Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 28

1941 Mufti of Jerusalem Golden Square officers Rashid al-Gaylani had secret
meeting Decided to remove PM Hashemi if he insisted on ending relations with Italy
1941 Golden Square officers decided to replace PM Hashemi with Gaylani if he would
            not change policy on Italy
1963 Mulla Mustafa Barzani said Kurds would go back to fighting government if didn’t
            commit to Kurdish autonomy
1972 Iraq Petroleum Company came to terms with Baghdad over nationalization
            including compensation
1981 Iran told Islamic Conference Org that it wanted Iraq found aggressor and punished
            for Iran-Iraq War and withdrawal from territory
1981 Speaker Rafsanjani later told Islamic Conf Org Iran sure it would win war so
            didn’t want to negotiate
1987 Iraq ended one stage of war of cities after Soviet appealled and new arms deal
1987 During war of cities 1984-87 35 Iranian cities hit 3,000 dead 9,000 injured
            Baghdad and Basra hit 300 dead 1,000 wounded
1987 Ali Hassan al-Majid made governor of northern Iraq provinces and told to end
            Kurdish insurgency Would start Anfal Campaign
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
1990 Saddam warned of Israeli aggression backed by US at Arab Cooperation Council
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s motivation for threatening Israel before the Kuwait invasion)
1990 At Arab Cooperation Council Saddam demanded moratorium on loans from
            Gulf States and $30 bil investment by them to help Iraq rebuild
1990 Saddam said that if Gulf States did not provide money and help with debt he knew
            how to get it
1991 Bush announced that Kuwait was liberated and Iraq defeated in Gulf War Started
            ceasefire in war
1991 Saddam said that Iraq had succeeded in defeating the United States
1991 Jalal Talabani tried to tell State Dept of impending Kurdish revolt but was turned
1992 Iraqi army attacked Peshmerga in Kalak
1999 General uprising in southern Iraq planned following Saddam’s killing of
            Ayatollah Sadiq al-Sadr
2002 Blair told Australian TV Iraq was a threat because it had WMD
2002 Gen Franks delivered target list for air strikes in Iraq to Rumsfeld
2003 Iraq agreed to destroy Samud II ballistic missiles that violated UN restrictions
2003 US attacked Iraq agreement to destroy Samud II missiles claiming it was just
            propaganda not real disarmament
2003 Rumsfeld said Iraq never cooperated with UN inspectors
2003 UN said found no evidence of active WMD programs in Iraq
2003 UN inspectors went to site CURVEBALL claimed was secret WMD facility
            for second time for samples Found nothing
2003 UN inspectors found small stock of mustard gas and some old WMD
            warheads and Iraq built 2 banned missiles
2003 UN inspectors said Iraq had not provided any new information to answer
            questions from 90s inspections
2003 State Dept said Iraq tried to buy aluminum tubes for its nuke program
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2003 UK Def Min report said Coalition had to prevent security vacuum after invasion
            of Iraq and stop Al Qaeda from expanding into country
2003 UK Def Min note to Blair office said UK failed to influence US postwar Iraq
            planning & UK would have to deal with US decisions made for it
2003 ORHA head Garner made 1st brief of postwar Iraq plans to Bush 1 month before
2003 Defense Policy Board warned by peacekeeping expert Perito could be breakdown
            in law order right after invasion if Iraqi police didn’t go back to work
2003 Defense Policy Board told that US troops could not take over police duties after
            invasion because not trained
2004 Iraqi Governing Council said it would draft and approve an interim constitution
            Couldn’t agree on role of Islam
2004 Women’s delegation visited Iraqi Governing Council demanding interim
            constitution protect women’s rights
2005 Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide truck bomb on police and National Guard recruits in
            Hillah killed 127
2005 Annual State Department human rights report accused Iraqi security forces of
            rape torture and illegal arrests
2006 Prosecution presented Saddam’s order to executed 148 people in Dujail in 1982
            at his trial
2006 Report US warned about growing insurgency mid-03 and was largely Iraqi not
            foreigners Largely ignored by Bush admin
2006 DIA Dir Gen Maples told Senate Armed Services Comm as long as Sunnis were
            disenfranchised insurgency would continue

View the Iraq History Timelines

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This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 17 Saddam ordered missile strikes on Israel during Gulf War

  1913 US consul in Baghdad wrote if British took Mesopotamia there would be little resistance because public so apathet...