Thursday, February 8, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 8

1922 UK Sec of War Evans wrote cabinet Iraqi army weak British military presence
            small Iraq vulnerable to Turkey tribal unrest so UK should withdraw from Mosul
1963 Baath-military coup against Gen Qasim Started with assassination of Air Force
            chief Radio station at Abu Ghraib seized
1963 Defense Ministry where Qasim was bombed during coup Communists took to
            streets and fought army in Baghdad
1963 National Council of the Revolutionary Command created to run new govt
1963 CIA allegedly supported 1963 coup because Qasim’s Communist support Gave
            Baath lists of Communists to eliminate
1980 Saddam proposed pan-Arab charter of non-aligned Arab states to oppose
            superpowers in region
1992 Report Bush authorized $30 mil CIA program to overthrow Saddam
2003 Bush said Iraq tried to buy equipment for WMD Saddam authorized his
            commanders to use chemical weapons
2003 Iraq turned over new documents about its WMD programs to UN inspectors
            that was called substantial
2003 UN inspectors went to site CURVEBALL defector claimed was secret WMD facility
            and found nothing
2004 After Iraq Survey Group said it found no stockpiles of WMD Bush said they
            could still be found and Saddam was still dangerous
2004 Report British intel spied on UN Security Council in 2003 during deliberations
            on 2nd resolution to authorize force vs Iraq
2004 Japanese troops arrived in Iraq for first overseas deployment since WWII
2006 Senate Foreign Relations Comm told oil electricity water sewage all below
            pre-war levels in Iraq
2007 ISI told new Baiji refinery director general that only Sunnis were to be hired at
            the facility
2011 Parliament human rights comm opened investigation of Camp Honor secret
            prison in Baghdad run by Maliki Nothing came of it
2014 IS joined Fallujah Military Council and agreed to cooperate with other militant
2015 Peshmerga destroyed villages in 5 districts in southern Kirkuk

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This Day In Iraqi History Jul 26 Report Iraqi officer said order given to kill all Islamic State prisoners in Battle of Mosul

  1920 Gertrude Bell wrote that Baghdad started the 1920 Revolt but lost control of it when tribes rose up and they list...