Tuesday, February 27, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Feb 27

1982 US removed Iraq from list of terrorist countries in step towards restoring relations
1984 Iran captured Majnoon Islands Was turning point in war
1984 Iraq bombed Iran’s main oil terminal Kharg Island Said it would continue to attack
            oil industry until Iran agreed to end war
1984 Iraq used leased French Super Entendard jets for 1st time attacking two Iranian tankers
1988 Iraq fired missiles on Saqqez Iran killing 26
1991 Battle of Medina, Basra US 1st Armored Div and 3rd Inf Div defeated Iraq’s
Medina and Adnan Divs in largest tank battle of Gulf War
1991 Battle of Kuwait Airport US 1st Mar Div took airport
1991 Pres Bush declared Kuwait liberated
1991 Voice of Free Iraq radio station aired broadcast calling on Iraqis to rise up against Saddam
1991 Joint Chiefs head Gen Powell said he was ready to recommend end of Gulf War
            in 24 hrs Bush said should end it now
1991 Bush offered ceasefire Iraq accepted it
1995 Car bomb in Zakho killed 76 PUK blamed Baghdad KDP blamed PUK
1996 Iraq provided new declaration on missile program with more info to UN inspectors
2001 Sec of State Powell got Arab states to agree to new smart sanctions on Iraq
2001 DepDefSec Wolfowitz told Senate US reviewing Iraq policy and how to work with
            groups like INC
2002 UK Def Min said govt had to consider military action against Iraq
2003 Saddam agreed to destroy Samoud 2 missiles found to violate range limitations
            by UN inspectors US and UK said Iraq playing games
2003 Wolfowtiz told House Comm admin had no estimates of costs of reconstructing
            Iraq and wouldn’t know until it got there
2003 Wolfowitz told House Comm calls for more troops to handle postwar Iraq were
2003 ORHA head Garner learned he only had $27 mil to run postwar Iraq
2003 UK Att Gen Goldsmith changed his position that UN Res 1441 alone could be
            legal basis for action against Iraq
2003 UK oil firms met with govt officials saying they thought US firms were getting
            deals for postwar Iraq over them
2003 State Dept paper said multiple sources claimed Iraq had mobile WMD labs
2003 State Dept analysis said creating democracy in Iraq would be difficult and likely
            undermined by internal and external issues
2003 CIA told Sen Levine that it didn’t believe Iraq-Niger uranium deal made but Iraq
            might have been interested in one in 1999
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2004 Deadline to finish Iraq’s interim constitution Transitional Administrative Law missed
2004 Fmr chief UN inspector Blix told Guardian he thought US spied on him
2007 Mahdi Army began attack on UK bases in Basra
2009 Pres Obama announced withdrawal plan for U.S. forces from Iraq by 2011
2011 Maliki set 100 day deadline to reform government in response to national protests
2011 After Imam gave speech at Sulaymaniya protest was arrested and beat by peshmerga
2011 Babil Gov Zarkani resigned after protests and pressure from Maliki
2012 Diyala governor forced to resign after supported autonomy for province
2012 Head of Election Commission said that it got forms to register voters for
            referendum on Salahaddin autonomy
2016 Sadr led demonstrations in Baghdad calling for ending corruption and reforming govt

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