Wednesday, November 8, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 8

1914 British troops after landing at Fao Peninsula captured Ottoman Fao Fort
2001 NY Times talked with 2 Iraqi defectors from INC claimed Mukhabarat trained to
attack US and produced WMD
2001 Frontline airs “Gunning for Saddam” show full of conspiracies about Iraq behind
            9/11 and should be attacked
2001 PBS interviewed Ex Iraq nuke scientist Khidhir Hamza who said Iraq behind 9/11
2001 PBS interviewed Richard Perle who said Saddam most dangerous man in world
            because he could use WMD against US
2001 PBS interviewed w/Ex-CIA Chief Woolsey who said Iraq probably behind Al Qaeda
            and 95 World Trade Center bombing
2001 PBS interviewed  author Laurie Mylroie Said Iraq behind Al Qaeda
2001 PBS interviewed 2 Iraqi defectors who said Iraq trained foreign terrorists to
            hijack planes and thus behind 9/11
2002 UN Resolution 1441 said Iraq was in violation of previous resolutions and
            authorized new weapons inspections anywhere in Iraq
2003 Red Cross withdrew most of its staff after Zarqawi bombing
2004 2 Marine regiments started attack in 2nd Battle of Fallujah clearing northern
            section of city
2004 Zarqawi believed to have fled Fallujah during 2nd battle for city
2004 Battle of Mosul began
2004 Rumsfeld said most of Iraq stable with violence only in 4 of 18 provinces
2005 Another one of Saddam’s lawyers was killed in an ambush
2006 National Security Advisor Hadley memo to Bush Maliki either lying didn't have resources
            or was not explaining his goals
2006 Bush announced Rumsfeld out as Secretary of Defense in large part because of Iraq
2009 Parliamentary election law passed expanding number of seats to 325
2012 US Treasury Dept designated Kataib Hezbollah a terrorist organization
2015 Maliki ally said that Abadi tried to see Sistani because his reforms had failed and needed 

View the Iraq History Timeline

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 8 Baathist-military coup overthrew Gen Qasim

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