musings On Iraq Latest Dispute Over Control Of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan)

2021 Activist’s house bombed in Dhi Qar

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)

2023 Moody’s report Iraq had weak credit due to poor institutions and governance Weak

institutions made policy ineffective and hurt competitiveness Oil dependence made it vulnerable to energy market Political fragmentation and outside tensions high youth unemployment make it high risk IMF said non-oil economy shrunk 9% last qtr 2022 IMF said Iraq needed fiscal discipline Structural reform

2023 Sadrists stormed Swedish embassy in Baghdad for 2nd time after Quran stomped on in

Sweden Swedish ambassador expelled Iraq cut diplomatic relations with Sweden and suspended contract with Ericsson

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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