Tuesday, November 21, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Nov 21

1914 British troops entered Basra after Ottomans abandoned city
1926 Jaffar al-Askari became PM of Iraq for 2nd time
1946 PM Umari forced to resign in aftermath of Kirkuk Massacre where oil strikers killed
1946 Nuri al-Said became premier 4th time
1983 Iran’s Op Wa al-Fajr 4 ended taking a few miles of territory in Kurdistan
1997 UN weapons inspectors returned to Iraq
2001 Bush told Natl Sec Adv Rice he wanted Rumsfeld to start planning for Iraq
2001 Bush told Rumsfeld to update war plans for Iraq Wanted it done secretly
2002 NATO summit Bush was talking about war with Iraq and using new U.N.
            inspections as catalyst for action
2003 UN turned over Oil for Food program to CPA
2003 UK intel report Badr Brigade maintained close ties to Iran that armed and funded it
2004 Iraq Election Commission announced vote for transitional assembly to draft
            constitution would happen 1/30/05 along with provincial vote
2006 Iraq and Syria announce renewal of diplomatic relations which were broken
            during Iran-Iraq War

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