Saturday, February 24, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 24

1917 British retake Kut from Ottomans in 2nd Battle of Kut
1921 Churchill met with French who argued against Feisal being put in power in
            Mesopotamia because of his record in Syria against France
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia)
1955 Iraq signed security treaty with Turkey which England eventually joined Would
            become anti-Communist Baghdad Pact
1955 Iraq got control of Habaniya and Shaiba air bases from England UK would come
            to aid of Iraq in war and continue with military supplies under Baghdad Pact
1984 Iran ended Ops Dawn 5 and 6 attacking Basra after just 9 days with few gains
1984 Iranians started Op Khaibar attacking Hawizeh Marshes in Basra
1986 2nd Iraqi attempt to retake Fao from Iranians failed 10,000 Iraqis and
            30,000 Iranians killed
1986 Iran’s Wa al-Fajr 9 attacked Sulaymaniya to try to draw Iraqi forces away from
            Fao Peninsula Basra
1986 UN Resolution 582 deplored use of chemical weapons in Iran-Iraq War but
            didn’t say who was using them
1986 UN Resolution 582 also called for immediate cease-fire in Iran-Iraq War
1990 Saddam gave speech about liberating Jerusalem and warning US could take
            over Persian Gulf
1990 Saddam was trying to determine Israel’s policy towards Iraq before he decied
            to invade Kuwait
(Musings On Iraq article on Saddam’s motivation for threatening Israel before the Kuwait invasion)
1991 U.S. led Coalition attacked Iraqi ground forces to liberate Kuwait in Operation
            Desert Sabr
1991 US-Saudi Voice of Free Iraq began broadcasting calling on Iraqis to rise up and
            overthrow Saddam Allawi and Iraqi National Accord also part of radio station
1991 Saddam told aides that Coalition airpower would limit troop movement but
            Iraqi soldiers were better because of experience in Iran-Iraq War
1991 Saddam and aides believed that U.S. casualties would lead to end of Gulf War
2001 Powell said Iraq had not developed any significant WMD capability and UN
            sanctions worked
2002 CENTCOM intel staff completed first draft of intel estimate for Iraq invasion
2003 US UK Spain tabled 2nd draft resolution to UN saying Iraq had not taken
            opportunity to disarm 
2003 Russia France Germany tabled counter draft resolution at UN calling for step by
            step disarmament process in Iraq
2003 Turkish cabinet agreed to allow US forces to be deployed for Iraq invasion in
            return for $1 bil in aid
2003 Turkish Foreign Min asked US for $92 bil in aid and allowing Turkish troops into
            Kurdistan in return for US using Turkey for Iraq invasion
2003 CIA denied Newsweek story that Hussein Kamal claimed Iraq destroyed its
            WMD in 90s He did say that
2003 NSC meeting on Iraq oil sector Said US should not determine industry Went over
            rebuilding and getting sector back on line after war
2003 Bush told NSC important to get Iraqis to be seen running oil sector after war
2003 Bush worried about oil shocks due to invasion Saudis said they would handle prices
2003 US outlined general humanitarian relief plan for postwar Iraq including finances and
2011 All universities and institutes in Irbil closed to stop student protests
2011 Kurdistan Students’ Union told students in Irbil had to end protests or all
            services at school would be closed to them
2011 Protests in Halabja turned violent as govt building burned and 3 died
2011 Kurdish protests spread to southern Kirkuk province
2014 ISIS released statement in Ninewa attacking Maliki and telling people not to vote in
2016 Sources said Iran told Abadi he needed to keep Shiite quotas in any new govt

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 11 Turkish Pres Erdogan said didn’t need permission to operate in Iraq Told PM Abadi he needed to stay in his place

  1920 UK military force set out from Hillah to relieve garrison at Kufa Burned houses of Fatla tribe along the way duri...