Saturday, February 24, 2018

Iraq Continues To Rank As One Of Most Corrupt Countries In World

Transparency International released its annual “Corruptions Perceptions Index” report for 2017, and Iraq was again near the bottom of the list. Iraq was ranked the 12th most corrupt country in the world. It received a score of 18 with 0 being the most corrupt and 100 being the least. Last year, Iraq was the 11th most corrupt country with a score of 17. For the last several years, Iraq has received a similar low figure with 16 from 2013-2015 and 18 in 2012. Previously, Transparency International used a 0-10 score and Iraq was continuously in the bottom 10 nations. Transparency International used 13 differences sources from 12 different institutions to score countries in 2017. A nation must be included in at least three references to be placed on the list.

The Middle East along with Africa were two of the most corrupt regions according to the list. Syria (14), Yemen (16), Libya (17), Iraq (18), Lebanon (28), Iran (30), Egypt (32), Algeria (33) were all in the bottom third of corrupt countries with Bahrain (36), Kuwait (39), Morocco (40), Tunisia (44), Oman (44), Jordan (48), Saudi Arabia (49) being in the middle and Israel (62), Qatar (63), and the United Arab Emirates (71) ranking in the top third.

Most Corrupt Countries
1. Somalia
2. South Sudan
3. Syria
4. Afghanistan
5. Afghanistan
5. Yemen
7. Libya
8. North Korea
8. Guinea-Bissau
10. Equatorial Guinea
11. Venezuela
12. Iraq

Most Corrupt Countries In Middle East
1. Syria, Score 14
2. Yemen, Score 16
3. Libya, Score 17
4. Iraq, Score 18
5. Lebanon, Score 28
6. Iran, Score 30
7. Egypt, Score 32
8. Algeria, Score 33
9. Bahrain, Score 36
10. Kuwait, Score 39
11. Morocco, Score 40
12. Tunisia, Score 44
13. Oman, Score 44
14. Jordan, Score 48
15. Saudi Arabia, Score 49
16. Israel, Score 62
17. Qatar, Score 63
18. UAE, Score 71

Prime Minister Haidar Abadi has said that corruption will be one of his top priorities now that the war with the Islamic State is over. Several governors have been removed for breaking the law, the bureaucracy is trying to cut steps necessary to get documents in an attempt to cut the opportunities to collect bribes, and a committee is being created to manage the aid received at the recent Kuwait conference, so that the funds are not siphoned off. At the same time, the 2014 Amnesty Law is allowing some of those convicted of graft to go free, while the anti-corruption Integrity Commission noted that a weak legal system is hindering an effective fight against the problem. There’s also the possibility that the premier’s talk about dealing with this pressing dilemma is election rhetoric before the May balloting. Finally, since all of the ruling parties benefit from the rampant corruption in the country there is an institutional opposition to do anything meaningful about it.


Baghdad Post, “MP warns of ‘mafias’ hampering push on corruption,” 2/13/18

Al Mada, “40 politicians convicted of embezzlement included under the Amnesty Law and began to pay the treasury,” 2/14/18
- “The head of the Integrity Commission: The legal system’s decay caused the release of 3,500 accused and convicted of corruption,” 2/4/18

Ollivant, Douglas, “The Other Battle in Iraq,” Lawfare, 2/11/18

Transparency International, “Corruption Perceptions Index 2016”
- “Corruption Perceptions Index 2017,” 2/21/18

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Review Shmuel Moreh and Zvi Yehuda, Edited by, Al-Farhud, The 1941 Pogrom in Iraq, The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2010

Moreh, Shmuel and Yehuda, Zvi, Edited by, Al-Farhud, The 1941 Pogrom in Iraq , The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2010   Al-Farhud, The...